Here’s your crown for the comment you sent in full volume: ♛

It actually wasn’t even related to himbos, their orginal comment. It was more about the drunk scene and I was agreeing with what they were saying for that scene in particular but I had commented that I like himbos though but it was like a none related extra commentary (because they had said something bad about himbos which is why I said that). The thing was my comment kept cutting off so it only kept the “I like himbos though” part which is why they talked about himbos to me. I usually try to see both sides of their arguments but what they said about himbos and big chested men being homophobic/misogynistic made absolutely no sense whatsoever. I really just appreciated what you said because I’m just getting tired of ppl treating everything so seriously as if it were the Bible being tainted or some shit, when it comes to FICTIONAL works. Like, dude, THIS A FUCKING SMUTTY BL! It literally is just for people to shut their brains and just enjoy some smut. Nothing fucking wrong with that. But people just want to feel like they are on a higher moral pedestal and just say problematic shit to feel like they are the one in the right when it doesn’t even relate or even make sense within the content.

I actually stopped reading this story because of how toxic all of them are that I just drop by to read the comments lol