Im more curious about Seo In's brother Jaewon. Chapter 31 I think it was, we see a panel on Yeongwoon's nightmare where he got beaten up in school and Jaewon was there.. got any theories on what role he played in their past? he's dead in the present and Seo In seems like he didn't really care abt his brother

I’m assuming that seo-in’s mom remarried to his brother’s dad making them step siblings ^^ and the brother prob felt possessive over seo-in… maybe bc he’s a model and has clout and that can bring prestige, or maybe he had some romantic feelings for him? But it felt like a possessiveness for sure based on what little we’ve seen from yeongwoon’s pov of the brother. The three of them used to hang out at some point, when seo-in’s doctor mentioned how yeongwoon seemed the same from back then. I think the brother knew that yeongwoon was seo-in’s first love, and hated the fact that he couldn’t monopolize seo-in’s feelings, so he had to beat down yeongwoon to get his way (to separate them). He wanted yeongwoon to feel like he wasn’t worthy of being with seo-in, and wanted to keep his bullying under wraps so that seo-in wouldn’t look at him any differently, and their mom covered it all up, prob bc of the family reputation and business. Seo-in felt the ick from his bro bc he prob felt how his brother was trying to keep him to himself… plus the kiss they had was prob nonconsensual. I’m unsure if he ever found out about the bullying yeongwoon faced tho

Ok I reread the last chapter, I don’t think seo-in knew that yeongwoon was being bullied, let alone by his brother. It seems like the scandal is gonna come out soon (last panel with the bullying rumors in the headline) + seo-in kept wanting to know more about why yeongwoon ran away in the first place and what he went through

I have a theory…but it’s definitely odd. I’m guessing Jaewon had romantic feelings for Seo-in and he’s the one shown kissing Seo-in during the flashbacks. That could be why Yeong is so unsettled and upset by the kiss … who knows maybe the two aren’t biological brothers! (At least let’s hope for that). Also, in the beginning, when we see Seo-in & Hae-Yool kissing, Yeong says “Brown hair, light eyes…Seo-in must have a type”.
tears in my eyes started flowing when i approached the finish line, ive bonded with this manhwa longer than my own relationships with people, im so emotional wtf