What the fuck Dora haha haha oh and the chapter 17.5 that's how I know he a Filipino

The only thing that the mind needs is calling

Hahahahaha he a legend

I want them to continue the anime I want to see Yuri and wf get married


Cinderella ang peg hahahaha

What?? So you're telling me he's an AI?! Bitch that's unexpected


Bitch I literally chokes because of let's get married bitch what?

This manhua was like: Nosebleed who?
Those thots will die from spitting blood


Type F to those who has nosebleeds rn

I was about to lose hope because of that thot and then Lets give it a shot that's when I regained consciousness (⌒▽⌒)

I fuckin love their hand gestures when ghetto are shocked all those sailor moon hand gestures (≧∀≦)

Wow magic (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

This is one of my fave but just second my personal fave is palace of Bardo it's a beautiful story and I think it's already dropped or onhold. Give it a try I think it's worth the time