2021-07-29 01:01 marked

ok well i used Google translate so it may not be accurate but Its close so here I go
Scene 1- lucaon and sihan were conversing about the reason why intron attacked lucaon's mansion.
Scene 2- kyon declared that he wanted to stop working here, that he has been working here for too long and said that he was gonna pack his things and arrange all his stuff and was about to go in when lucaon held back his hand and asked him why ,then kyon said that he's been thinking about it all these days after the attack and he can't hold it in anymore but lucaon tries to stop him and tells him not to worry cos he won't do anything to him anymore and will protect him and will stay by his side or something but kyon coldly tells him to let go of him but lucaon really tries to convince kyon not to leave but kyon sighs and then kisses him, says *I'm sorry* and leaves the scene.
Scene 3- Cecilia asks Ryan how he's feeling I think and then tells him that her servant just informed her that kyon has been acting weirdly(I think) and so tells Ryan to hurry and go to lucaon's side and so they go together
Scene 4- kyon is packing his stuff and was thinking about how hurt his master looked back then and he holds lucaon's shirt and reminisces about the past and asks himself why did he have to fall in love with his master , why did he go to that lake that snowy night
Scene 5- Ryan checks on lucaon but lucaon(maybe he's turning into a zero?) tells him to get out then Cecilia's servant comes in and I guess she informs them that her master(Cecilia) went after kyon and kyon was holding a knife(maybe I'm not sure)
Scene 6- under the snowy night near the lake kyon tries to kill himself by stabbing himself with the knife that lucaon gave him and utters "m-a-s-t-e-r" while Cecilia watches him collapse.
Du dun dun dun. Cliffhanger~~
2017-08-11 18:03 marked
2017-04-07 00:36 marked
The author did WHAT