That was quite the interesting ride. I absolutely adore Jules Vernes and everything he did. As someone who has probably seen every cinematic versions but never read the book; it was amazing to discover all the differences they made in movies compared to the book. It was really nice to enjoy the real story with illustrated pictures and I cannot thank enough the translator who took the time to actually point out each and every little thing that they intentionally left out or changed from the book. It was actually the best part of my reading. Best translation I've seen in all of my readings. I could see while reading the passion the translater had for Jules Vernes and It made it even more good. Thank you so much for working on it. xx
We'll maybe see each others somewhere beneath iceland someday, who knows?

This is so hard to read. The artist is quite powerful to be able to picture that kind of story. As a person with mental illnesses I find it mentally draining to follow up that story. It's like I want them to get better, I want to help them but I just can't enter the manhwa haha and so it's just making me sad. I don't know how to explain it?

I came for the fluff and the gay and at first it was all good and all, with stereotypes and some jokes but then it actually got a good storyline and characters development. I cried two times already. Even if some things doesn't makes sense, it's still getting better and better. Good job to the artist
I love this so much this is one of the funniest thing i've ever read and it makes me smile like crazy!