I’m rereading this since it was updated, and I hope there’s at least one chapter where the military nerd finds a partner too.

Narwal created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

Ngl the relationship felt kind of one-sided on Touma's end. I wish there was a second volume to show the development of their relationship.

Narwal created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I read the raws and it gets worse...

Narwal created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung literally saw Dan almost die, and this is how he reacts? I want to say I'm surprised, but this is the same man who didn't even bat an eyelash when Dan was almost raped by those gangsters.

Narwal created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I don't understand why people are hating on the friend. Of course, she would react this way. Jaehyuk was a huge manwhore and also super homophobic. Anyone would be confused and skeptical of him dating a man. We all know Jaehyuk has changed, but she doesn't so her reaction makes sense.

Narwal created a topic of Driver's High

The author needs to give us a side story with Olivia and Isabella

Narwal created a topic of Salvation Spirit

I'm so mad I saw the raws and the uke already forgave the seme. There was no chasing arc or anything like that wtf. The only reason I kept reading this was to see the seme suffer

Narwal created a topic of Work Love Balance

Kinda wish we got to see director Kang be jealous for a little longer...

Narwal created a topic of Work Love Balance

Yall don't jump me but I was so excited for this new season but it's so boring and the chapters are short. I don't care about the friend or his back story. I wanted to see more of the director and yiyoung...

Narwal created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Sorry, but I'm on Garam's side. Jaehyuk used to treat him like shit, ofcourse it would be weird for Garam to suddenly be all lovey dove especially when he's clearly never been in any relationship besides in high-school. It's honestly satisfying to see Jaehyuk suffering as well

Narwal created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

Does anyone know if the Mc ever finds out about the bet ml and his friend made?

Narwal created a topic of PASSION

I don't understand how some of yall can hate xinlu but like ilay...

Narwal created a topic of Salvation Spirit

I kept reading this because I was waiting to see the seme suffer but I honestly don't think that will happen

Narwal created a topic of Salvation Spirit

Are we ever going to see the ml suffer?? I need to see him crying, throwing up, heaving and getting karma for his shitty behavior.

Narwal created a topic of Foul's Start

I always wonder why in most bls the author always make the tops into dirty annoying whores and the bottom pitiful virgins?? Like it's actually getting boring now...

Narwal created a topic of Work Love Balance

Omg finally! Thank you for translating

Narwal created a topic of PASSION

I've always wondered why illay doesn't get as much hate as other toxic bl tops when he's just as bad as them. He treats tay like literal trash ☠

Narwal created a topic of Love in Orbit

Abandoning your kid and leaving him with his trash father and then having another child is actually crazy. Do you not even feel a little bit guilty!?!? Also the dad gotta die

Your boyfriend said he'd have sex with a girl with big boobs and your response to that is to cross dress for him? Have some self respect

(BTW I don't think there's anything wrong with cross dressing)