People, I know this is fiction, but please don't ever romanticise rape. Real people go through rape on a relationship even if they are or were in love, and it is not a pleasant experience for the victims. All these people commenting you're GLAD they ended up together, is it because they're gay or something? Wow, rape shit in yaoi got a toxic fandom behind it, and I say it being a extreme fujoshi having read a lot of shit.

ey i know its rape and ol but still the authors made that for fun("fictional story") and to please the audience, commenting that its shit is very painful cuz they worked hard on that. and i know u just want to say facts but still SOME people doesnt want it to be base on real life circumstances. all of the comments at top are saying that this is shit and all but they should at least fucking give feedback about good things. They shouldnt even read the manga in the first place if they will just comment bunch of hateful stuff.

It's because of stories like that that people don't think rape is a big deal...
Do you wanna know what's real rape looks like? Read Liebeling(Or something like that, I don't know how to write the name)... It hurts, there's no prep, it bleeds and it's awful... It gives the victim nightmares and she/him has to stay in hospital for treatment... Also to do exams to see if the guy who raped them is not carrying any decease...
So it's not a "they shouldn't talk bad about" it should be " Finally they're talking about it!"...
Gay couples have more abuse and toxic relationships than hetero couples... Do you realize how awful is that? And then a bunch of horny HETEROSSEXUAL women who have fetishes on men, keeps thinking that rape in yaoi is not a big deal and even create stories like that... This NEED to change...

Yes i know Rape is bad and all but this is a story were talking about. Yeah rape is awful and it gives you nightmares but the author already gave a warning to those people who are going to read the manga at the first page so yeah REALITY Rape IS bad bad, but dont add fictional stories that didnt even happen to real life circumstances(im not saying the author is wrong) People who read this things should already know that authors who make this type of stuff do this things thats why they put a warning to those who are sensitive about that topic. AND Women dont think and influence men to do rape, from my own knowledge they do this just or fun and to please their fans. Just because an author did this doesnt mean they want to influence their fans already, thats quite hurtful to me as a girl. I aint disagreeing with you, its just that i think thats just the way you think.

To be exact, in real life Females are mostly raped and Abused, but since Females are now fetish in "Men", which I'm a female but also don't really fetish men, but loves the romance. But I do think that Rape is disgusting, but didn't y'all notice the warning signs, where it says there would be rape.
Yeah of course people are gonna encourage it, because they don't use there minds. I'm not really into rape but just long as there consent but since I'm seeing people encourage it, it's kinda disturbing.
Tbh there's two sides of Fujoshis, the other is where they encourage the rape and are " Obsessing" Over the "men", because they like it or something but don't use there minds.
The other side is where they love BL and are Fujoshis, but wants to enjoy the relationship, but also loves smut but doesn't like rape, so they skip it or continue it because they either just wants to make sure it's not bad or makes them uncomfy so they Skippy do because it was going to far. Then they go far off to the end and just enjoy the love and romance.
I have seen so many different sides, between the two comments from other people.
But if you says there's no two different sides of Fujoshis then I don't know what to tell ya¯_(ツ)_/¯

Oh yeah, the ones who enjoy rape also enjoys the abuse of the relationship so they think it's cute.
But since I didn't really enjoy it, but loved the amazing art. It was pretty cool (not the rape) , but seeing the relationship between those two is pretty nice until the rape has shown but I'm gonna and bleach my eyes

"I know rape is bad but..." Just this "but" already invalids what you're saying... Rape MUST be seen as something disgusting NO MATTER where... Be it at fiction or reality... It doesn't matter if there's a warning for it or not... Rape should NEVER be romantized...
It's not only in Yaoi that shit like this happens... They always try to pass rape as something that can be forgiving... They try to "beautify" the rape in every way possible... "I did it because I love you" "I raped you because you don't understand my feelings" and so much shit... And in regards of yaoi, is even worse... Especially because 90% of stories are made by hetero women for hetero women... And do you know where's the problem in that?
A lot of fujoshis thinks that gay men are or should be like the stories they read on yaoi... There are even some lunatics who thinks a toxic relationship between guys is okay... And I won't even mention that pedophilia they call "shotacon"...
There are awful things everywhere, just because it's fiction, doesn't mean it's okay... Do you think it would be acceptable if they created a story where a woman is gang raped and in the end she ends up liking it? It's okay because it's fiction and the character ended up agreeing in the end? Why is it so gross when it's with women, but it's not when is with men? Mostly of times, when a man is raped, it's seen as something funny and the victim is even called a "coward" for not liking it... Start thinking more about the prospects of real life and you'll understand why stories like that shouldn't even exist...

ok yeah but thats real life the main point that the person is trying to state that there are plenty of people who understand that drawings/fantasy does not equal real life. yes there are people who romanticize this bs but there are people who understand that in the context of real life, rape is horribly wrong. not everyone is immature enough to not be able to differentiate the two. but theres too much media about this stuff to get rid of it all at this point so its better to make sure people understand that works like these are purely from a fantasy standpoint and they should never EVER be applied to real life.

and again if you arent into this just dont read it at the end of the day u cant completely abolish all the media. instead of just saying that this is trash why dont you try to talk to people who try to enforce these fucked up stereotypes on gay couples. if you actually want to raise awareness about that issue thats fine but hating on people for enjoying something bc they like it as a fantasy is not your place. you arent changing anyones opinions and no ones doing anything wrong by reading and enjoying the material it becomes a problem when people think that this is how real life couples should be acting.

Exactly what I'm saying... But what I'm saying is... The problem is not that there is rape... the problem is HOW the rape is showed to the public...
Want to put rape in it? Well... JUST PUT IT RIGHT!
Even if it's fiction, how could someone draw rape as something hot and sexy? There's even lube, preparation and there's no bleeding...
People mislead the word "rape" because of how the media shows it... Rape is something really complex and disgusting, and worst of all... It's really difficult to be proven without physical evidence...
You do realize that the romantic way they show rape, be in hetero movies or yaois are already leading people to opinions of rape, right? What I mean is, they ALWAYS try to put fault at the victim... "They were asking for it" "It was only rape right? it's not like she has any wounds" "Look at those clothes" "She was alone at night, can't blame the guy for it"...
And believe or not, is even worse for men... "What? A grown up men was raped?" "What's so bad about it!? At least he had sex" "He was raped? How weak a guy can be to be raped?"...
This start on movies and books and then start reflecting on real life... Saying that fiction and reality can't be put together is right, but also wrong, because that's not what happens in real life... A LOT of people reflects on media opinion to have their own... Specially if the fiction brings real life aspects to the story...
Rape happens every minute all around the world, be with women or men... And showing rape as something that doesn't seems to hurt too much or that is easy to forget it... Specting that people understands that in real life is different, that's naivety...

They do that because there are people who buy it... At least people should criticize the authors for drawing rape the wrong way... :V
The only yaoi who seemed to actually draw the right thing is Liebeling... Even people who seems to have fetishe on rape got grossed out by that... And that's how it should be...

i agree with this to some extent because there are plenty of movies and books that try to do this and showcase rape in a certain light but heres the thing: what we are talking about is yaoi and hentai. in almost all cases, its safe to say that the relations portrayed in yaoi are completely off base and in no way accurate to what real relationships are. this media is made for pure entertainment and it is not supposed to reflect real relationships in the first place. i know for a fact a lot of people who arent able to understand this because they have deluded themselves into thinking that yaoi is as realistic as can be, which is isnt true at all. that calls for better education. people need to be educated and do their own research in order to really understand topics like these. yaoi isnt supposed to be some sort of learning tool its literally made for fantasies and thats why its so unrealistic. movies are different because in the first place, they are made to portray topics like this more realistically. you really cant have that expectation for bl bc although theres plot driven pieces, theres also pieces that are just plain porn. it comes down to each individual person being able to understand that rape is in fact absolutely horrible. and i agree that wanting people to understand is naive but changing material like this isnt going to work. and honestly if people are delusional enough to not understand the difference between reality and fantasy then they shouldnt be reading the material in the first place. what im trying to say is that i agree with the original comment that talks about romanticizing rape being hella fucked and how rape does have a toxic fandom behind it. i just dont see the purpose of attacking people who are able to discern this fantasy from what happens in real life. toxic masculinity is very real and there are plenty of people who read this type of content who understand that. and in the context of this specific work, i feel like there are people that know that the ending was bs but you should definitely talk to the people on this work who dont get that. the person who u responded to didnt seem to br confused tho i think they were just trying to explain that they dont condone rape in a real setting at all and they purely read it for fantasy.

again yaoi isnt supposed to be realistic its literally just comics from figments of the authors imagination. there are cases where authors have inclinations like misogyny but thats completely different. in those cases the authors and their works should be abandoned. but some people just like reading messed up stuff whether it be portrayed correctly or not.

dude youre literally slurring my words. I dont want to argue anymore if you just want to repeat all of the things you said, as i said, "RAPE IS bad bad BUT we are talking about FICTIONAL STORY here" WHEN? and HOW? am i invalidating Rape as good in that? i literally put "BUT" because im inferring to the fictional story! if you actually had time and understood the sentence then you wouldnt be repeating yourself. PLUS i already mentioned! THE AUTHORS ARENT INFLUENCING PEOPLE TO RAPE!! and wtf? if fujoshis think that men are like what they read then their definitely the wrong one. And now your repeating it again, "start thinking more about the prospects of real life" BRUH! Did you even I aint DISAGREEING with y read my response?ou about rape! im saying that You shouldnt ALWAYS compare fictional stories to real life circumstances. RAPE IS BAD BUT THIS IS A FICTIONAL STORY BY AN AUTHOR, WHO IS A PERSON. youre running away from the story here.

sorry but i dont get what you mean. So you want the authors to portray the rape as in literal? you also said, "A LOT of people reflects on media opinion" then if the authors portray rape as it was then the people will be very disgusted as you speak, but will tehy even enjoy reading it? its the authors job to entertain the audience on how we like it cuz its what gives them credit or stuff like that. ofcourse i expect people who read this type of stuff can be a bit older or closing to teens to have the common sense that its rape and its bad and it hurts. Authors already warned and specifically said the word at front so why would they even make the audience be disgusted if they already gave a warning and a hint on whats to come?

Because it gay ? Hentai and yaoi are the same. They both are sexual erotic pornographic. So basically people can read stories about straight , but gay people. Trust me I seen manga hentai that contains many explicit contents such as yaoi. Why don't you go aroubd and tell people to stop Fetishizing straight people too. Rape is not normal in Hentai too, but yet it's still there.

bruh no ones praising or fetishizing gay relationships if that was the case then literally everyone who reads or enjoys any type of bl story is guilty thats not what fetishizing means. fetishizing would be if someone took these relationships and tried to enforce them on real gay couples. having a fantasy and keeping it strictly to yourself versus going up to real couples and telling them how to act is fetishizing. there are tons of people who do that but thats not what is being discussed here. the point is that there are people who can read this stuff and still understand that rape is a problem in real society. just because they are reading this content doesnt mean its being normalized. no one fkn said rape was normal bruh if u actually read the responses u would see that.

people can read a work and not fetishize it. just because you find something hot or sexy doesn't mean you are fetishizing it. u cant just sit here and label every person as shit because they consume a certain kind of media. and fyi yaoi was literally made for straight women in the beginning as a form entertainment, and it still is(a form of entertainment). yeah its grown by leaps and bounds but that doesnt mean any of the relationships are accurate at all. u can find something cute and wholesome in a fictional context and understand why its fucked up in real life. its fine to relate to some of the stories but yaoi is literally hentai its not supposed to be accurate at all. its literally supposed to be an outlet for entertainment and personal satisfaction. i agree with the fact that rape is hella normalized in yaoi as a whole, but the person u keep bashing isnt the one normalizing rape in yaoi. if you want to talk about normalizing, go find the artists. that person and a lot of other people who read this stuff arent doing anything wrong by reading it. and you can consume media and entertainment and keep it separate from real life affairs. direct your anger towards the people creating the content and normalizing rape in yaoi bc the readers arent the ones doing that.

and the creators are completely at fault. but so are you because you consume this shitty content which proves to creators that their audiences feed off of this horrible genre so they are fueled to keep making it. please do not step into a convo with me about fetishizing ESPECIALLY if you are straight which im sure 99% of you fujoshis are.

bruh i literally am ace so quit going around assuming shit. u rlly wanna talk about making assumptions about who u are while u assume that everyone reads yaoi is obsessive and cant help but fetishize. yeah people do fetishize mlm couples a lot but thinking something is hot is not fetishizing. if people cant get it through their heads and realize that shit that you read in yaoi doesnt apply to real life then you shouldnt be reading this shit. yaoi is literally porn. porn includes a lot of genres you dont like either so just dont fkn watch or read the content. in porn, there might be a lot of genres you dont like. that doesnt mean te audience for those genres or the content itself is gonna go away. its your choice to distance yourself from that content. straight up bashing people who are literally aware of what rape is doesnt help anyone. yaoi isnt supposed to be a learning tool about rape and what its actually like. if you want that watch a documentary. yaoi is literally for everyone. anyone is allowed to read and enjoy it. yaoi is also not realistic and u cant have the expectation that it will ever be realistic. if you specifically dont like this genre thats not our problem as readers. just dont read it. stories, especially this specific one, are obviously not made in order to highlight what rape is supposed to be like and instead of assuming that everyone who doesnt align with your opinions or taste is automatically uneducated and disgusting how about u take the time to find actually problematic fujioshis. i understand where u are coming from and i agree that rape shouldnt be romanticized and that fact that there is a toxic fandom but just straight up raging at anyone who read this stuff isnt going to enact any change. reading content doesnt mean you act accordingly to that content.

its porn. all of it is porn. none of it is real and it doesnt even involve real characters. people are not intended to learn anything from yaoi. its not constructive in any way, shape, or form. theres no getting rid of it since its literally just porn. theres no way u could sit down and convince the entire world to get rid of porn. its just not realistic. idk how its not possible for u to understand that its a fkn drawing and deluding yourself into thinking that yaoi is supposed to be correctly portrayed is wishful thinking. most of these pieces are not created to show the beauty of an mlm relationship tbh. thats what shounen ai is supposed to do. you cant expect that any of this will represent what an actual person has gone through. thats literally what education is for, not yaoi.

the only reason it becomes problematic is when people obsess over it to the point where they start degrading real people into objects of their fantasy. just reading a work doesnt fkn do that. like i said before, if the author is misogynistic or homophobic thats different. in those cases the author should most definitely be put out of business. drawing something doesnt make it a reality. im sure youve run into a lot of people who delude themselves into thinking the opposite but generalizing an entire audience, many of whom have literally done nothing wrong, doesnt make any sense. reading something does not equal fetishizing. as long as no one is getting hurt and these concepts arent applied to real life, you really shouldnt be bothering people about what they choose to read.

im not reading all this bullshit lmao but being ace is not a sexuality. sexuality is WHO you are attracted to not HOW you are attracted to people so you are still cishet at the end of the day. practically proving my point since you are sitting here defending corrupt content creators and the creeps that read it. i dont care if it is drawings or not because thats the only excuse you people can use but what if these stories get live action adaptions? what are you gonna do then? say its still not realistic even though its being portrayed in a real life setting? would the story be considered disgusting then when its finally made “realistic” enough for yall? everything you people argue with is excuses to make yourselves feel better and not guilty for being fans of this kind of shit. you Are a problematic fujoshi and so are the rest of the people justifying this. you are choosing manga over morals here. think about it.

being ace means im not attracted to anyone. i dont feel sexual attraction to anyone. tf u mean its not about who im attracted to. also back to the topic at hand we are talking about a fkn manga we arent talking about real people doing this. manga isnt real. it doesnt matter how much u want it to be real. it fkn isnt. get that through your head. my morals have nothing to do with the content i read but how i fkn act in real life. how tf do u not understand that this isnt the reason rape is happening. rape isnt being justified by this content at all. theres no place in the manga that states that rape should be condoned and it doesnt encourage people to go out and rape either. the fact that you arent respectful enough to even read my responses shows how butthurt and ignorant u wanna be. just because you know fujioshis that use this content to justify rape and glorify mlm relationships doesnt mean all people who read this shit do it. how fkn dumb do you have to be to not understand that thinking and reading is not the same as action. and rape mangas literally dont get live action adaptions. this stuff isnt supposed to be romanticized. people who read this content are expected to be educated and understand that. if they cant understand that, they shouldnt be reading that content.

ur literally sitting here and twisting peoples words to make everyone seem like a problem is literally toxic. no one is condoning rape. since you didnt even fkn read half of our responses i wouldnt even expect you to know. ur sitting here fkn gaslighting someone who didnt even do anything wrong. reading and watching porn isnt a fkn sin. anyone who consumes this content isnt bothering anyone. the problem only occurs when these aspects are forced onto real people and when real people are degraded into objects, which is more than just reading and consuming content. blaming everyone doesnt fkn solve shit. get off ur fkn pedestal and stop generalizing everyone. you arent better than anyone just because u are LGBTQ. idc if u dont like it because i literally have not done anything wrong. i havent projected any misconceptions or stereotypes on real people. the fact that you have the audacity to pretend like ur some social justice warrior is fkn ridiculous. its not your business what other people read and enjoy as long as they are not causing an issue and objectifying real people. im done responding to you because u obviously dont want to respectfully discuss with anyone so do whatever u wanna fkn do.

im not on any kind of pedestal calm it down with the homophobia lmaoo if you want to use being ace as an excuse to speak over lgbtq folk go ahead and see how far it will get you but i am not better than anyone in the slightest, i just don’t go out of my way to justify something i know is morally wrong even if it realistic or not. this convo isnt going anywhere cause yall will do anything but see the bigger picture so enjoy living w the morals you have and those homophobic undertones ig! good luck!!

Okay there's no changing anyone minds today. so why don't you guys just call it a day. Everyone have different opinions on the topic and everyone got good reasoning. The only thing that sounds like complete bull shit is saying all Fujoshi are going around fetishizing gay people. Cause people fetishizing striaght people too. Arguing about it isn't gonna do anything.

bruh theres straight hentai with this stuff too. unless you actually actively cause an issue how is it wrong bruh. people consume all kinds of content but unless action is taken i dont see the issue. im not using anything as an excuse to speak over her but the fact that you straight up dissed ppl just bc u thought they were straight. and my logic makes sense. what you read doesnt correlate to how to act in real life.

while you get all your excuses off your chest can you please at the very least stop calling me “bruh”. like i said before i am nonbinary. gendered terms make me uncomfortable. you can say whatever you are trying to say without misgendering. not sure if you care or not but respect it. also pretty sure you already know i find everything you are saying seriously damaging and do not care what else you have to say to justify yourself. argue with the wall at this point

i didnt mean to misgender you idk what pronouns u use i tried to avoid anything labeled. id appreciate if we didnt continue this as well it doesnt seem like we are going to agree at any point. just because u dont understand my argument doesnt make it ok to call me homophobic or whatever. u literally assumed that another people was cishet because of their argument and used it as a way to insult them. thats what i was referring to. also i dont love being labeled as a fujioshi either so i hope you dont generalize people like that it really isnt fair since you dont know what i read and frankly its not your business.

well thats not an apology at all but if i said i was uncomfortable with gendered terms you could have used they/them. and if you dont mind telling me are you not cishet then? i am willing to own up to my mistake of assuming and apologize if you are not but the only thing you said was “im ace” which is like the most popular excuse used by cishets trying to speak over lgbt folk. and only fujoshis would defend this kind of content so idk what you expected from that. also you are very right abt it not being my business! yet what i said wasnt your business either. my comments were not directed towards you in the slightest and were only responding to OP’s comment about this being gross. yet i must have struck a nerve for you to keep going back and forth with me over what wasnt your business in the first place.

Dude, we get it! Your here trying to argue even further! Milly already said she's wrong! And your literally going off the topic here. We have different opinions that we want to believe so we should just stop and mind our business about this! Cuz its literally not your business to butt in to our opinions while we defend our opinion to you(im NOT inferring to rape now) so stop, its getting annoying.

no im not cishet i am asexual but just assuming anyone is cishet just because you dont agree with their standpoint is a problem. i shouldnt have to reveal my sexuality or personal information to you in order for you to consider my argument at all. the only real gendered term i used was "bruh" and i use that with everyone usually, but since you told me you were uncomfortable with that term as well i havent used that in the recent replies. i dont let the content i read affect my morals or my actions. i dont define who i am by the content i read, and i surely dont read content like this and use it as a way to condone rape. the content itself isnt telling anyone to do anything. its how people perceive the content and how much they let it effect them that makes it problematic. i do however think that this content was not meant for this website and since it is meant to be porn it shouldve stayed in mrm. if that doesnt make sense to you thats fine but i saw your reply as an addition to what someone else was saying in response to me so i responded. fujoshi usually has a negative connotation and was used to refer to people who objectify men, which you have no proof of me doing since, once again, i would never apply what i have read in any manga or anime onto a real living person and use it as a means to degrade them to being objects.

I know you made this a while ago but I have a question or more of an opinion I want to share. I feel like at LEAST 99% of people (excluding rapists) believe that rape is horrible. And I can tell that you are VERY against rape in general including fiction especially when it’s romanticized. This is a genuine question. What’s you’re opinion on rape play? I know that some people in real life have these fetishes and will pursue it in a safe environment with someone they trust with safe words and such. Another thing is what about violence in fiction? I know sometimes when someone beats people up/kills people in action sometimes they’re called “badass” or “cool” and if you were to beat people up or kill people in real life this is clearly frowned upon. Now violence is more clearly portrayed in media but in porn (in general) such things that would be frowned up if they were to actually happen to someone happen in porn. For instance I know that in bdsm sometimes there will be the master and the slave(s). If this were real then this would be frowned upon because slavery is a terrible thing. It’s all fake though, they’re not actually master in slave just playing as such. It’s because we know that they had consent and that it’s all fake. Wouldn’t this be the same in fiction? Now obviously the consent part is laking at least in this doujin, but we know that these are fictional characters not even based off real people meaning that they don’t actually have feelings or real emotions. I mean when a character kills someone else in anime (like I mentioned before) they could be seen as “badass” which isn’t necessarily romanticizing them, but it isn’t looking down on them for doing something illegal. I mean this is all just my opinion and I hate rape because of what it does to the victims and many times the rapist doesn’t get caught. While I’d rather read a story with consent I don’t personally mind stories like this. Now I know that some people that read these are young so their minds are impressionable, but I still believe that they would know to differentiate fiction from reality. That’s why whenever I come across a scene that isn’t full of consent I always remember that this IS CLEARLY FICTION. It helps that anime characters are VERY different from real people. Many things that anime characters have such as big eyes, colorful hair, unrealistic body proportions, etc. real people have details, things that would be impossible to integrate to anime characters because you’d never get whatever you were making finished in time. Really anytime you’re watching anime, reading manga, etc. I keep in mind that it’s not real and while things that happen in that media the people I’m reading about or the things that happen in that media are emphasized. I do think it’s important to make comments letting everyone know as a reminder that this is PURELY FICTIONAL, but when all of the comments are bashing on the work and the author I do think that they could’ve said it in a nicer tone. Now there’s no way that the author would ever see these comments, but maybe the translator or something (I’m not sure) could see this. And when you work very hard on something only for people to bash on it is quite rude. I apologize if this reply came off as rude that wasn’t my intention I was just stating what I think about this. I also realize that this was extremely long lol but I hope you enjoyed your fall break (if you had one I’m not sure if everyone has a fall break...) (⌒▽⌒)

nah i was literally trying to explain what you just summarized perfectly and the original comment was attacking a person that was trying to say the same shit. its annoying to me when people claim to "educate" when they are literally just bashing a person who did nothing wrong. reading doesnt mean people "romanticize" or "fetishize" that thing. thanks for adding and trying to explain.

Once you've been warn about the mental triggers regarding rape, you can't judge nor rate it lowly just because of the triggers since you've been warn beforehand. The author knows what she's doing and you know what you're going to read. That's your own fault if you got triggered but please don't bash your criticisms here.

Really though, I don't know if it's just me, but I'm kinda tired of "yaoi rape normality", like, "I drug you and fuck you without consent but strangely feel good so it's kay ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭" kinda thing, or "I come onto you and force you to have sex, but poor me, couse you didn't wanna have sex with me, and strangely you feel good, so ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭"............... (/TДT)/
There are such good stories, with a lot of sex scenes too, without any rape, and just that makes it so much worth it (≧∀≦) is it really just me?

Does te word BISEXUALITY ring at all? Dude, you're not gay, you're just bisexual ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I don't get why all the drama about being gay or not, if you loved women before and now you like a man, that makes you bisexual my friend, never has been gay. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

My problem with these plot and what frustrates me to no end is how they speak about sexuality and never the privileges that come with it or when they do they undermine the experience of being gay equating it with whatever the struggling “I’m straight” character is experiencing. You don’t have to necessarily date every gender to be bisexual, pansexual, demisexual Etc. The issue is when it’s repeatedly voiced “you are the exception” not I am opening myself up to the idea of I can fall in love while ignoring gender and loving solely on personality or the individual isn’t presented as the explanation for the seme. He’s completely “straight” and wouldn’t even consider another man this is just a blip.In that case he really does self identify as straight but maybe a strict Kinsey 1. If we broke up tomorrow I’d only date/ marry women from then on exclusively.It just comes across as the standard gay/bi experiencing their straight crush indulging in their often unrequited fantasy because the chances of this opportunity are slim to none. And only furthers that narrative of straight men are the ultimate romantic partner for queer men and it’s just exploitative and another fetishization can of worms. I know we live in a time where some people use labels and others don’t, but sometimes when we don’t use labels it makes us feel like we aren’t visually represented because we can’t easily identify or attach ourselves to identifiable markers. I’m bothered by how his straightness is what makes him more attractive to our gay main, or how it allows him to navigate into other avenues of sexual indulgence when he’s “bored or inconvenienced by a lack of female partners for him to use”. Or how he approaches our main character “post sex”, despite the author providing realistic commentary there’s still an element of experimentation and ego stroking.A lot about this character bothers me but is just how this is all ignored because he’s a nice guy, but it’s established greatly he treats the men in his life completely better than the women, how would this have faired if we had seen a FMM love triangle? Or we had gotten the perspective of one his female exes?He admits I’m pursuing how I would many of my past female partners those that experience fully carry over? If the plot is reliant on these elements what’s to say when the times comes and he’s bored by the newness of it all he’ll just return what he’s used and comfortable with?
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜