At the Engetsuza Shrine, there's a magical tale that’s been passed down through each gene...
- Author: Himaki ito
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance
Computer science major Chu Sangwoo is the epitome of an inflexible and strict rule-abiding person. W...
- Author: Jeosuri,Angy
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Comedy / Romance / School Life / Webtoons
Sotoki Keisuke, A high schooler has never been lucky in his life. He has always been a "misfort...
- Author: Pii
- Genres: Fantasy / Yaoi
Niito feels extremely troubled by his plight as an omega without a mate. Every single month he goes ...
- Author: SHIKAMA Takayuki
- Genres: Comedy / Slice of Life / Smut / Yaoi
That skeleton imagery of penelope is so haunting. Made me gasp for air cause it does capture her fully.
That skeleton imagery of penelope is so haunting. Made me gasp for air cause it does capture her fully.
I dont think I'll be the one marinating this.... Feels like it'll marinate on its own lol
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Romance Webtoons Romance
Shoma Otsuki's an omega and an office worker of marrying age. He's set up in an arranged m...
- Author: Takami Itsu,TAKAMI Itsu
- Genres: Adult / Drama / Romance / Smut / Yaoi
Chan’s always been the one to blend in, unlike his friend Dowoon the celebrity. From the State...
- Author: 79
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Comedy / Romance / Shounen Ai