Hana April 1, 2020 2:37 pm

I see that there are some people who are still confused about Taram's family history, so here I am trying to straight things up. Half of this post has been explained in the manhwa, but there might be some spoiler. So please read with caution.

Let me get this straight first. Our ML's real name is Hue/Hiu. Our ML's brother's name is Hugo/Hugh. In the past, the duke wanted Hugo (ML's bro) to be the next head of Taram fam, but unfortunately Hugo (ML's bro) was seen to be too soft and not fit the position. Therefore, the duke changed his mind and made Hue (ML) to be the head of Taram. Knowing how it feels to be trapped under the duke's cruel hand, Hugo (ML's bro) killed the duke to set Hue (ML) free and then killed himself so that Hue (ML) would be the only person who can fit the position. However, before Hugo (ML's bro) did all this, he sincerely fell in love with a woman and had a kid wih her. He didn't knew that the woman was his half sister and yes, the child is our Damian. After all that killing happened, Hue (ML) took the position as the head of Taram's fam under the name of "Hugo" because he still thinks his bro didn't deserve what happened to him and because he hates himself for not being able to save his bro. Plus, "Hugo" (our ML's current name) also took Damian in as his son cuz he couldn't abandon the child of his beloved bro. From here on out, our ML has been living his life as "Hugo". No one else knows about his true self and the history about what happened except himself and that old man. Eventually "Hugo" will tell Lucia about what happend and they both decided not to tell Damian about his real father until he's grown up.

I hope this long rant clear things up for those who's still confused about the Taram's family history and Damian's background. If there's still something you're confused about, feel free to ask.

    sudosyd April 1, 2020 2:48 pm

    Great explanation!! Thank you

    aexbrn April 1, 2020 3:10 pm

    idk if i remember it correctly but i kinda remember lucia calling hugo(ml) “hue”(his real name) in bed? idk tho i might b wrong

    Horacio April 1, 2020 3:37 pm
    idk if i remember it correctly but i kinda remember lucia calling hugo(ml) “hue”(his real name) in bed? idk tho i might b wrong aexbrn

    She called him that as a nickname for "Hugo" (which she thinks is his real name). And the Duke still wants her to call him that because that's his real name. (●'◡'●)ノ

    Hana April 1, 2020 3:51 pm
    idk if i remember it correctly but i kinda remember lucia calling hugo(ml) “hue”(his real name) in bed? idk tho i might b wrong aexbrn

    Here's the problem when we're lost in translation, or more like, romanization Since this story is originally written in Korean, people might spell every name differently with alphabet. For example 루시아 that's literally read as Rusia, but no, our FL's name here is Lucia. Besides, Rusia would've sound weird to be a female name lol. The same thing goes with Hugo/Hugh, Hue/Hiu, Damian/Damiem/Demien, etc. The point is, you just need to understand who is who regardless how their name is spelled :)

    aexbrn April 2, 2020 11:55 am

    thank you!

    but why April 3, 2020 3:14 am

    does the duke = the old man?? I'm kinda confused because Hue says he's letting the old man stay alive because he saved Hugo's life, but then the manhwa also says Hugo killed the duke. I'm kinda assuming old man here doesn't mean father, but then who is he?? Is he literally just the doctor?

    Hana April 3, 2020 7:13 am
    does the duke = the old man?? I'm kinda confused because Hue says he's letting the old man stay alive because he saved Hugo's life, but then the manhwa also says Hugo killed the duke. I'm kinda assuming old man... but why

    The old man is the one who recently appeared on the manhwa and is a personal doctor of Taram's head family. Meaning he was the previous duke's doctor and now he is our ML's doctor. And as I've said in this post before, Hugo is actually the name of our ML's brother who killed their father aka the previous duke. The event where the old man (the doctor) saved Hugo (our ML's bro) is another story.

    Now let me say this again to make sure you don't confuse our ML and his bro. Our ML's real name is Hue, but for some reason (which you can read on this original post) our ML chose to use his bro's name ever since he became a duke. That's why our ML's name is "Hugo" now.

    Happy242 April 3, 2020 12:39 pm

    Not really an important question, but uhh so what happened to the half-sister? If they want to keep the bloodline wouldn’t the sister also be a descendent?

    Hana April 3, 2020 3:33 pm
    Not really an important question, but uhh so what happened to the half-sister? If they want to keep the bloodline wouldn’t the sister also be a descendent? Happy242

    Which half-sister? Currently the Taram family only consist of 3 people: our ML, Lucia, and Damian. If they want the Taram bloodline goes on, of course Damian needs to have a kid with someone. However, the crazy old man is too obsessed to keep the Taram bloodline goes on as pure as possible. Therefore, he has been insisting on incest route.

    Valia_valaki April 3, 2020 8:03 pm

    In which chapter it is revealed that Damian is Hugo's and his half sister's son?? I think I may have missed it while reading the story

    Hana April 3, 2020 8:36 pm
    In which chapter it is revealed that Damian is Hugo's and his half sister's son?? I think I may have missed it while reading the story Valia_valaki

    It has not been explained yet in the manhwa..and I don't remember on what chapter it was explained in the novel.. So maybe you can try reading the novel if you don't want to wait for the manhwa hehe^^

    Valia_valaki April 3, 2020 9:05 pm
    It has not been explained yet in the manhwa..and I don't remember on what chapter it was explained in the novel.. So maybe you can try reading the novel if you don't want to wait for the manhwa hehe^^ Hana

    Thank you

    Kat April 4, 2020 4:46 pm

    I have a question why is the old man so obsessed in wanting to keep the bloodline going??

    Hana April 4, 2020 7:05 pm
    I have a question why is the old man so obsessed in wanting to keep the bloodline going?? Kat

    If my memory is not wrong, according to the novel, the old man and his family has been serving under the Taram family (though right now the old man is the only one left alive). Basically it has been like a tradition for him and his fam to serve, take care, preserve, and make sure the Taram glorious bloodline keep going. His whole fam extremely adore the strength, viciousness, and the cold-blood nature of Taram fam. They want to and will make sure to keep the Taram bloodline as pure as possible because the purer a Taram member's blood is, the stronger, more vicious, and more cold-blooded they would be. That's why the old man and his fam has been trying their best to promote incest relationship. So I guess he's a mad man cuz he's born and raised by mad family lol. And you might even think of him as a masochist I mean, literally There will be a time when the old man is going to be captured, quarantined, and tortured by our ML but he shows no sign of fear whatsoever. Instead, he'll look like he's actually enjoying himself and (again) adoring how vicious our ML can be that our ML will get even more sick of him

    Kat April 4, 2020 7:20 pm

    omg idk what to say to that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hana April 4, 2020 7:28 pm
    omg idk what to say to that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Kat

    Lol just enjoy the story XD

Hana April 1, 2020 1:28 pm

You think that old man is crazy because he wants Hugo to have a daughter so that Damian can go Alabama in order to continue the Taram's bloodline? Well, I can't disagree with you. But that old man is not just crazy because of that. He is NUTS because he has also been secretly preparing a group of women whom he himself "created" solely to be Hugo's concubine in order to produce a sister for Damian to fuck. He prepared all that cuz he knows that Hugo can't get just any woman pregnant. That's, my friend, how obsessed that old man is with the Taram bloodline. He's not just crazy. He's a mad old man with fucked up mind.

    God Of Unknown April 1, 2020 2:38 pm

    Damn that’s like a new level of insanity Σ(っ°Д °;)っ I was not expecting this to be so dark, but I don’t hate it. I just can’t wait until he dies.

    Nyaan-san April 1, 2020 3:02 pm

    If that man dares to bring up any other woman than our FL imma jump in the novel and rip him upppp . Just give hugh a break from that blood line shit. And he better not harm FL (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    God Of Unknown April 1, 2020 4:00 pm
    If that man dares to bring up any other woman than our FL imma jump in the novel and rip him upppp . Just give hugh a break from that blood line shit. And he better not harm FL (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Nyaan-san

    Wait, since you said that, it makes me wonder if the previous girl tat was suppose to end up with the ml was actually one of the girls this old man created/prepared?

    Hana April 1, 2020 4:04 pm
    Wait, since you said that, it makes me wonder if the previous girl tat was suppose to end up with the ml was actually one of the girls this old man created/prepared? God Of Unknown

    THAT'S a very good question. Unfortunately I don't remember they explained anyhing about it in the novel..so looks like we'll ever know the answer..

Hana April 1, 2020 3:42 am

Is there a novel version of this story? Or is it originally made as a webtoon from the start?

Hana March 31, 2020 9:14 am

I feel like I've been cleansed from all of my sins. That was so pure, adorable, fluffy, and beautiful.

    Morg__01 April 17, 2020 1:51 pm

    Sorry didn’t mean to dislike, I actually understood what you sad pretty well

    Morg__01 April 17, 2020 1:51 pm
    Sorry didn’t mean to dislike, I actually understood what you sad pretty well Morg__01


    Hana April 17, 2020 3:21 pm
    Sorry didn’t mean to dislike, I actually understood what you sad pretty well Morg__01

    No problem. Things like this happen all the times haha

Hana March 30, 2020 11:41 pm

Omg at this rate, once a week update is no longer enough for me I need at least once a day update pls

Hana March 28, 2020 4:01 am

I want moooooore ;;_;;

Hana March 27, 2020 11:17 pm

I mean what do you expect me to do when you add CATS + BL + PLOT?

Hana March 27, 2020 10:11 pm

After finishing the novel (which I rate 9.5/10), coming back to the manhwa gives me goosebumps all over. I'm not saying the manhwa is bad, but God, the art (especially Lucia) is just too much. I know the artist meant to draw Lucia as a dreamy and sexy-but-innocent character, but they are trying too hard! I said this before and I'll repeat it again cuz I just can't stand it: LUCIA BLUSHES SO HARD WAY TOO MUCH IT GIVES ME CRINGE. And is it just me or are the drawings for her eyes and mouth getting larger and excessively beautified that they start to creep me up a bit? Did the artist forget that Lucia is not supposed to be the most beautiful (physically) character but still very attractive due to her personality? It's not that that Lucia is supposed to be drawn ugly (cuz she's definitely NOT ugly), but this manhwa clearly tries so hard to depict her as the most sparkly, most beautiful, and most alluring (sexually) character, which does not suit Lucia character from the novel.

Now, from here on out would be a bit of spoiler.
THAT FUCKING OLD MAN HAS APPEARED!!! Aaaargh it has finally gotten to this stage. I'm telling you, that old shit has sick and twisted fucking mind. He is basically the no. 1 character to be hated most in this story. Adding to that, the thought of SOON we'll be seeing the NO. 2 CHARACTER I HATE MOST in this story really boils me up!! Yes, I didn't type wrong. No. 2 most hated = Lucia's personal doctor (not the old man). I'm telling you all this now, she's the kind of terribly naive and oblivious character that you can't help but hate cuz for God's sake, she's such a fucking moron. So be prepared guys. You might need to grit your teeth or prepare a puching bag somewhere to relief your frustrations later on the upcoming updates.

    xxx March 27, 2020 11:52 pm

    Since i knew about novel after the mahwa so i literally love everything about this... But that upcoming thing, thanks for the warning pal (=・ω・=)

    Sinah♤ March 28, 2020 12:39 am

    Thank youuuu mate love yaaa

    Liah March 28, 2020 3:12 am

    When do we meet the son?

    Hana March 28, 2020 3:49 am
    When do we meet the son? Liah

    I think it'll be pretty soon. And you're gonna love him for sure! Spoiler ahead~
    Damian is such a precious boy who is a big fan of his daddy (not the biological one tho cuz he doesn't know about him until he gets older). I'd protect him for the rest of my life though he most likely doesn't need it since he's so smart, strong, and independent XD you'll also love the jealous ML who tries to get Lucia's attention when she's practically fangirling over Damian lol

    Liah March 28, 2020 9:18 am

    Awww! I’m looking forward to that, do Damian and Hiu bond at all?

    Hana March 28, 2020 7:06 pm
    Awww! I’m looking forward to that, do Damian and Hiu bond at all? Liah

    Oh they will ;)
    They are super awkward when it's just the two of them together but they are bonding much better than they used to with Lucia's help. The part I love most is when Hiu visits Damian's school and personally picks up Damian from his dormitory (as Lucia's suggestion). It's so damn hilarious to see how Damian's best friend got shocked and cold feet all the time over Hiu and Damian's awkward and mortifying conversation (which is a casual thing for them both) lmao

    xicey March 28, 2020 10:25 pm
    Spoiler~....Oh they will ;)They are super awkward when it's just the two of them together but they are bonding much better than they used to with Lucia's help. The part I love most is when Hiu visits Damian's s... Hana

    Does she never have a child of her own??

    Cherry_girl March 28, 2020 11:23 pm
    Does she never have a child of her own?? xicey

    Yup!!! A cute little girl!! Everyone, I mean EVERYONE loves her. But this is far later in the story.

    xicey March 28, 2020 11:45 pm
    Yup!!! A cute little girl!! Everyone, I mean EVERYONE loves her. But this is far later in the story. Cherry_girl

    Omg i was hoping it would be a girl.

    Hana March 31, 2020 8:55 am
    Yup!!! A cute little girl!! Everyone, I mean EVERYONE loves her. But this is far later in the story. Cherry_girl

    True.. it's far later in the story and if my memory is not wrong, I don't think we'll see a lot of her on the main story. Spoiler~
    She starts appering often in the extra stories (plus LOTS OF DAMIAN'S STORIES TOO). So unless this manhwa covers the extra stories too, I guess we'll miss quite lot of precious moments with Damian and Eve (the little girl's name)

    Caramel March 31, 2020 7:53 pm

    By reading the spoilers

    I know that in his blood line, only by way of incest can bear childern. So who is Damian's parents? I thought it is Hugo, the dead brother. Them who is the mother? Was she related to Hugo and Hui?

    Cherry_girl March 31, 2020 8:11 pm
    By reading the spoilersI know that in his blood line, only by way of incest can bear childern. So who is Damian's parents? I thought it is Hugo, the dead brother. Them who is the mother? Was she related to Hugo... Caramel

    Its was hugo, hui's brother and a cousin of theirs.

    Caramel March 31, 2020 9:01 pm
    Its was hugo, hui's brother and a cousin of theirs. Cherry_girl

    Oh I see. It is good that it doesnt have to be a direct relative.

    Fellow Novel Reader April 1, 2020 7:16 am

    OMG yess I HATED that second character too!


    Like how tf are you a doctor when you're treating them with medicine that you don't know the ingredients of?? That just made no sense to me! And she went off and made profit of selling that medicine too! It's malpractice all over (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I don't think naive is even the right word, just plain stupid and greedy!

Hana March 25, 2020 8:29 am

You know what can make you choke of laughter when you're rock hard?

Hana March 23, 2020 4:41 am

This was ended too soon!

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