Ok I’m gonna say this the little sister is one of the most annoying stubborn characters I’ve ever seen, her being good at everything makes me really disappointed, because she already has a good relationship with her family, pears and she even got the be with the crown prince wow so lucky. Her way of justice annoys me because she is now a noble that many will soon look up on, the time we’re the crown princes cape tore she defended the one who was being scolded, girl the dude whos being scolded isn’t also at fault others involved will also be punished to. Instead of defending one side reason with both some will judge and say that your actions are immature. When she told her father about her violin performance I was really angry because the father didn’t acknowledge that Violette was the one who taught her in such a short amount of time, what makes me more angry is that the she isn’t aware of the relationship Violette has with her family and her history despite wanting to get to know her more. Her sense of forgiveness and pity in every situation makes me really annoyed. I know Violette‘s pain not being good enough and trying to get excepted especially when her sister is technically good at everything, when you put hard work effort to what your doing and it ends up failing is really the worst we can all relate, yeah she didn’t handle rejection the nicest way but now that she has a second chance she’s willing to change her future. Don’t even start with the crown prince, he didn’t like her when she loved him, but when she starts backing off trying to become a nun that’s when he starts gaining interest. The way he treated her when we first meet him, straight up accusing Violette, well yeah maybe the old Violette will start bullying, spreading rumours and gossiping with the other ladies, but it’s still right to make sure that Violette is innocent instead of accusing her at first glance. I know that he’s trying to get closer with Violette, and I can feel some lingering feelings that Violette has but if you remember what she experienced in prison being locked up, dying alone I wouldn’t even go back to the prince but it’s probably not going to happen cause in these stories it’s always the crown prince the the female lead ends up with. The father is just trash pay no attention to him just skip all the pages with him in it. Hope some characters get character development fast. And really I pray that Violette will end up with Yulan the two were fated to meet. I just hope that Violette‘s sister won’t be to naive in the near future, she seems like the type of person someone tells her that Violette likes peanuts, so she gives Violette some cookies with nuts and then when Violette gets an allergic reaction she then says someone told me you liked peanuts, i just wanted to give you a snack that you liked, and wow they don’t blame her and say it’s not your fault well find the culprit who told you this false information. ( ̄∇ ̄")

Ok if anyone knows can someone please spoil me when he will realizes HE MESSED UP, not he feels bad, because it’s been like 50 chapters I hate seeing Nian get upset or abused it’s always the same thing. I want that idiot bastard to suffer holding the pain and sadness that the person he loved was replaced by some faker, abused, and neglected.

When my parents scold me they put on this aggressive face to show that their disappointed although yeah it’s mean I understand why they do that, if they hadn’t I’d probably be a spoiled brat to. I’m waiting for when Gabrielle gets scared of her father she can’t act all high and mighty forever and I’m waiting for her downfall
Thank you uploader-san, for uploading some more chapters