Meow February 14, 2019 4:50 am

i don't know how to say this nicely but you guys are all so dense for hating on naru. it's like you barely read this manga and can't understand the subplot/read between the lines/understand the characters themselves.

naru CLEARLY came back early because he knew the only way the two main characters can stay together is if they all talk it out with the younger brother. but when the fuck would all 3 of them ever agree to have a conversation when 1) masato keeps running away, 2) the younger brother dislikes masato and wouldn't agree to come to peace with him and 3) asahi is too torn between the two that he can't pick sides?

so naru being the best fucking friend he is sets the stage by telling asahi to go back home early to find masato and then he brings the younger brother back home so he can see with his own two eyes how in love his older brother and masato are with each other.

like damn y'all. it's not that hard to see. just watch the next chapter end with all 3 characters reconciliating, the main couple fall madly in love, and masato coming to peace with his shitty actions/past. and Naru standing there like the mastermind badass bitch he is.

    dracouhb88 February 14, 2019 5:08 am

    taking into consideration what a twit he was the earlier chapter, you better believe that people will hate even the sight of him.
    Naru might adore masato, but his words were cruel. the worst. you tell a self hating, guilty person he deserved it, you just break his self worth and confidence. whatever your intentions.(tough love or bull shit_

    Riaya February 14, 2019 6:09 am
    taking into consideration what a twit he was the earlier chapter, you better believe that people will hate even the sight of him.Naru might adore masato, but his words were cruel. the worst. you tell a self hat... dracouhb88

    Agreed. I know that it's for their sake but he's shattering an already broken person.

    BV92BV February 14, 2019 10:47 am
    taking into consideration what a twit he was the earlier chapter, you better believe that people will hate even the sight of him.Naru might adore masato, but his words were cruel. the worst. you tell a self hat... dracouhb88

    Totally agree.

    Sachiko February 14, 2019 12:03 pm

    Wow, read comments before telling others to read. Cause you completely missed the point. I don't hate Naru because I think he deliberately hurt Masato, after all (if I did I would NOT hate Masato for what he did to Kousei) but because he is a hypocrite who, while having no skin in the game, still thinks the end justifies the means while smirking his ass off

    And if they do reconcile you know what? I'll hate Naru even MORE. Because this tough love thing is bs. But it always gets such revolting praise in almost every story I read. With a friend like Naru who needs enemies. I hope he falls off a cliff and dies. Ktbn.

    Sachiko February 14, 2019 12:21 pm
    Wow, read comments before telling others to read. Cause you completely missed the point. I don't hate Naru because I think he deliberately hurt Masato, after all (if I did I would NOT hate Masato for what he di... Sachiko

    Oh, and it seems you're the one who needs to read the story, too. BEFORE Naru implemented his little plan Masato was NOT running away. He was actually facing Asahi head on. So, the reason he was running away was because of? NARU. You really ARE pulling out all the stops to defend an abused aren't you? Of course I forgot only the victim can ever be blamed.

    Sachiko February 14, 2019 12:23 pm
    Oh, and it seems you're the one who needs to read the story, too. BEFORE Naru implemented his little plan Masato was NOT running away. He was actually facing Asahi head on. So, the reason he was running away wa... Sachiko

    FO autocorrect. I meant abuser.

    Sunika February 14, 2019 2:06 pm

    so he needed to scheme everything and hurt masato so they can talk, wasn't more easy to just tell asahi to tell the truth or do it himself? and problem solved?

    Sunika February 14, 2019 2:07 pm

    and i really dont want to see all 3 of them fappy best friends! Kousei and Naru better stay away from masato. Then i'll have my happy ending

    CeeCee February 14, 2019 3:49 pm
    Agreed. I know that it's for their sake but he's shattering an already broken person. Riaya

    Agreed. I seriously don't like that Naru guy right now

Meow September 1, 2018 6:23 pm

is why horikoshi or why the hero society in general relies solely upon ONE hero to defeat villains? for example, whether it's all might or endeavor, the major battles always focus on some one-to-one combat. but i feel like what makes the most amount of sense, and like how a lot other superhero universes work, is focusing on having the best TEAM out there?

like why do people think just one person, all might, could defeat someone like all for one who's working with a million different quirks? it makes way more sense to find several different heroes, who each have their own special skill, to team up and try to take the major villain down - especially if all might's particular power, strength, does him no good against someone who has indestructible armor (like a nomu).

i really hope horikoshi focuses more on team building, rather than continue these battle line arcs of "1000000% MORE STRENGTH" because honestly, it gets boring when every time you think deku or all might or endeavor has reached the last of their strength, they just somehow get stronger and that's how they defeat the enemy? it really ruins the surprise and excitement.

i think that's what i loved about naruto is that because it was mainly teams vs teams, there's a LOT more strategy.

of course, i still love bnha and i especially love the battles where everyone works together as a team - it makes my heart literally glow with pride lol. this arc especially got me feeling some kind of way :')


    Tracki12 September 1, 2018 11:05 pm

    You do have a valid point, but the strongest team needs strong individuals that would be able to go toe-to-toe with a single villain if for any reason members of that team were put of commission. Like the team that got blasted by AfO. In a highly specialized team, the instant one individual goes down, the teams fighting power goes down significantly. If a villain proves too much to handle by one's self then a team is a good fall back plan, but in a world where a villain won't play fair, its better to make sure everyone can make it on their own first before only relying on other's powers to make themselves useful.

    Besides being a hero is a career and a popularity contest, which means one hero wants to be better recognized than his/her peers. Only recently as seen in the chap that introduced Hawk, pro teams are being set up (like with giant girl, kamui woods, paper ninja Edge, and Jeans (??)). Even though miss gigantess KSed Kamui, they are putting aside their individual differences to work together to be stronger as a group.
    Since quirks aren't magic powers, but bodily function, over exerting oneself could lead to death or perm damage. These super power creeps you speak of always end with some crippling damage done to the person. Each time All Might went beyond his body's comfortable limit, he became less able to sustain his muscles form or draw in strength. Endeavor could possibly overheat and kill himself is he over uses his power. It like certain levels of strength have neglible recoil, and going above that equates recoil that could kill a person. Like if i try to lift above my weight limit, i risk rupturing my blood vessels.

    Deku usually uses some percentage around 10, but when his back hits the rope, he goes to the 100% that will cripple him.
    In the training arc, Deku used 100% of his strength (the name 1000000000% was a bluff), however he used 100% strength on 2 moves a Detroit and Delaware smash (plus he was on an adrenaline rush which is known to increase an individuals base strength tenfold). A little iffy yes, but not inconceivable considering Deku used 100% multiple times against Shoto at the school comp (limited to his fingers and one arm).

    In the Eri arc, he simply was being reversed to a state before the body breaking but he in no way received a power spike, he simply was using his "forbidden" final form while a mage spammed heal the entire time.

    Deku never fights at full power for obvious reasons, so when he is at the "last" of his strength, he has no choice but to go into crippling mode.

    FlameGreyWolf September 2, 2018 5:33 pm

    Um 1 thing, Naruto was basically building up to a "team" defeating their final boss, however, as a person who only watched the anime, I think that Naruto and Sasuke were both given many many "buffs" and in the end it was an individual fight against each other.

    And also literally Naruto uses up all his chara and energy in his death fights and somehow always has more in reserve, possible Kurama but he doesn't got control over till the last few hundred episodes...

    With the society in BNHA, All Might was looked upon as the Symbol of Peace, someone who will be there to save everyone and yada yada yada. As a human he couldn't save everyone, but he has defeated a significant amount of enemies by himself (mostly maybe because if he had partners they may be destroyed). He does work with the government/leaders of the Heroes against All for One, I dunno if you can call that soemhwat teamwork

Meow August 6, 2018 5:48 am


like literally, the characters are all so complex with fleshed-out backgrounds and personalities and despite all the drama, this manhwa is able to avoid the cliches and pitfalls of most yaoi.

that being said, i've only read up to like ch. 25 but after skimming through the korean raws, i'm just amazed by how many plot twists there are.

if anyone wants spoilers in regards to the couples, let me know. my heart...

    ms.smp August 6, 2018 5:57 am

    Spoilers pls :)

    Meow August 6, 2018 6:02 am

    the MC doesn't get with either Kyubin (the "bully") or Seungtaek (the protective class prez). he's kind of ignored from like ch. 10-60 since the storyline focuses on the relationship btwn kyubin & seungtaek who are THE CUTEST DANG COUPLE YOU WILL EVER SEE despite their angsty friendship/relationship. basically kyubin is a good guy with no family who saves seungtaek a bunch of times and falls in love with him but seungtaek is too afraid of societal pressures to accept him.

    the manhwa's at like ch. 83 now and after the kyubin/seungtaek story line ends, it seems like the MC is gonna end up with a very interesting fellow...but he doesn't really show up until like ch. 20s

    ms.smp August 6, 2018 9:29 am
    .......the MC doesn't get with either Kyubin (the "bully") or Seungtaek (the protective class prez). he's kind of ignored from like ch. 10-60 since the storyline focuses on the relationship btwn kyubin & se... Meow

    Whoa. Can't wait to see that. Hahaha. But its gonna be awhile huh? Thanks for sharing though (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    nana0-san August 6, 2018 11:48 am
    .......the MC doesn't get with either Kyubin (the "bully") or Seungtaek (the protective class prez). he's kind of ignored from like ch. 10-60 since the storyline focuses on the relationship btwn kyubin & se... Meow


    LelouchB19 August 6, 2018 12:41 pm
    .......the MC doesn't get with either Kyubin (the "bully") or Seungtaek (the protective class prez). he's kind of ignored from like ch. 10-60 since the storyline focuses on the relationship btwn kyubin & se... Meow


Meow January 30, 2018 4:20 am

ok i'm totally not trying to excuse that asshole's behavior BUT maybe hopefully crossing my fingers for an explanation/giving him the benefit of the doubt:

1) he did put a condom on and condoms usually come soaked in lube already!!! so maaayybee at least there WAS a little bit of lube (even tho there should've been way more smh)

2) he could've assumed that our poor bby had already loosened himself up back there when he was taking a shower?? idk i think bottoms will sometimes prep/stretch themselves before hand BUT EVEN THEN HE SHOULD'VE DOUBLE CHECKED INSTEAD OF JUST PLOWING HIS DICK INTO THE POOR BBY'S VIRGIN ASS


Meow January 20, 2018 3:02 pm

link to raws:수화_19화.html

i already posted ch. 18 summary a couple pages back :)
ch. 19

opening scene:

After Yohan’s confession that Soo Hwa’s sign language turns him on, Soo Hwa wonders if he should feel angry. But he realizes that he doesn’t actually feel bad/disgusted at all but that he actually rather enjoys turning the tables around on Yohan lol. So he signs back to Yohan, “really?” knowing that it’s gonna arouse Yohan.

So Yohan pins him down, accusing him that he did that on purpose and Soo Hwa, the sly bastard, is like I know. So they get it on in the back of the coffee shop and Yohan tries to finger him but Soo Hwa’s like “Wait…we don’t have any lube.” But Yohan promises him that he’ll put it in gently and y’all know how Soo Hwa loves his prostate orgasms so he agrees. But then he ends up being like a cripple afterwards LMAO aka the orgasm’s so strong that his legs give out LOL so Yohan sends him back home to rest up (after originally trying to piggyback him to the hospital HAH).

On his way home, Soo Hwa thinks about what’ll happen/how he’ll ever hear Yohan’s voice again if he were to quit this job and then decides to go get some dumplings to cheer himself up/distract him from his ~gay~ feelings. He runs into red-haired manager who said he was gonna be at school but is actually in the street just arguing with an unknown cute blond stranger. He follows red-haired guy and blondie into an alley and spies them kissing le gasp. Then he gets found out peeping lol.

Meow January 17, 2018 4:20 am

does anyone know who the seme is??? the black haired guy or the other one?

Meow January 17, 2018 4:20 am

does anyone know who the seme is??? the black haired guy or the other one?

Meow January 10, 2018 4:54 pm

(read the raws at, there's a link down int he comments & ch. 16 spoiler i posted below too)
ch: 17

opening scene: Soo Hwa thinking, “Yesterday…was a little embarrassing.”

Cut back to previous ch. scene - Soo Hwa shyly asks Go Yo, “Do you want to use my thighs?” to get off.

Go Yo is uncertain and asks “Are you sure you want to do this” while at the same time, getting ready to put his dick in btwn Soo Hwa’s thighs & Soo Hwa thinks, “Does he know that his words and his actions contradict themselves” (LOL)

Soo Hwa signs to Go Yo, “Hurry up” which turns Go Yo on even more. They start thigh-fucking and Soo Hwa is into it & thinks how good it feels when Go Yo flips him over and asks about the prostate massage that Soo Hwa was talking about earlier.

Soo Hwa tells him how to do it, thinking that Go Yo is asking bc he wants Soo Hwa to do it to him (LMAO) but of course, Go Yo is asking bc he wants to do it on Soo Hwa. He starts fingering Soo Hwa despite Soo Hwa bein like “WAIT A SECOND THIS ISN’T WHAT I THOUGHT WAS GONNA HAPPEN, TAKE IT OUT” but then Soo Hwa gets so into it that he cums in like five seconds & then that scene where he’s nuzzling so sexily into Go Yo’s hand, he tells him “What do I do…that felt so good.”

To which Go Yo becomes x10000000 turned on & gets off using Soo Hwa’s thighs.

Cut back to the present scene at the restaurant -Soo Hwa’s in a super good mood & the red haired boss is making fun of him as usual. Go Yo comes downstairs & Soo Hwa signs “Hello” in sign language to which Go Yo GASPS & then runs away leaving Soo Hwa stunned.

    NekoNani January 10, 2018 4:58 pm

    Good shittttttt....too bad we gotta wait a whole week!

    Kawaii Bitch January 10, 2018 5:06 pm

    OH MY GOD THANK YOU!! I can't wait to see it :')

    Meow January 10, 2018 5:14 pm

    ch 18 spoiler:

    ch. 18
    Beginning few scenes basically Go Yo running away every time Soo Hwa sees him & calls out “Boss”

    Soo Hwa starts getting pissed & runs after him but Go Yo keeps running away to the point where he splashed Soo Hwa with a water hose LOL to escape.

    Go Yo escapes & thinks to himself, “I hope Soo Hwa doesn’t catch a cold after I sprayed him with water…” But then he thinks how Soo Hwa looks angry and starts laughing to himself bc Soo Hwa reminds him of a hamster (bless his soul).

    Finally Soo Hwa catches him and in all his fury, ends up accidentally slipping on water and bashing his own head into a wall. Meanwhile red-haired boss is flirting with delivery guy as usual. Delivery guy ends up treating Soo Hwa for his injury and is so cute/considerate and urges him to go to the hospital while red-haired boss is literally choking on his laughter.

    Red-haired boss gets a text & seems unhappy, thinking “What is it, I thought I told them not to contact me today…” and then seems surprised in a bad way when he reads the message.

    Boss then tells the delivery guy to go to class using his car & that he’ll meet up with him later (I think they attend the same school?)

    Red-haired boss and Go Yo then have a private convo in which the boss signs to Go Yo, “That guy is returning to Korea next week. But don’t worry, I will…” [this is purposefully left vague, so I’m not sure who this “guy” they’re talking about is but I’m guessing someone who was not a nice person to Go Yo.]

    But Go Yo cuts him off and signs, “I told you last time too right. I can take care of myself, I’m not an idiot I’m just a guy whose ears can’t hear.”

    Red haired guy apologizes & Go Yo puts his hand on his head as a sign to cheer up. Red haired guy brushes him off and is like, “Ew do this friendly touchy stuff with Soo Hwa instead” and tells him to be honest with Soo Hwa and get over the awkward running away-ness. Red haired boss leaves to meet with delivery boy at school.

    Go Yo gives Soo Hwa a paper which originally had their lesson plan of, “Starting now you should talk only in sign language” but now it’s crossed off in red. Go Yo also gives Soo Hwa his phone where he’s typed an explanation of why he keeps running away - basically the note says,

    “I wasn’t deliberately avoiding you but I’m sorry about that. While it’s embarrassing for me to say this out loud, every time you sign to me in sign language, I think back to that night (of their thigh fucking lol) and ………………… I feel like I’m gonna cum. Sorry.”

    LMAOOOO this note cracked me up I love that added sorry at the end.

    Meow January 10, 2018 5:16 pm
    OH MY GOD THANK YOU!! I can't wait to see it :') Kawaii Bitch

    you can read the version in korean for free! it's at

    if you just wanted to see the pics.

    Roxy813 January 10, 2018 5:23 pm

    Meow is it okay if I use your translations to translate pages? Like take the pages and use my art program to put them in?

    LilySaintCyr January 10, 2018 5:41 pm

    Thank You. More please :)

    Meow January 10, 2018 5:46 pm
    Meow is it okay if I use your translations to translate pages? Like take the pages and use my art program to put them in? Roxy813

    Hmm i'm not sure if that'd work bc how would you know which panels match up with my translations? I didn't translate every line - it's more of a detailed summary of each chapter.
    And ik how readers can get super picky about good translations so that's why I'm not working on actually scanlating manga

    Alabama January 10, 2018 6:02 pm

    Thank you for doing that! My credit card company keeps blocking Lezhin now since they changed payment formats. Anyone else having this issue?

    Roxy813 January 10, 2018 6:04 pm
    Hmm i'm not sure if that'd work bc how would you know which panels match up with my translations? I didn't translate every line - it's more of a detailed summary of each chapter. And ik how readers can get supe... Meow

    yeah I get what you mean, originally I was already planning on translating it for myself with good old google translate for a ruff idea of what it was like until the official translations came out. Which is what I'm probably going to do still, but then put it on like Tumblr or something for people until it actually came out. Nothing more or less than that really. I don't speak Korean and I don't plan to, but I would like a ruff idea.

    It would be more of using you as a guide line with Google Translate lol

    I get about the picky thing too, but this is just for fun I guess :P

    Lelelala January 10, 2018 8:07 pm

    Omg thank you soo much for that translation!!!!

    Kawaii Bitch January 10, 2018 9:20 pm
    you can read the version in korean for free! it's at you just wanted to see the pics. Meow

    Marry me T^T

    PhasetheMoon January 11, 2018 4:49 am

    Thank you so much!! (⌒▽⌒)

Meow January 10, 2018 6:40 am

Using this time to practice my poor native Korean reading/speaking skills but too lazy to contribute to the scanlators working on this project.

    Meow January 10, 2018 6:54 am

    ch: 16

    the beginning few scenes:

    Soo Hwa is freaking out that Go Yo isn’t hard and starts screaming, “Why isn’t it standing up?!!” and “Why aren’t you excited?!” (referring to Go Yo’s nonexistent boner). Go Yo responds, “Wait…am I supposed to be excited?” (LMAO POOR THING)

    Soo Hwa starts getting emotional/insecure [hence all the crying scenes] & when Go Yo asks him why e’s crying, Soo Hwa responds, “Because I’m embarrassed/humiliated” and asks Go Yo why he’s been helping him get off all this time. He asks, “Is it because I’m so pitiful that you wanted to help me out…or is it because you thought it’d be funny to watch a pervert like me get excited by your voice…” (bless his soul)

    To which Go Yo responds, “NO!” and then explains that while he can’t go into details, it’s a personal problem that he can’t get erect.

    Go Yo then gets worried and asks Soo Hwa if he didn’t like it/the hand jobs didn’t feel good to which Soo Hwa sarcastically responds, “WOULD I HAVE COME ALL THE WAY TO YOUR HOUSE WITH THIS LUBE IF IT DIDN’T FEEL GOOD.”

    So Go Yo grabs Soo Hwa’s leg and suggests that they continue bc Soo Hwa’s still hard/hasn’t gotten off & Soo Hwa’s like…k why not.

    But while Go Yo’s giving him attention w the lube, he keeps pestering Soo Hwa with questions like “Does it feel good/should I press harder/blah blah” and Soo Hwa keeps answering out loud, YES IT’S GOOD but then he realizes that bc Go Yo isn’t looking at his face, he can’t hear Soo Hwa respond.

    So Soo Hwa then responds back in SIGN LANGUAGE that it feels good & Go Yo gets turned on AF and miraculously grows a boner. Soo Hwa notices & then tries to give him a blow job (after first suggesting the prostate massage which Go Yo def refuses lmao) but Go Yo changes his mind & is like LET’S DO IT [the sexy sex]

    tuesdaygal January 10, 2018 1:47 pm 16the beginning few scenes: Soo Hwa is freaking out that Go Yo isn’t hard and starts screaming, “Why isn’t it standing up?!!” and “Why aren’t you excited?!” (referring to Go Yo’s n... Meow


    Meow January 10, 2018 4:51 pm
    OMG OMG, THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!! @tuesdaygal

    yaayy glad u appreciate, i posted the ch. 17 spoilers above too

Meow January 10, 2018 5:23 am

and i have NEVER EVER come across a scenario in which the protagonist has mental health issues, GETS THEIR MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES TREATED IN THERAPY, and to literally make it perfect - has their lover acknowledge their problems, encourages them to get treatment, AND TELLS THEM THEY'LL WAIT FOR THEM TO HEAL. like i wanna cry in joy this is literally probs my FAVORITE series of them all, thank you chiba ryouko you amazing goddess <3

    Thirsty January 11, 2018 6:29 pm

    Have u heard of 10 Count.
    OCD x Psychiatrist.

    ehre-wahrheit January 12, 2018 11:24 am
    Have u heard of 10 Count.OCD x Psychiatrist. @Thirsty

    i liked the premise of 10 Count, except as someone training to become a therapist myself the patient/therapist relationship kinda iffed me out.

    Blubeagle May 21, 2018 1:06 pm

    This has a character who has mental and emotional issues, gets genuine help from a mental hospital and his lover keeps his promise to wait for him. A serious favorite of mine.

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