Z.A.D.D.Y.'s feed


i just re read this. i just don't know how to feel anymore. what's gonna happen? we're not excusing Seungho's behavior just cause the author played the fucking trauma card are we? what he's done to Nakyum can't be undone. he's a fucking rapist. i like him. i do but he can't do anything. not ANYTHING to undo what he's done. it's sad but it's the truth. no matter how much of a character development he has, it just can't be undone and that hurts. just hope Seungho realizes how much of an asshole he really is and that he's a criminal. honestly, if you ask me, i just hope they part ways you know. it may be painful but it's just for the best i think. like Nakyum honestly has gone through so much shit cause of Seungho. he deserves better bro. well i just hope what's the best for them. thanks for listening to my rant