Did he put a damn plastic bag over his hand and kept it in place with a rubber band?! What the fuuuuck? That ain’t gonna be smooth nor comfortable in the slightest O.o
For those wondering if they should read this series: If you hate the rape to love (I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be that) trophy or rape in general. Do NOT read it.

They all shitty ass characters, Cain so far isn’t bad-bad but he is SUS af.
I mean I did know before even starting this series that it’s gonna be running around in circles and the oh-so-fantastic-&-obligatory-rape-scene(s)-turns-to-love but maaan I am a sucker for the art.

Even tho he is sus he is likeable. Like those cbaracters like Oikawa. Suspicious but likeable. And he seems glad as long as he is happy. BUT I WANT YAHWI TO HAVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. IDC IF HE IS THE ML IM GONNA KILL HIM IF HE DONT BE NICE TO JOOIN AND JUST KEEP RAPING THAT INNOCENT PUPPY. LIKE WTF MAN.

Horikoshi really do be liking the Spider-Man franchise.
For those who don’t know; This arc is similar to one in Spider-Man (sadly I can’t remember which one, I’ll update if I do remember). SPOILER WARNING FOR SPIDER-MAN COMIC: Buuut in it there’s a huge fight with heroes against villains. Many heroes died there but they succeeded in killing/detaining all of the villains. After that has happened villains aren’t a thing anymore nor heroes, of course it still exist smaller criminals here and there but nothing compared to before. Peter Parker continues to help out and seating these heroes but the large majority is gone.
What I’m saying is:
Midoriya is similar to Peter Parker, both are young and energetic + relatable characters. (Same age and all)
Horikoshi’s favorite comic is Spider-Man also check chapter 1 which shows shadowed heroes from different series: Spider-Man is there; kamen rider, ultraman, wolverine, Devilman and Superman.
Deku’s quirk black whip is similar to Parker’s spiderweb.

I began reading this comic expecting it to be all smut *COUGH* I was looking for smut.
I did get that but I got a very interesting story too boost it up.
It’ll be interesting to see how they’ll solve the misunderstanding and if Masa will admit his fear of women. Saki showed you her secret interest in yaoi- a fujoshi which literally means rotten girl and she feared he’d disgust her. Which he of course didn’t even think about.
Haaaah, this series is an unpolished diamond!

This whole story gave me a Jeffrey Dahmer vibe and I’m not in for it. - And I love serial killers, as in studying about them. Not their actions, if you enjoyed this comic. Seriously go to a doctor, we don’t need Dahmer 2.0.

I liked it, it was so hot and sxy and im dripping uwu cute wittle sinning babies I loved the part when he cut off ur mans dick it was so hot and sex c and my toes crave a good suxking I want to have all my teeth pulled from my skull and my toes cut off and all my nails removed with pliers and I wanna put nails under my toenails and kick a door I think that would be sexy
Thaank you for uploading!