iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
step 1 get a job...and i forget step 2 and 3 cause i'm lazy
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about finding the sexuality
I don't need a test to know that i'm a heterosexual female who finds women ass and boobs attractive, squeezable, and sexy!!
No friends so they try anything to fit in and be a people pleaser so they adopted the worst way to text thinking its cool and would make everybody be like "omg your SO cool!"
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
me and the homies doing dumb shit
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about being obsessed with someone
Humanity is just continuously ruining its reputation!!
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
wat we gone do digitally send you some pain killers?
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
and if i don't?
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
i think we a just high off that furry weed
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about embarrass yourself
once you do you'll be forever outcasted by society
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
in all honesty its really annoying when it gets wet
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about being obsessed with someone
Lets go!!! i've been looking for some new type of manga
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
douche, and other hygiene products
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about question
eats paper and glitter. now we have a whole arts and craft in our belly :)
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about disturbing thing you saw
the word "up" cause every time someone say it you know its has to do with you moving your body around. like get up and do the dishes. get up and clean your room. get up and walk the dog. get up and help with chores. how about i cut my legs off MOM and see if i can continue to get up!
iNeedMoreYaoi answered question about being obsessed with someone
Yhea i'ma need you to put that all in one short sentence for me please