Eughhhhhhh i have such a hard time finding these pls help

why make your life difficult asking for a couple of mangas when i have a whole list of them. just subscribe or something

Honestly, even I can't understand why I like it.
But is there a reason behind people liking BL?

i liks it because boy×boy realitonships are diffrent and in my.opinimon better.how? well if there is a girl and boy then tbere is that stereotype that girl cook,clean and loves makeup shooping while boy hates all of it and just wtacjes sports and when there is boy and boy thes are actully intereet3e what are other's one preferences and abilitys
that and boys are hot

may sound funny, but in a way the relationships are more "realistic" than in shoujo etc. I mean """realistic""" as in at least they get somewhere. Sex is a normal part of a relationship and you won't find it much in other genres. Also who are we kidding? it's couse it's sexy and women like their porn with a nice plot.

For me its the combination of all the reasons.
*Shoujo not good
*Boys love is cuter etc etc.
*Hot guys getting hot with each other is UBER HOOOTTTT!!!
*kept reading, gradually got used to and addicted to the degree that bl became something as natural for me to like as the sun rising on the east.
Also somebody famous quoted "sick and tired of all the male fanservice which we still must admit is the dominant one"(extremely illogical boobs, pedophilia, projection of otaku male fantasies on females and using their personalities according to harem) Shoujo neither had strong protagonist nor had the equal amount of sex fanservice for females. Its extremely UNFAIR. See, i am striving for gender equality in fanservice department :) (lol jk)

The sex scenes. Admit it, even if it is unrealistic as fuck the sex scenes are hot. I think that's because of the art.
When it comes to het, I often see people commenting about the girl mc, talking about how cliche and annoying they find her but I think the male mc is equally as annoying.
They always try to play it cool, never admitting when they're in the wrong. The girl always has to be the one coming back crying, apologizing when they didn't even do anything wrong.
People also talk about how they find het romance disgusting and would rather just see gay men fuck. That's like the opposite of being a homophobe. A heterophobe. You find straight relationships disgusting.
The sad thing is that most of the people saying this are straight. Like. The fuck?
And yuri.. I have nothing against it. It's just that the majority of the art sucks. I'd prefer more yuri like this. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/a_secret_just_between_you_and_me/

Thats why i said. I am striving for gender equality for fanservice, sexualisation department. I think for most girls its "I should be allowed to sexualise myself just as much as men have the right to sexualise me", but sorry.... I believe its men who should be allowed to be sexualised AS THE FUCKING WAY WANT just as they sexualise us.
No one thinks of social implications while reading yuri and hentai... RAPE, PEDOPHILIA, POLYGAMY, INCEST etc is accepted as general norm. Most of them based for males is the same old plot(?) and porn. When we have stuff like Yarichin Bitch Bu , fujoshi THEMSELVES insult it. LIKE WHYYYY??? Why are so stuck up thinking of social implications? Females tend to be like this. But THIS IS FUCKING FICTION!!!
I really love this author's works, is there any manga by this author on manga go?
You can type the author’s name in the search bar. If nothing appears then it means that there are none.
Oh what are the odds, I love this author too.