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WhatDaHellWasDat March 8, 2025 9:17 pm

GURL YUMIN WHAT POSSESSED YOU, WHAT HAPPENED???? not that I'm complaining about it but WHAT

WhatDaHellWasDat January 9, 2025 10:29 pm

Never expected this cross over bt here i am.

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WhatDaHellWasDat December 6, 2023 8:01 pm

Free Palestine!!

    Hibou December 6, 2023 8:49 pm

    This has no place here, report

    takemeaway December 6, 2023 8:52 pm
    This has no place here, report Hibou

    You're reporting someone for saying a country and it's people should be free? Weirdo

    Yoooo December 6, 2023 9:11 pm
    You're reporting someone for saying a country and it's people should be free? Weirdo takemeaway

    Them being from France makes so much sense

    WhatDaHellWasDat December 6, 2023 9:21 pm
    This has no place here, report Hibou

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    WhatDaHellWasDat December 6, 2023 9:23 pm
    This has no place here, report Hibou

    B-bt wanting freedom is bad? (/TДT)/

    gros batard December 6, 2023 9:24 pm
    This has no place here, report Hibou

    oh shut it

    WhatDaHellWasDat December 6, 2023 9:25 pm
    Them being from France makes so much sense Yoooo

    That's so true. They do seem to hate brown people. (⊙…⊙ )

    RizzyRaw December 6, 2023 10:14 pm
    This has no place here, report Hibou

    Hope the same thing happens to the people u care abt the same, so we all can keep the same energy. Genocide supporter.

    Moon December 6, 2023 11:43 pm

    Sorry to say this but your account might get restricted for posting something non manga related here, so please be careful
    PS- i am not a genocide supporter

    Hibou December 7, 2023 10:52 am

    Well You are pitiful for relating this to my country. Sincerely pitiful. This site has nothing to do with politics or conflict, this post is totally off topic of course I report it. Rizzi I won't comment, you're not worth it. We are not against them, but against the terrorists, find out about our news, you have just said an atrocity.

    RizzyRaw December 7, 2023 1:25 pm
    Well You are pitiful for relating this to my country. Sincerely pitiful. This site has nothing to do with politics or conflict, this post is totally off topic of course I report it. Rizzi I won't comment, you'r... Hibou

    Ur the one clearly that hasn’t done ur research u dumb brat. Have you not learned history at all. News is the number one advocate of propaganda, pick up a book atleast once in ur life u spoiled French whore. Do u even know how Hamas was made? Why the attack on October 7 happened, no bcz all u do is belive wat the news tells u to and label everyone non white fighting for freedom as terrorists. Especially coming from a French person u have absolutely nooo place to call anyone a terrorist ur country is one of the worst ones in history, and it would have been a different story if u are agaisnt ur gov beliefs but u follow them blindly like a dog. Following Israel so blindly while many have there lies have come out and at this point they exposing themselves, yet ur true racist nature is shown. I can tell u all the lies that have come out, I can tell u why Hamas was made, I can tel u why Israel isn’t real but are u able to defend that apartheid state, no bcz u know nothing and u never cared for people dying till October 7, u seem to forget everything that happened before for 75 years. All u care abt is white lives and it’s sad that u report someone who only said they wanted a country free from genocide and the wrongful colonization. Israel is American, german and uk funded, any of those names sound familiar. They are the og colonizers, the ones who spread the most propaganda. Plz honestly read a book do some research, I can teach u if u don’t have the right sources, and don’t let history repeat itself. I used to wonder how ppl were compliant with the holocaust, and let millions of ppl die. It’s because of people like u, idiots, racists piece of shits.

    Hibou December 7, 2023 2:09 pm
    Ur the one clearly that hasn’t done ur research u dumb brat. Have you not learned history at all. News is the number one advocate of propaganda, pick up a book atleast once in ur life u spoiled French whore. ... RizzyRaw

    Perfect you're here at the same time as me, I can have the last word because continuing this conversation makes no sense.

    France is an old country yes, but each country has its dark side. England, China, Algeria, Japan, USA, Australia... Do you really believe that a country was perfect throughout his entire existence? Do you think that it's normal for you to blame me for crimes committed by my country 50, 100, 200, 500 years ago?

    I know the history of Israel, thank you very much. I know the history of Palestine, thank you very much. We have a variety of media you know, we can always get information, no need for you to explain the situation to me ^^

    Let's start from my government's point of view. Israel is an allied country, it is normal for it to support it. This does not mean that it supports it's actions, whether in Gaza or Cisjordanie. As for our population, there will always be fanatics but no normal person can support Israel's crimes.

    Now me. When did I say I support Israel ? Genocides? Which of my comments is racist? The one about the recent attack in Paris perhaps? You opened my eyes, I am responsible for all the evils of the world

    I repeat again, because you don't seem to have read it, this is not a political site.You're not clairvoyant, please don't assume people's opinions through a simple sentence. I am patient and understanding (what more could you expect from a user of this site?) but be careful, one day your words will come out without you realizing it.

    Don't insult people like that. It's probably a way of externalizing for you, but you come away as a person incapable of arguing intelligently.

    Also, you can't deny the existence of Israel, do you even realize that you are doing exactly what you accuse them of doing?

    I will end by adding that seeing hatred where there is none and even creating it out of nowhere like you do is the real problem.It's because of people like you that racism and hatred of others exist. I don't wish you to have a good day, you still insulted me too much for that.

    Yoooo December 7, 2023 2:32 pm
    Perfect you're here at the same time as me, I can have the last word because continuing this conversation makes no sense. France is an old country yes, but each country has its dark side. England, China, Algeri... Hibou

    You're saying this isn't the right site to be talking abt this but what abt wanting freedom for Palestine is smth that shouldn't be talked abt?
    And for you to be saying this while you're on an illegal site is honestly just hilarious cuz who are you to really decide what ppl write abt on an illegal site
    At least go on a legal site if you care so much abt righteousness and whatnot

WhatDaHellWasDat December 6, 2023 6:37 pm

Maro meku maro

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