Bananamas February 8, 2019 3:35 am

Any yaoi story where the uke is bullied or teased a lot by everyone including the seme but the seme kinda feels bad fter a while?

    Heuchi February 8, 2019 3:52 am

    Starry Sky

    Anonymous February 8, 2019 5:17 am

    Feels like green spirit (I think that is the title, someone correct me if wrong)

    yup February 8, 2019 6:02 am
    Feels like green spirit (I think that is the title, someone correct me if wrong) @Anonymous

    almost there :P
    Smells Like Green Spirit

Bananamas January 17, 2019 1:11 am

Any yaoi with a super entitled seme and an underapprecisted uke who gets hurt or something bad happens to him and the seme is just frazzled bc he doesnt know what to do?

Bananamas December 5, 2018 7:53 am

Ok, so I've never seen a Studio Ghibli movie, however I have listened to some soundtracks and they are awesome! What movie would you recommend to watch first?

    Remon December 5, 2018 8:08 am

    Hmm...Spirited Away (Haku was cool~) or Princess Mononoke.

    Celes December 5, 2018 8:09 am

    I'd start out with the classics!
    Howls moving casttle,
    Princess mononoke,
    Castle in the sky etc. etc. all of them have beautiful soundtracks.
    Not to forget Chihiro^^

    Tea chan December 5, 2018 8:38 am

    the secret world of arrietty! my fav one ; w ;

    Fetish Love December 5, 2018 9:01 am

    Spirited Away is a total must!! Favorite right here<3

    The Secret World of Arrietty is so great !

    Howl's Moving Castle, perfection! (and maybe try looking up some meta, or read the book it's based on)

    Kiki's Delivery Service , amazing!

    Ponyo, such a wild child!

    Castle In The Sky, fun and the old pirate lady is the best!

    From up on Poppy Hill is quiet in a way, but also a nice coming of age ( if i'm remembering right)

    Princess Monoke, I haven't seen it in full myself but still recommend because I've seen scenes/parts plus the women are badass and giant wolves!!

    Maro maro December 5, 2018 10:11 am

    Im not sure if these are ghibli but it had the same feel millenium actress fcked me up real good. Also english dub porco rosco. (Yes the dub was good)

    Swan-MF. December 5, 2018 10:51 am
    Im not sure if these are ghibli but it had the same feel millenium actress fcked me up real good. Also english dub porco rosco. (Yes the dub was good) Maro maro

    When it comes to ghibli the dub is somehow always better except for arietty its just my opinion but the dub for arietty sucked tbh.

Ononomos November 19, 2018 7:55 pm

Any yaoi with a super entitled seme and an underapprecisted uke who gets hurt or something bad happens to him and the seme is just frazzled bc he doesnt know what to do?

Ononomos November 10, 2018 10:16 pm

Any yaoi where the uke comes off really strong like a power bottom but is really just scared the seme will never like them and insecure?

Ononomos October 19, 2018 10:23 pm

Any yaoi where the couple do some intense stuff but the seme helps the uke out afterwards?

Ononomos September 19, 2018 6:08 pm

Any yaoi where they get caught in the rain and their clothes get wet and you could see the ukes cute nips through the shirt?

Ononomos September 15, 2018 11:23 pm

Any angsty yaoi where the guy confesses his love to his friend but plays it off as a joke because he doesn't want to get hurt?

Ononomos September 11, 2018 11:22 pm

Any yaoi recs with a cute uke who gets embarrassed or red faced a lot during sex?

Ononomos September 10, 2018 9:24 pm

Any yaoi where the seme makes the uke be in an embarrasing position while they have sex or dick around?

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