I'm pretty sure it's the art alone that makes me enjoy this manga, lol. It's a slapstick comedy without depth or plot, the premise is pretty dumb, and despite being a comedy the humor doesn't do anything for me...but the art gives the protagonists so much character I somehow feel attached to them anyway.
After reading too many webtoons I really missed seeing characters with dynamic facial expressions.

I figured I’d read season 1 and treat it as a self-contained story, since all comments point to s2 being a trashfire lmao. But honestly s1 wasn’t great either. The multiple personalities thing was goofy and frankly less compelling than amnesia, I HATED the second couple, it was gross how both couples acted jealous of their lovers’ family like they can’t call their fucking brother on the phone because he’s “another man?” lmao. The story turned into something totally unrelated to the original premise.
It’s not *bad* for what it is (i.e. a shallow fantasy romance webtoon), but it’s not good either, and I ended up dropping it mid-s1 because I just didn’t care anymore.

Based on other comments I was expecting one of those unhinged sadist characters lol, but this seems like a pretty standard "misunderstanding/temporary breakup" plotline to me. Unless there’s something worse coming in future chapters I don’t think the ML has done anything irredeemable, he just dumped the MC. And doesn’t look like the separation is lasting long either.
So my 2 cents for people considering whether or not to read this webtoon: it’s got a misunderstandings/breakup arc, so skip if you hate those, but I don’t find the ML to be uniquely cruel or anything. Unless you’re set on reading something with no miscommunications, this is still a fun read and overall pretty fluffy.

The ML’s redemption arc is too half-assed to make up for what a raging dickbag he is for the first ~50 chapters.
I enjoy stories where an asshole character changes and regrets their mistakes, but this was too little too late for me.

I’m confused what else can he do to show he regrets his mistake? If he were to realize it in the beginning then that would be half-assed. I’m happy it took him time and self-realization to make him understand his actions were horrible. Also, there’s nothing he can do to undo his actions so ofc you're gonna call it half-assed but it’s clear he’s learning from his mistakes and trying to prove his affection.

Things the ML could have done after realizing what an asshole he’s been:
- apologize
- give the MC space
- ask what the MC wants him to do and listen to the answer
what the ML does instead:
- continue to stalk the MC
- continue to ignore what the MC says
- buy him more gifts he doesn’t want
It just feels like his habit of refusing to take no for an answer gets rewarded after all, with pretty minimal change on his part.
I think a small time skip would’ve helped. Like if the author had him step back entirely and give MC the space he repeatedly asked for...actually show ML is able to listen and respect the MC’s wishes. Then they could meet again after the semester break and have a fresh start with better behavior.
Instead he acts like he’s Mother Theresa for going like a week without jumping the MC’s bones

If we being real here if…. He gave MC space it's likely we wouldn't be getting a story. Also, the times ML didn't give Mc space he helped him in dire situations. And I thought the ML apologized? But either way, an apology isn't helping anything it isn't gonna reverse his trauma some people like to demonstrate through actions instead of words. And yes I do agree going out of the way to follow the MC was stupid. But like I said before it was to keep the story going. Also If he asked the MC he would have just said for him to leave him alone and while he should do that… he wanted to demonstrate his regret for his actions which is why he continued to go after him. While it's not the best… it's better than just an apology.

I completely agree, I think the couple is funny BUT I think the ML is trash. I’ve never liked him from the start, I liked their interactions with MC. But throughout the beginning and until he coming to terms with liking MC, he comepelety disrespects MC in multiple ways…. Urhhhh!Jan is the more I think about it the more annoyed I get at him. He on multiple occasions, tells MC that he will leave him alone if he can fuck him. He then completely forgets this every time. Every single problem comes from ML, he doesn’t directly apologize, but tries to make the damage less than already done. Then other stuff and more stuff. The most annoying thing to me is that, in the start, he was basically treating MC as a women. I get it, he’s “straight” but I don’t care. That’s fucking annoying.

Exactly...people talk about his kind gestures, but nearly all of those gestures were him outright ignoring what MC wanted and then getting upset MC wasn't grateful for shit he never asked for. ML's kindness just felt like a way to push past MC’s boundaries and ignore what MC was saying so ML could get what he wants (ie, make the MC date him).
His priority was still himself and his desire to have Garam, not Garam’s happiness, and so I never felt like he truly learned anything. Right up to them starting to date, he was STILL not listening to MC.
Even if he gave MC space, they still go to the same school, it would not be that difficult for the author to have them run into each other again.

comments are calling it a super healthy relationship but idk, half the plot of season 2 is Yeonu saying “it’s fine if you play games with your friends” but then acting like an ass every time GY plays games with his friends.
It’s not like this friend is an ex or anything, there’s zero reason to be suspicious of him besides Yeonu being unable to handle his boyfriend having any remotely positive interactions with other people apparently.
Sometimes a little jealousy subplot can be cute, but I wish webcomics would stop acting like extreme possessiveness is romantic in a relationship.

I would just like to take a moment to point out that Eusis is a tool:
“I rescued this torture victim, but he’s so gloomy! What’s up with that?” - Eusis Roland, Empathy Extraordinaire
“Geez Rune, you should dump Firiel for her own sake because you’re no good for her.” - Eusis I-Totally-Have-No-Ulterior-Motive Roland
“Geez Rune, I can’t believe you dumped Firiel for her own sake because you’re no good for her. I would never do that!” - Eusis Roland of the Selective Memory
I just.. I can’t even feel sorry for him
Enjoyable read, though it’s a bit hard for me to get past the story expecting me to view Lee Yeon as the victim when he’s the one who assaulted the other guy. The guy’s big betrayal is supposed to be...not wanting to talk to Lee Yeon after being assaulted? Probably a cultural disconnect going on here, I guess. Would’ve preferred for the drama to come just from Lee Yeon feeling guilty, instead of the omega being a villain.
Either that or for the omega to have actually done something wrong in the original incident, which is what I was expecting during the leadup considering how it was foreshadowed.
hmm judging from how that omega's acting until now, i bet he really did something cuz he hates alphas and he hates lee yeon cuz he's an alpha lol
Spoilers but omega dude actually assaults the alpha and beta saves him in the end.
Tries to assault more likely. Nothing serious happens.