Hana May 16, 2020 3:11 am

His face at the last panel looks like he's gonna use that stungun for foreplay/roleplay sex or something lolol what a little devil

Hana May 16, 2020 1:41 am

This sounds interesting but I think I'll start reading it when there are more chapters available...I just can't stand waiting and being left hanging;;

Hana May 16, 2020 1:16 am

I'm kind of disappointed to see how the doctor in Lucia's dream was drawn. In the novel, the doctor was described to be shabby poor old man who was wandering from town to town. Even the Lucia in this manhwa also described him as "shabby man", but look at the drawing! He is NOT SHABBY AT ALL! If anything, the neat white shirt is making him look like, well, a neat man. And the house! What's with the huge house! He's not supposed to be drawn as a well off man like that;; Based on the novel, I was honestly expecting to see Lucia's first meeting with that doctor (in her dream) occured around the side of the road somewhere with him sitting down like a beggar or hopeless man...but looks like the artist of this manhwa really likes to beautify(?) things a bit too much huh? Just like how Lucia is drawn..and Hugo in these recent chapters;;; Like, I admit the drawing of Lucia's breast and thighs while she was sitting on Hugo's laps are so on point BUT Lucia DOES NOT HAVE VOLUPTUOUS BODY! She is a character who has quite plain physic but amazing personality. That's how Lucia is supposed to be drawn...yet this;;;; I just find it funny and awkward to see how inconsistent the drawings are. Sometimes Lucia looks thin and small, sometimes voluptuous, sometimes badass, and sometimes horrifying;; And Hugo also sometimes looks like a fucking hot daddy, but sometimes looks like a supposed to be hot gay guy in a comedy/yaoi manhwa;;; Like seriously, can't you choose how to describe these characters in this amazing story and stick to it till the end? I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I'm only trying to analyze things objectively here.

    medeva May 16, 2020 3:21 am

    you can’t be too surprised that the comic goes in a slightly different direction than the novel... that literally happens all the time with an adaption of another work

    Hana May 16, 2020 4:54 am
    you can’t be too surprised that the comic goes in a slightly different direction than the novel... that literally happens all the time with an adaption of another work medeva

    True, but that doesn't mean that I can't have expectation and feel disappointed if my expectation is not fulfilled, right?

    shoujo_otaku May 16, 2020 7:41 am

    I read the webtoon first and then the novel. After revisiting the webtoon, i somewhat feel the same way. In the novel, Lucia isn't really described as plain. More like pretty but not beautiful. What made others consider her beautiful was her serene and elegant demeanor and bright smile. So yes, her personality made her very charming and even attracted quite a number of men and added to her already attractive appearance. So i agree, i see glimpses of it in the webtoon and I wish we saw more of it :/ but i wouldn't say she's plain.. many men liked her pale and smooth complexion although she wasn't a great beauty like her half-sister. And yes, she definitely was not voluptuous. In fact, she was described having small breasts and had a very slim body. She was viewed as even more beautiful when the dressmaker started styling her. I definitely wish the artist stuck to this description more :/ it adds to Lucia's depth as a character because it was through her good nature and charm that she became popular in society.

    Hana May 16, 2020 11:04 pm
    I read the webtoon first and then the novel. After revisiting the webtoon, i somewhat feel the same way. In the novel, Lucia isn't really described as plain. More like pretty but not beautiful. What made others... shoujo_otaku

    Exactly my point! I wish the artist would quit over beautifying(?) the characters;;; istg Lucia and Hugo's appearances sometimes give me chills and cringe;;;

    Sakuraruu May 17, 2020 3:05 am
    Exactly my point! I wish the artist would quit over beautifying(?) the characters;;; istg Lucia and Hugo's appearances sometimes give me chills and cringe;;; Hana

    I have not yet read the novel. But I do agree on the inconsistencies of the drawing. The way the artist draw both Lead at the earliest chapters was already good and quite matching what the novel describes(heard from comments).
    But as new chapters came, the drawing of them keep changing.
    That voluptuous Lucia totally threw me off. The duke keep getting bigger and bigger and his eyes.... I don’t know man, feels weirder and weirder.....
    But well, I stay for the story.

    Hana May 17, 2020 5:01 pm
    I have not yet read the novel. But I do agree on the inconsistencies of the drawing. The way the artist draw both Lead at the earliest chapters was already good and quite matching what the novel describes(heard... Sakuraruu

    Me too!!! I only keep reading this manhwa because of the story;;; I had finished novel some time ago, so now I just wanna see how the story looks like in drawing...but as you can see, it's not as great as I expected it to be;; Nevertheless, I still keep reading in hope to see the drawing gets better as the story goes on.

    Sakuraruu May 18, 2020 4:27 am
    Me too!!! I only keep reading this manhwa because of the story;;; I had finished novel some time ago, so now I just wanna see how the story looks like in drawing...but as you can see, it's not as great as I exp... Hana

    I don’t know if it will become better or not....
    I just wish the drawing went back to the earliest chapter’s drawing where them both still looks good & normal.

    Hana May 18, 2020 4:57 am
    I don’t know if it will become better or not.... I just wish the drawing went back to the earliest chapter’s drawing where them both still looks good & normal. Sakuraruu

    Right...that alone would've made me feel grateful enough lol;;

    Empress Zia May 18, 2020 2:30 pm

    I feel you bout the doctor, boy that let down was on another level. Like the fuck.... that seriously the best you could do..... a dark cloud covering JUST his face?????? He's supposed to be shabby so why he look better off than Lucia????? I was also looking forward to how Lucia would look because the story described her as being well along in age by the time she meets the doctor, but here she looks exactly as she does right now with Hue.

    Hana May 18, 2020 3:31 pm
    I feel you bout the doctor, boy that let down was on another level. Like the fuck.... that seriously the best you could do..... a dark cloud covering JUST his face?????? He's supposed to be shabby so why he loo... Empress Zia

    LOL IKR?! Seeing the supposed to be "shabby doctor" wears such neat shirt, lives in a spacious house, and only has his face censored by dark matter(?) makes me wonder if the artist really understands what the word "shabby" means. It really is such a shame;;

    Sakuraruu May 19, 2020 3:54 am
    LOL IKR?! Seeing the supposed to be "shabby doctor" wears such neat shirt, lives in a spacious house, and only has his face censored by dark matter(?) makes me wonder if the artist really understands what the w... Hana

    If the artist is trying to hide the doctor’s identity by drawing only black cloud to cover his face, that just so stupid when the rest of him is totally gave out his identity....
    If readers would know who he is anyway, why don’t do better job by drawing him exactly how the novel said?
    Maybe drawn him wearing some worn-out brown hooded cloak, messy long hair with messy long beard, a more smaller house with old style interior, eyes that shown wisdom but has lost the purpose of his life.... something like that....
    And, if it’s after so many years, why the heck Lucia’s appearances did not changes at all except for her hair?? Is she immortal with the ability to stay young? Is she vampire?

    Hana May 19, 2020 6:35 am
    If the artist is trying to hide the doctor’s identity by drawing only black cloud to cover his face, that just so stupid when the rest of him is totally gave out his identity....If readers would know who he i... Sakuraruu

    Which is why I said the artist seems to like to over beautifying(?) things lolol yet there are still some people who say they love the artist's style of drawing despite the fact of how inconsistent it is and how that inconsistency might give us readers chills/goosebumps cuz of how creepy the drawing could be lol

    Hana May 19, 2020 6:41 am
    If the artist is trying to hide the doctor’s identity by drawing only black cloud to cover his face, that just so stupid when the rest of him is totally gave out his identity....If readers would know who he i... Sakuraruu

    Ah btw your suggestion of how the shabby doctor should have been drawn is EXACTLY HOW I HOPED IT TO BE! But daaamn I can only see that kind of set in my imagination now;;;; what a shame what a shame;;;;

Hana May 16, 2020 12:12 am

Second time reading this. I wonder if this has actually been completed or not..? But I really love the story! Erogenous zone inside the mouth?! It's really turning me on

Hana May 5, 2020 7:02 pm

I'm always up for protective (yandere) male kid and competitive (easily-get-jealous) lover! I mean, aren't those basically what most women dream to have irl?! XD

Hana May 4, 2020 6:23 pm

HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT TWO FACED AIN KID ALREADY XD can anyone tell me if there's a novel version of this or not? If there is, where could I read them? I can't wait to know more! XD

Hana May 3, 2020 7:03 pm

I'm smiling like crazy. I'm crying. My heart's throbbing. What is this feeling? Happiness? Joy? Bliss? Will I ever be able to have my own happy family like they do? Idk, but I'm so satisfied reading this story :"))))

Hana April 27, 2020 5:33 pm

Halapeno is way better and funnier than pepper

Hana April 23, 2020 9:57 pm

For those who judge this story is BAD BECAUSE THERE IS RAPE OR STALKING ELEMENT IN IT, maybe this kind of story is just NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA cuz if we see it from psychological/romance/comedy points of view objectively, this story is pretty well made and well delivered :) Sometimes it kind of irritates me how some people always judge a story is BAD BECAUSE THERE IS RAPE OR STALKING ELEMENT IN IT without objectively viewing and analyzing the whole construct of the story itself. If rape and such do not make you comfortable, then feel free not to read the kind of story that has such element in it. If you still read it anyway for some reasons, then it's completely fine to quit reading in the middle of the way or skip that part when you start feeling uncomfortable. HOWEVER, I don't think you have the right to judge how good or bad the whole story really is objectively because then your judgement would have been very subjective and might badly affect the opinion of other people who has not read the story.

    SebaSuk April 23, 2020 10:18 pm

    I hate how yaoi romantise it. Can you please explain to me, why would someone think about rape as something comfortable or "your cup of tea" as you have mentioned? Of course i'm gonna judge the story if the ml is a rapist like, excuse me, but rape is something to take seriously. Of course it's the authors work to tell the story je wants to portrait, but what is wrong to feel disgust to rape?

    ChewingGum April 23, 2020 10:21 pm


    RokoBoko April 23, 2020 10:23 pm
    I hate how yaoi romantise it. Can you please explain to me, why would someone think about rape as something comfortable or "your cup of tea" as you have mentioned? Of course i'm gonna judge the story if the ml ... SebaSuk

    yessss exactly

    ChewingGum April 23, 2020 10:30 pm
    PERIODT ChewingGum

    But rape isn’t something to be taken lightly lmao but I agree that if u don’t like the rape u aren’t forced to watch u can also watch shounen-ai which is goes more to the development of the characters relationship. I also understand why some ppl feel disgusted by rape because I don’t think anybody would to get rape so Ig
    Anyway I’m not here to lecture anybody so ye

    ChewingGum April 23, 2020 10:31 pm
    But rape isn’t something to be taken lightly lmao but I agree that if u don’t like the rape u aren’t forced to watch u can also watch shounen-ai which is goes more to the development of the characters rel... ChewingGum

    Damn my English isn’t Englishing

    animanija April 23, 2020 10:31 pm

    Agree with you, some people need to take chill pill and stop being so sensitive its just a manga, if you dont like this kind of plot, there is x button.

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:06 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    To emphasize what I'm trying to talk about? What else?

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:08 pm
    I hate how yaoi romantise it. Can you please explain to me, why would someone think about rape as something comfortable or "your cup of tea" as you have mentioned? Of course i'm gonna judge the story if the ml ... SebaSuk

    Well, I hate how several people keep saying "romanticizing yaoi" despite the fact that this kind of twisted trope HAPPENS JUST AS OFTEN as it does in other sex orientations. Maybe you're the one who has only been reading crappy story with rape and such element in it, so that's why you came with such judgement.
    If you read whaf I said before carefully, I never said and never justify rape and such as an okay thing to do. It is not right, it is a crime, it is bad. And I definitely never say that being disgusted of rape and such is wrong. How did you even come up with that idea? What I was arguing was the fact that people who are basically not comfortable with rape and such content SUBJECTIVELY judge a story as a bad one ONLY because there is rape/stalking/abuse or such element in it.

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:15 pm
    But rape isn’t something to be taken lightly lmao but I agree that if u don’t like the rape u aren’t forced to watch u can also watch shounen-ai which is goes more to the development of the characters rel... ChewingGum

    Exactly! I completely agree with you! I never said that rape and such is an okay thing to do or something that can be "accepted" by some people. And I never said it's wrong to be sick of it. Heck, it is actually the normal reaction to it. That is why I suggested those kind of people NOT TO READ or QUIT READING or SKIP THE PART THAT MAKE THEM UNCOMFORTABLE if they still choose to read it anyway for some reasons. Cuz a good story doesn't always have "good/happy/fluffy" plot or even happy ending. Therefore, people's rejection of such elements from the beginning would only result in subjective judgement of the wholesome of the story.

    Hana April 23, 2020 11:18 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    Totally agree with you! Rape and other kind of abuse is NOT and NEVER OKAY whether irl or in fiction. However, to judge the quality of a story as its wholesome, one cannot possibly do it with rejection of such element from the beginning cuz then it'll only result in subjective judgement.

    Sora April 23, 2020 11:22 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! monkey88

    I like how to portrayed this (●'◡'●)ノ

Hana April 23, 2020 3:52 pm

Sometimes it kind of irritates me how some people always judge a story is BAD BECAUSE THERE IS RAPE in it without objectively viewing and analyzing the whole construct of the story itself. If rape and such do not make you comfortable, then feel free not to read the kind of story that has such element in it. If you still read it anyway for some reasons, then it's completely fine to quit reading in the middle of the way or skip that part when you start feeling uncomfortable. HOWEVER, I don't think you have the right to judge how good or bad the whole story really is objectively because then your judgement would have been very subjective.

    LegendarySavage April 23, 2020 4:41 pm

    Rape is the most abused trope in yaoi and it is almost given that people will come to dislike a story if it is being pointlessly used (that shit sometimes comes out of nowhere).

    Thing is, we DON'T need rape for a story to progress. For some it's vital, for most it's plain fanservice for thirsty hoes. Authors know that most readers are reading for the sex so it's basically a Pavlovian response that the logical side of the fandom would go "Ah shit here we go again" and drop the story.

    One thing that DOES piss off most readers is how rape is being handled by victims in most mangas. Dubcon is reasonable, because the characters can just blame it on their libido. However, Noncon victims are depicted to have no reaction or trauma of any sort. Wtf is up with that???

    You can't really blame a person "judging a story". They've invested themselves in a manga with a promising art and plot, in which they've basically put their expectations and trust, only for it to contain noncon. With how commonly it's being used it can qualify for a literary device at this point ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Hana April 24, 2020 1:29 am
    Rape is the most abused trope in yaoi and it is almost given that people will come to dislike a story if it is being pointlessly used (that shit sometimes comes out of nowhere). Thing is, we DON'T need rape for... LegendarySavage

    I totally understand your point, man. But isn't that exactly what my point was? People who doesn't like rape or any other kind of abusing stories should not read that kind of atory in the first place. If they're so curious that badly or still read it for some other reasons, then they may read it at their own risk and still feel free to quit reading in the middle of the way or maybe skip the parts that they can't stand with. No one forces anyone to read anyhing. Therefore, it's ridiculous if those kind of people complain about such story when it's clearly been stated that it is yaoi with such elements.

    LegendarySavage April 24, 2020 6:16 am

    Man I didn’t realize you were the same person. You’re a lost cause.

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