kizu asked a question

reccs pls! like what the title says, by unique, i mean it could supernatural like psychic abilities, no angst

kizu asked a question

its gotta be a manga, and it's gotta have a beautiful artstyle, smth unique, if you guys have any, please share

kizu asked question about question

Just a small rant (?) I've been reading a lot of (straight) manhwas recently, and honestly it helped me go through the tough times I've had in my life lately. Romance-wise, reading has helped me sort out the feelings for the person I like in both a negative and positive way. Negative being that I'll always remain to have high standards because I ......

kizu asked a question

pls im begging im begging smth lighthearted, good artstyle and good couple like them plsss

kizu asked a question

begging for bl mangas (jp) like Pink Heart Jam and Shout Loud My Heart not too much angst like Given though

kizu asked question about question

"i do admit that ive hurt him" "but i was just telling him how he should act" to "I'm not a manipulator" are you even hearing yourself? this drama has been going on for half a year now, and bringing it up now again on mangago forums is absolute ballz. hope you learn your lesson one way or another and i hope karma catches you even after you die. yo......

kizu shared experience about question
i really don't care if you find this offensive block me if you want it's not my loss, any normal decent human being would understand this. people posting on things are getting out of hand like seriously. posting about wanting to rape someone, get someone raped, molested, groomed. I saw a post where i have a feeling i know who and who they're talkin......
kizu asked a question

anyone reccomend something like Perfect Buddy; good office rivalry, any type of webtoon will do (or manga)

kizu asked a question

what's the most
beautiful/enjoyable/refreshing/fluffy bl manga you've read?

kizu already read

Haruki is a school nurse by day, natural-born manhunter by night. Lately, though, he hasn't bee...

  • Author: Nerima Zim
  • Genres: Yaoi

Imagine getting sexually assaulted again and again and falling in love cuz he finally ghosted you and you only realize it now cuz you got stuck in the bathroom like shawty what the fuck are you on

kizu asked a question

Can anyone recommend me bls where they have animal characteristics like from "Ookami-kun wa kowakunai" ლ(´ڡ`ლ)