8red created a topic of She is Also Cute Today

HSGSJABSBAH i definitely cannot wait for their progresss

8red created a topic of Pan Focus
8red created a topic of Program Me
8red created a topic of Should I

the drawijg is lewd hahaha but idont mind im actually looking forwrd for some action

8red followed a goer
01 07,2021
8red created a topic of You Are Always Crafty

i saw a ring is the boss married huhu.. but thinking back i swear i already red the original series of this story though

noooo shes breaking yanos hearttt huhuuuuu

8red followed a goer

you are gay BESTIE

01 07,2021
8red created a topic of Miss Angel and Miss Devil

i know some ppl dont like the plot anymore or confused but here i am loving itt, i love how there are many side stories! cause this webtoon are a masterpiece! if there arent any sidestories this web are long gone.

8red created a topic of Relationship Guidelines

tbh at this pount i just wanna wait until this webtoon is completed in this situation i dont a cliffhangerr!!!

8red created a topic of Opium
8red created a topic of My Princess Charming
8red created a topic of Yuzumori-san

This is so good its my 5th time reading this

8red created a topic of Opium


8red created a topic of Relationship Guidelines
8red created a topic of Love Wins