Ooooh, I see. I'm hooked. So this is kinda like Double Trap, I guess? Kinda sorta maybe? We shall see. <3
And like for D.T., I won't be able to choose between the Real Seme and the Other Personality Seme, even tho O.P.S. is psychotic......bc somewhere, somehow I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally attracted to Psychos. The "Why??" is yet to be determined (and probably never will be.).

Hey guys! I haven't read thus yet, but it's bookmarked. I do wanna ask what is a Constellation Uke? I know what Constellation is but is this like a "Verse" like Omegaverse, Guideverse, Cakeverse, nameverse, etc.?

Think of it more like Kim Doka and the other characters from ORV who is sponsored by these higher beings aka constellations to fight monsters to save the world for the higher beings entertainment lowkey. The Uke is one of those constellations which is why he’s a special case because he’s a human player that can be sponsored by other constellations but he’s a constellation/higher beings as well sponsoring another person. So it’s lowkey its own verse but kinda like guide verse cause the Seme isn’t listening to anyone but the Uke lol.

Yeah.....I'm gonna have to wait until this is completed before I read anymore. The ML is disgusting. Everyone is disgusting and the spoiler I just read in the comments about Favian...why even have him in this story?? He didn't deserve that. I want everyone in this to basically choke on a dick, with a hot sword up the asshole, and DIE. I even want the FL to die bc death would be better than the life she has right now, the poor thing. No one deserves even to breathe on the same planet as her. Except Favian, the poor bastard.

I love it when a ML has dimples (I have them myself), but I wonder why do the Artists place them so far back on the cheeks??? I've noticed in stories like Roses & Champagne, Caesar - the Seme and Miscreants & Mayhem, Nanmu - the Uke, have dimples but they're placed like nearly close to their ears. Is this just me? Does anyone else notice this? Is there a reason they're placed so far back on the cheeks?
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