I have the same condition as the MC where I sweat way more than the average person (hyperhidrosis), and have to eat medicine to be able to handle every day life.
Thought I would hate this manga for the ML has a sweat fetish and I'm quite sensitive and extremely self aware when it comes to sweat, but surprisingly I did not hate it.
I usually don't read smut but the description enraged me enough to check this out, but I left with an ok feeling.

What really makes me enjoy reading this is not only because of the fact I know Juni Ito made art but it's the sheer psychological impact the events have on the main character.
I think the slowish pace as well as the lack of the supernatrual actually fits the story since what scares me the most about this is the realisation that there are actual people living in similar conditions.
It feels nice to read a manga with the psychology genre that doesn't heavily rely on it's story and focus mainly on the supernatural, things or monsters that don't exist in real life.
Not only that but I can also to some extent relate to the main characters nihilistic views on life which makes me feel more connected to him.
This is the first manga drawn by Junji ito that I've actually read til the latest chapter and enjoyed the whole thing.
Ok I'm sorry but I really hate him and I don't think I'll ever like such an insufferable person in real life if I met one.