Plot: Sui and Sou are a pair of twins who are starting high school. Though raised by occultist paren...
- Author: tsuda mikiyo
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / School Life / Shoujo / Supernatural / shounen ai
Kaiden - A mysterious ability user who hides inside the body of a street cat. He is later picked up ...
- Author: Son Jeho,Zhena
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Webtoons / Shounen
In a world driven by fictionalized friendship, courtesy of the program named "real account", the tab...
- Author: Okushou,WATANABE Shizumu
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Sci-fi / Shounen
If you liked Deadman Wonderland, this will like you too. Synopsis will be written soon....
- Author: Kataoka Jinsei
- Genres: Action / Psychological / Seinen / Shounen / Tragedy
In a world entirely ruled by giants, the human race, which has turned into their food, has surrounde...
- Author: ISAYAMA Hajime
- Genres: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Horror / Mystery / Shounen / Tragedy
A girl goes to the seaside on her class field trip and accidentally meets a mysterious handsome boy,...
- Author: Old Xian, Moss
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life / Tragedy / One Shot
Let me tell you a story about a swordsman and a knight. The first words: Seen and Badeng....
- Author: Old xian,tan jiu
- Genres: doujinshi / Action / Webtoons
In a small town in the countryside lives a boy named Danny, an orphan with a tear-shaped birthmark. ...
- Author: Moss, Old Xian
- Genres: Adventure / Fantasy / Historical / webtoons
The wolf king picked up a puppy! Manhua artist Mawei's serialized new work!...
- Author: Mawei,麻尾
- Genres: Comedy / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
Yoichi Isagi lost the opportunity to go to the national high school championships because he passed ...
- Author: Kaneshiro Muneyuki,Nomura Yuusuke
- Genres: Shounen / Sports
A boy becomes enamored with Ribbon (rhythmic gymnastics) after seeing a young woman dancing by a shr...
- Author: Kurokawa Yumi
- Genres: Drama / Sports
Takemichi is a 26-year-old unemployed virgin who learns that the girl he dated in middle school&acir...
- Author: Wakui Ken
- Genres: Shounen / Action