She then inserted herself directly for no reason called out the Spanish, Vietnamese Filipino and Chinese communities in a now deleted tweet. She singled them out despite illegal readers, illegal Translators and Illegal sites an International problem that has nothing to with race. Korea having some of the biggest sites for these illegal uploads yet are never called out by the authors as far as I know they only called them out once people were asking why they were discriminating against certain groups of people but not Others it makes no sense when like I said its a global problem The Spanish community doesn’t have more legal readers than Korea it’s honestly just bs. Some people are saying if it’s not racist it’s very discriminatory at the very least. However the author of amov and pian pian Who are also from Lezhin tweeted in Spanish a year and a half ago illegal reader go to hell and illegal readers eat shit. Why tweet in Spanish when the latin community is not the only ones pirating work? We asked them and got no response. Instead people like her and like you are trying to gaslight the latin community into thinking they deserve to be treated this way when a lot of them actually buy the work and official merch. They are singling out certain communities and not others for no reason and putting them on blast using awful terms but no thats not racist at all.
Wow!! Nice way to sugarcoat your doings. The author never did anything like this. Y’all are just salty just bc she doesn’t want any illegal translations of her manhwa. It’s her choice. I also read from mangago but when she said to stop and it means STOP. If you’re reading illegally then just accept it. Don’t try to act like a victim when an author calls you out. You guys are insensitive brats who don’t give a f*ck about a person’s mental health. And she’s the author of the manhwa but you guys want to look like ‘victims’ so that’s why you start saying all this shit? You make the author look like a racist person just bc she said to not upload her manhwa illegally ? Bc she’s depressed? You guys are sick!!! Justifying your actions like you have done something good. There are a lot of illegal Spanish translations that’s why the author said that and it’s pretty obvious why she would do that cuz it’s her work. But you have the audacity to call her racist ? OMG! You guys are the worst human beings to ever exist in this world.
I've already explained in the comment that this is a international problem?
Why are you singling the Spanish community when it's not only their problem?? Where's the freaking data that the Spanish community has the largest illegal scans in the whole wide world???
I'm fine if this manhwa is gone. Good for all of of us. I feel bad at her sure, but am I wrong for saying she's insensitive?? I do think she is right to get angry but she's letting her anger get tru her 'cause she's saying dumb things.
I know the author of pian pian once tweeted in spanish to go eat $h!t if you read illegally everyone asked why tweet in Spanish when illegal readers is an international problem? They never gave us an answer just gaslighted the f* out of us. They have every right to be mad but the way they handle it is so questionable.
Le**in has the worst management ever lol. Their pay sucks and they encourage angry tweets of their author, possibly destroying that authors career because of how borderline uncomfortable some og their tweets may cause.
I think you are greatly underestimating her intelligence I’m not American i speak several languages and I know the term is racist and so does almost everyone else. I think she knows exactly what she’s saying and using language barrier as an excuse for ignorance just doesn’t cut it especially when Korea’s straight up told her illegal aliens was a term used by the far right to hurt hispanics and justify killing them at the American boarders. Its like saying the n word then pretending you don’t know its wrong to say.
Screens of that twitter or didnt happen
Even L*zhin apologized for also adding some verrrry questionable tweets they have lol
It's not Pian pian' authors tweet ...
https://imgur.com/a/muL1VCX It happened