I'm wondering if Siheyon had a hand in making this happen.
Dajeong let's him back into his life. Sihyeon has been inviting him out and paying for him under the guise of being older and a big brother (former).
The Mom told Dajeong to make time for her....bc he's been spending so much time with this "new friend".
Then she dies out of nowhere bc of a drunk driver???
Okay....Maybe it was her time to go unfortunately, which I reeeally hated for that poor woman. She got them out of debt working a lot, while raising her son by herself and now that son is all grown up. It was her time to be happy, but then she dies....??????
BUT....what if Sihyeon orchestrated all of this to isolate Dajeong, now that he has his hooks in Dajeong finally?? Like he wanted from the start, which is probably why he strangled Dajeong all those years ago to make it so the parents would break up so that Dajeong won't become his little brother, like someone below excellently brought up.
Now, Dajeong is all alone and what does Sihyeon do at the end of the chapter? Invite Dajeong to come stay with him for a little while under the pretense of not wanting Dajeong to be alone since he just lost his mom. Dajeong might be seriously walking into the Spider's web and doesn't even realize it.

I was gonna give away weapons to those who wanted to kill this old fucker, but me thinks Gyuwon and Hwayoung will take care of it right away. So, instead....
Who wants snacks, while watching Gyuwon and or Hwayoung fuck this mutha fucker all the fucking way up?
I got popcorn, jelly rolls, honey buns, powdered donuts, cinna rolls, aaaall the Little Debbies...
hot lays, hot pringles, hot funyuns, hot ruffles, hot doritos, takis blue heat, nitro, and fuego, hot pickles, hot mixed nuts...
blow pops, sour straws, sour gummies, sour worms, twizzlers...
snickers, milky ways, rollos, 3 musketeers, carmellos, twix, whoppers, kit-kats, m&m's, 100 grands...
Water......*ahem* Anybody wanna bring the drinks? Water is all I got atm.

Yeeeeah, I'm not even gonna do that whole "I'm not crying, you are" type thing. Fuck that. I AM CRYING. Snotting, sniffing, ugly face and all.
If there was a couple who deserved all the happiness in the world and a long life together without drama and trouble, it would be Jin and Matthew. They've come a long way from that orphanage to the men they are now and the happiness they have....TOGETHER.

Hear me out...and I have a feeling I'll be the only one to feel this way, but that's okay. Lol
Soooo, I feel like Boss doesn't need a redemption arc from what happened in the main story bc he probably has nothing to do with Yi-hyeok and Inseo anymore. Yes, Dajeong most definitely deserves an explanation about the strangling situation and if (or when) he forgives Boss (bc lets face it, he will or we wouldnt be here), then tbh honest, even though Boss was a psycho in the main story, he just needs to continue to be one in this side story and hopefully Dajeong can match his freak. Not all secondary characters need redemption if they have nothing to do with the mains anymore. It would be better to let them be who they are and have someone be with them who is on the same level or doesn't mind the psychoticness. For me, sometimes it's weird when a character is psycho or a villain in a story and then when they get their own story, their redemption arc completely erases all the bad they did in the main story like it didn't happen. It's a waste. Like I said, this cant happen with all characters as this isn't implied to everyone. Just certain characters. Not every antagonist is a villain (though villains are antagonists)

Okay first of all, YAYYYY!! I love this story so much and I'm glad it updated. I wish the Author's Yakuza story can be updated too.
But anyway so, with the Lune Kimgdom Kimg, I think his name is Lambert?? I get why he's doing what he's doing with the Concubines. And I also get why he's doing in that way, but come on. You mean to tell me he had to come up with a whole ass plan to get those Concubines out and blackmail the famines so they can't go against it?? HE'S THE KING!! How can a Concubine tell him, "No, I don't want to leave!"?? Like I said, I get why he had to do it this way and honestly, by doing this plan, he's "crossing his Ts and dotting his Is". But it still makes it seem like, as a King, he doesn't have that much power like he should. At least when it comes to being able to yell his Concubines to gtfo of his harem and castle.
Anyway, I see someone posted the link to a Spanish translation of the story. Does anyone have the raws/another translation of the Yakuza Story by this author?? Even if I have to Pay!!!

Yeah....nah-uh. I'm gonna have to let this marinate for a few (dozen) chapters before I read it again. I reeeally liked it last season, but towards the end, it pissed me off. Especially with the brother's boyfriend having to marry that psychotic, daughter of a whore, piece of shit lady so that he can pay for his mom's medical bills. I hope the can't dies a slow and gruesome death.
And the MCs Yakuza brother? Hate him. I want him dead. ML? I started to hate him that last few chapters of the last season and this first chapter this season. I don't know why. Maybe it was his choices and actions, but I'm gonna try my best to understand where he's coming from and why he's acting the way he is. I can gather part of it, but I'm sure the story will go into even more detail than it already has.
So, I'll let this sit and marinate (build up chapters) in the back of the fridge until it needs to be cooked (until I read it again).
The Chairman walking in and inviting everyone to sit down like it was his home and then YAPPING off at the fucking mouth like a goddamned ignoramus gave me second-hand embarrassment to the 20th power. I cringed so hard that I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow. And then for the Family he blatantly looked down on to point out wtf he did/said wrong was the icing on the cake. And him seeing Tae-moon, HIS OWN SON, be happy and comfortable and smile with another family (who isn't rich and all about money) was the STRAWBERRY ON TOP. Then Seonwoo pulling him to the side and giving him advice was the dollop of whipped cream. Chile, cut that cake up and give me a slice IMMEDIATELY.