So the author of the story put out a letter that she’s going to be going on a six month hiatus. She had a rotator cuff injury that has gotten relatively worse since she focused on the web comic since she hasn’t been visiting the hospital and standing up while working on the web comic it has also messed up her back and neck. So she has asked the producer and they have given her time off to recuperate she also has some lingering symptoms of Covid and she’ll also get treatment for that. She said in six months season two will continue but until then she wishes readers to please take care of their health

Little spoiler (≧∇≦)
We’re going to get a spicy car sex scene heheh and many more plus I feel like Taehwan Woo is getting a bit more gentle in them (๑˃ᴗ˂)
And do you guys remember how Sahn Baek pointed out that it seem like Taehwan Woo was scared well....Alex is the guy who made him scared and also afraid/homophobic well that’s what I’m getting from the things I’ve seen
I actually really like it so far can’t wait to see what happens next