Maybe it's because I've read some TRULY fucked up shit during my time online and I've read some fucked up manhwa/manga/manhua/fanfiction/books buy those guys at least knew how to communicate, ASKED FOR CONSENT (consent is sexy) and made him feel comfortable and satisfied. I don't see the fuss. He consented, was in a proper state of mind and he was in control of the entire situation the entire time. He doesn't owe Teri anything. If he had just communicated his feelings normally he may have even been able to romance him all over again (they hinted they were lovers before he got hurt and lost his memory). But they're not lovers or anything. Teri is neurotic and crazy. I'm glad our MC is someplace else he has a will of his own and is somewhat happy. And yes he's slut. Good for him!! I hope he keeps enjoying his promiscuous life!!

I like how real they are. They're both still young and immature. One of them is emotionally dense as hell like most young men and one is super shy. It's cute. I feel like this is gonna be a slow burn on the romance aspect but on the physical, again, they're young men. Their libido is healthy so Eunho is gonna be bouncing on that dick like the cute lil bun bun he is sooner than later
BEST CONFESSION SCENE IVE ALMOST EVER READ THATS LIKE IN THE TOP 10 WTF IT ELEVATED THIS MANGA SO HARD!! Also the sex position on the last chapter is complicated for a lot of mangaka to do and still have it look properly erotic/sexy with proper anatomy and y'know it doesn't look impossible. Kudos to that! That takes some serious skill.