Deep in the mountains is a village that offers prayers to the mythical Asura/Sura in order to stay p...
- Author: Shin yuri
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Historical / Horror / Romance / Supernatural / Webtoons / Psychological
Had much potential but failed on so many ends. Mujin was phenomenally written. He is complex, twisted and deep but all he eants is a soft girl life. I rooted for you buddy. As a lover, he is shitty but so is Choah. He on thr other hand is incredibly bland, naive and a cheating hypocrite. I HATE cheaters, you have to be insaneweek and lack any morals and loyalty to cheat, and that little shit did not once but several times. The ending was cruel but I think both deserved what they got in the end.
This persons taste in the …erotic..area is quite exquisite It‘s a fine collection of diqué
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