Not much to say about this other then I Love the different perspectives of the characters (cant say i like what some did because i absolutely hated some decisions) No matter what anyone says it gives off tiny hope in a rotten world. We can interpret the moral of the ending as we see fit so it gives off a variety of impression some feel angry, some feel sad, some feel inspired etc.
What leaves me more questions is Hyuks situation (Glasses Maria fan addict) he came back as an evolved monster and now we see him enter a cinema breaking ties with hyun and his sister. There’s something so off about his talk and face expression or gestures seemed sad? Even though evolved monsters are supposed to show no emotion i can’t help but notice breaks of human emotion. At times like these I hate a wide opened door endings. Like I adore the fact that they made this to ease the fans curiosity for Sweet homes ending but now I need for answers for hyuks situation.
It would be awesome seeing another story being brought up from hyuks perspective on how evolved monsters can regain emotions. Hyun always seemed to be hesitant so I’m not entirely surprised how he got his emotions back. My curiosity lies by will Hyuk be able to do the same thing? Like I need more different perspectives. No not need. I DESIRE MORE DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES damn why did Hyuk even go tot the Maria cinema if he lost his emotions Like curiosity “CAN” be part of an emotion.