Ok I'm confused... what does it mean by he is gonna lay eggs ??? Like a chicken?! Or the egg will develop inside the womb ( if he has one ) and give birth or how ???? I'm confused ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

They mentioned it was gonna be in the womb first, so I think they eat the plant and have intercourse then the egg develops inside his body, afterwards its taken to a lab where it will give birth to a 4 yr old child not an actual baby- thats all I got but tbh how is he gonna get that egg out of him to put it in the lab?? I guess since it wont be born as a newborn baby thats why he cant develop it in his body so he needs to take the egg out BUT HOWWWW FROM HIS ASS??? or magic maybe anything is possible in this story
Noooo why is the oneshott?? this needs a whole ass season