Sooo...I don't like the name Cheese. Like I get why it's called that and I found it amusing bc her last name is Cheddar, but since it's like an Information Guild...well, it's a Rumor Guild. Her very own Rumor Guild. Probably first of it's kind! Anyway, since it's a Rumor Guild, it should have a steadier name like Asiago...or Gouda...or Fontina...or Gruyere...or Harvati. Now, maybe these cheeses aren't around or named yet, but Im sure one of them and other types/names of cheeses has to exist so, it doesn't have to be the names that I listed. I'm just saying since she can't name it Cheddar, instead of just CHEEEEESE, give it a proper cheese name. Lol
Also.....where are they going with them flimsy ass, laced, see through masks?? Yall aint hiding nothing, but some air. They should have had on masks, like masquerade masks or something.
Masquerade masks in these stories are unnecessarily horrible. Yall know what I mean? When they have a Masquerade Ball where everyone wears a mask and you're not supposed to know anyone and can basically get away with things, including having sex in the garden 2 seconds away from the ball....but the masks don't hide jack shit. I forget what story it was but the MC literally had a mask over just ONE eye and only a FOURTH of a cheek and had the hilarious audacity to ask the ML how he knew it was her. Like, Sis, Sir Stevie Wonder, Duke of Le Music, can see your ass even through his shades. Who are you fooling? Lmao.

Sooo...I don't like the name Cheese. Like I get why it's called that and I found it amusing bc her last name is Cheddar, but since it's like an Information Guild...well, it's a Rumor Guild. Her very own Rumor Guild. Probably first of it's kind! Anyway, since it's a Rumor Guild, it should have a steadier name like Asiago...or Gouda...or Fontina...or Gruyere...or Harvati. Now, maybe these cheeses haven't been around then or named yet, but I sure one of them

Honestly? I would have liked it more if the story started out as Poly or something like that. This is just....Misaki is putting herself through too much foolishness, no, actually, ALL THREE OF THEM are putting themselves through too much foolishness for no f*cking reason. It makes no sense! And if it wasn't going to be a poly, then Misaki should have let Yuki go. If you love someone that much, and you see how much they are hurting, then you owe it to them to let them go. Even if it hurts you. Because what happens is just what almost happened. That person could end up going into depression and or unaliving themselves.
Yes, this situation ends up not being fair to anybody, but it's either you choose the person you claim you love so much and make them happy (by letting g them go in this situation) or you continue being selfish and forcing that person to stay with you through guilt. In this situation, no one is innocent. Not Shuhei (who went after Yuki to get closer to Misaki and ended up falling for Yuki). Not Yuki (who ended up cheating on Misaki because he was understandably too scared to come to terms with his sexuality and didn't tell Misaki first before all of this happening). And not Misaki (who wants to be selfish and have Yuki to stay with her despite him being gay [possibly Bi] and loving a man, and who has now created a situation that will tear all three a part and make things unnecessarily hard on everybody, while disguising it as "helping Yuki" or "doing this for Yuki".).

Oh yeah. I'm gonna love this one. I'm already in love with the FL. I just hate that it's so few chapters. I told myself I was going to wait until the chapters got into the dozens, but I started reading anyway and my only regret is that I didn't wait bc 8 chapters isn't enough for me. I cant wait to see what's coming next! This story is quite refreshing for some reason. Maybe it's just me.

Yeeeeah...when this comes back, I'll wait until it gets a few more chapters before I start reading again. The two brothers need to team up and drop those guys and just do their own thing. Block their numbers and with whatever money they have, get the fuck outta there. Their peace isn't worth being with Blonde Guy and Piss-on-the-face Guy. With the latter, I know he's doing whatever he can for his mom, so maybe it's my emotions and feelings that are speaking but if I were the brothers, I'd stick both middle fingers up their asses and have nothing to do with them again. This is just too much fucking drama. And I've been through unnecessary drama with an ex that made me feel like the world was caving in around me and I will never be in that situation again even if it kills me so, the brothers need to RUUUN. They don't need this drama. It's not worth it!!!

Exactly, at this point Blondie and Pissy face aren't needed. And Blondie is gonna go to the Ops basically. If the brothers wanted to do bad, then they could have done so by themselves. They don't need these two people coming in their lives and making unnecessary drama. It's over. Pissy Face chose the twat (LITERALLY) and Blondie chose Mafia bro so buh-bye to both! Good riddance

Well Chinwoo, you asked for it, now you got it. This is a "fuck around & found out" type situation and now your asshole is about to be obliterated. All because of what?? You wanted to see him angry? Like I said on Full Volume, there's innocuous and innocent ways you can make your partner "jealous" and "angry". But not jealous and angry to the point where he's FIGHTING and QUESTIONING his best friend and then CRYING. And you had the nerve to ask him, "Don't you trust me?" Like THE NEEEERVE. THE AUDACITY. Like....I cant with him!!!
And poor Woojin (who got his ass into this) was begging Chiwoo to stop Ho-In and he was just sitting their in a fucking daze.
Yall.....I love this story and I'm the type that could read 300 chapters of something if the author can make the story consistent and...well....good. I want LP to be around for a little bit more, but they are making Chiwoo even more unlikeable and he's making yet again another bad decision. Let's let Ho-In and Chiwoo be happy and either let the side stories be about Woojin and his red haired hottie or end LP and do a story on Woojin and Red Hair Hottie.

Okay, I'm kinda getting tired of her being an OP. And any time someone offers her help, she denies and wants to do it on her own. Like, I get it. She's a billionaire and now the richest woman in the world apparently. But Jesus. She can do everything and take care of everything and is highly intelligent and wrote songs in a band and can play violin and shoot dice, yet for 3 years, she allowed herself to be a doormat to her in-laws and invisible to her husband. Ugh.

I'll get sh*t for this but....LMFAOOO. I LOVE, LOVE the angry sex. Sorry, soooo not sorry. If you take out the emotions, angry sex is just really intense and rough sex and....I mean....this is the Sa Brothers were talking about here. They're two sexually-intense-in-a-hilariously-unnecessary-way type of guys. It turns out all soft and cute then BAM, they got that psycho-sex-face thing going on and just start ramming for no f*cking reason. LOL
I think Chiwoo from Lucky Paradise needs to take lessons from Taeju. If you wanna get your partner jealous, do one small gesture/say one small innocuous comment for 5 seconds and then just wait for it. But it has to be the right gesture/comment at the right moment and if it doesn't work then don't do it (for a few days straight like Chiwoo did). If they don't take the hint, then your best bet is to just tell them that you like it when they are possessive and jealous. But be careful what you ask for. Oh! And don't try that at home. I was strictly talking in the world of manhwa/webtoons. That shit really doesn't happen like you want it to in real life all the time.
Anyway, aside from my rambling, I hope Dojin talks Beom. Beom looks like the type of person who doesn't get into people's business, even if its his partner so maybe he needs to speak up too. I want these four to hurry up and meet up together. Oh! Maybe at a family dinner that Mama and Papa Sa put together and the Brothers bring S.Os. And Beom and Taeju bring their big tiddie--I mean big gifts.
Here we go again with the lies. I'm so tired of Rashta's 3rd person talking ass and her lies. And it seems like her lies catch up with her all the time so she has to lie to cover up that lie, but then that lie catches up with her so she has to kill somebody or destroy something to cover up that lie and lie.about that lie that she used to cover up the previous lie. And she's so stupid that she can't even understand that her lies and cover ups are just going to get worst and cause even more problems than what she can handle. It's an unnecessary cycle over and over again.
What did Einstein say about insanity? Yeah, exactly. 100% he was talking about this b*tch.
I finds her funny. It shows that you can be a dimwit and still becomes an Empress. You just have to believe RWEALLY RWEALLY HARD in your dream. xD