I do like this story, but the art style is so exaggerated it feels like a parody of itself

Abel✯lied answered question about going to concerts
Manhwa- FL that's considered ugly by most characters, because she's very masculine both physically and personality wise: https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/emperor_and_the_female_knight/ Manga- FL that's considered ugly, because she intentionally makes herself ugly, as she worked near the red light district and didn't want men to hurt her. She's no......
Abel✯lied asked a question

I wish mangago's homepage didn't show you blocked user's posts. I know that's too complex for this sort of site, but still. It's taking the self control of a Buddhist monk to ignore the rage bait

Kind of shallow, convoluted and nonsensical, but in a fun way. It feels like the sort of story girls reincarnate into in better stories. It's fun for like five chapters and then it just stop being amusing in it's shallowness. The heroine is kind, The crown prince is stupid, The Lady is malicious, The sister is silly, The prince is an ideal person and there's just nothing else to them. The politics of this gave me a laugh "The crown prince is the one who's engaged to the duke's daughter and for some reason one brother knows about it and the other one doesn't!" Great fun

Lol I feel like I know some people like this.

"I hope this isn't going the sis-con route!!" It clearly isn't. The author knew that it would be a concern in this genre, so they put the whole "I want Diana to marry someone who makes her happy." scene in there. He's affectionate and easily excited, but he never treats her possessively and even scolds his father for objectifying her. The reason why people misunderstand him in the story is, that no one but him knows that Diana's life is in dangers. He even treats Al as a sad little kid, and not as a rival in love. It doesn't get clearer than "If they were to fall in love and marry, I'd have nothing against it.", he doesn't want to marry his sister, he wants his sister to not get murdered.

Anyway this is really interesting, and I think one of the better "reincarnated into a loving family" stories. The characters aren't reduced to ideal Arents who provide unconditional love and affection to their children, but they aren't cruel or abusive either. They have flaws that lots of parents have (comparing children, scolding children for something they encouraged, using children to appease superiors), but they still love them dearly. I understand why they're concerned about their relationship, because they just don't have the same info as we do. I like that Cain's idea of nobility, while good, is clearly false. His parents somewhat scorn commoners and free expression, but they're not the ones who are wrong about what nobles are like, Cain is, yet it's his ideas that make Diana a kinder lady.

In a way, it's a bit more mature look at nobility, than all those shoujo manhwas, where commoners are only there to virtue signal that the FL is a good person, while she continues to muck around with the emperor, forgetting about them as soon as they're out of frame.
I especially liked the cake eating scene. In other stories, the scene would be used to illustrate how loving the father is to his daughter, but here he's depicted as wasteful.

On a final note, if there's going to be romance, I think it'll be with the original FL, because so far she seems really nice, and I think Cain wants to talk to someone about video games lol.

Abel✯lied created a topic of Sharehouse Nile

Daringly shocking concept, offensively stupid execution. Marie Antoinette wasn't stupid, no matter how vain she was. Picasso could not live with two women without beating them. And maybe don't do this sort of thing with people who died so recently, that we have them in motion picture.

Could a novel reader let me know why Callisto's heart meter went up so slowly? It's clear that he cared about her for a long time, so I thought there'd be a plot twist about his meter measuring something else, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Thank you!

Does anyone know where the better translations are from and if they'll be re-uploaded here? I really like this manga, but it's really text heavy, so machine translation just isn't cutting it

Haha, at this point it isn't even a reverse harem story, but a romance between Penelope and Callisto, while these other guys fumble the best girl so bad.

Which is not to say that I don't see Reynold being good, but he's not actually all that there for Penelope. Yes, if someone's being awful to her, he'll help, but it needs to happen in front of him. He's not someone who thinks things through enough, to plan ahead to help Penelope to get out of situation, just someone there for the confrontations.
And even if he was, I do think that their relationship is platonic/familial, and nothing more, unlike Derrick, who wants to have his cake and stab it in the back too.

Winters is really interesting, because he's kinder better person than Callisto imo. Winters is just not capable of living for Penelope, he has to care about the kids, his people, the kingdom and just justice in general. He'll say the truth even if it harms Penelope, which I do really admire in his character, but it just isn't something that Penelope needs.

In a story about Penelope dying if no one comes to love her, rational normal kind and honest man just isn't going to do it. Penelope needs someone just crazy enough to choose her over the rest of her world, but not someone batshit enough to disregard her happiness in this.

I actually love this so much, mc just went and seduced both of the spouses. They both know that mc means trouble, but they love her anyway. Fucked up, amazing. My previous comment was Rip to toxic Yuri, but actually, rip to toxic polycule, you could've been terrible together.

I mean I wish yaoi on him as much as anyone, but it does seem unlikely. No matter how good a ship gets, this is a comedy manga where the chapters don't link together too closely, so I don't think it would switch to romance, as it would undermine the character and the story structure. But maybe the author will be able to write a romantic interest that is as absurd as the mc, so the vibe of the story won't change? If that's the case, I do think that so far the psychic is the best option, as he doesn't really like the mc yet, and thinks this whole bl thing is absurd.

Abel✯lied created a topic of Charming and the Beast

If you search the tag "black FL" this is the only story that pops up bffr

Abel✯lied created a topic of hotaru no yomeiri

This is a bit dumb. There wasn't anything to set this up beforehand, it's completely out of nowhere and the tonal shift is really weird. Also the dad would have a million different ways to produce "a natural meeting" with Satoko and the police chief. "My sick daughter got lost!" "Someone tried to kill her!" Why would he, a supposedly doting and possessive father, put her in a situation, where she could have been sexually assaulted (and almost was!!!), when it would not only harm her, but destroy her marriage prospects. This feels like the author wanted to say "Aha, you all predicted the ending, because it was well planned out and made thematic sense, but I care more about surprising you, so here, look at this twist villain!!" What are you, modern Disney????

Abel✯lied created a topic of Dreadful Night

Enough with the anal, comrades! Back to the homoerotic horror rpg puzzle solving.

I couldn't even focus on the last couple of chapters, no matter how much I enjoyed the rest. Can manga authors chill with the fucking "evil Arab country" trope???? Why the hell did that get so popular. I guess it's nice, that they got to shed off their disguise in the end, but that doesn't change the fact that for majority of the story, the main villain was this evil Arab country, so evil infact that God has rejected it, where all the people are evil, except this one kid that's white. No one asked for this. "Top tier Isekai manga" my ass

Abel✯lied answered question about question
Young lady is a royal chef... It's so depressing I can't even muster the energy to be angry about it... How it started: How's it going:
Abel✯lied created a topic of In the Doghouse

I'm not even into men, so I'd like to call a meeting under this comment and ask the committee if that loch ness monster is actually doing anything for you, or if the artist has pushed their creative liberties too far this time

Abel✯lied created a topic of Look-Alike Daughter

I thought the comments were crazy, but after chapter 51, I think we can pretty conclusively say that the story has been now split into two timelines:

So-Myeong timeline and Som/Mother timeline

I kept trying to look for slightest physical differences like height, eyes, or uniforms, but there aren't such things. So I'll present the actual differences here:

Characters in So-Myeong timeline:
-So-myeong, Hyojin (her black haired friend), Siyun, red head fuckboy

Characters in Som/mother timeline
- Som, Sol, Killing-stalking-wannabe barista

Changes in So-Myeong and Som:

-So-Myeong never cared about smoking, but Som seems to hate it and judge people on it all the time
-Som is in general more "upper class" with her taste, she won't sit on old chairs and is grosses out by greasy food
-So-Myeong pushes her friends away to protect them, Som is extremely possessive
-Som complains about her daily life being tedious and repetitive, So-Myeong is tired of being on edge all the time. I think So-Myeong would enjoy being a boring adult very much
-Som is very chill about her mom "My mom would understand if my bag got wet in this weather" "It's raining, should I call my mom?" "I put the umbrella in the hall, but my mom must've put it in my room""I can't go out, my mom made dinner, haha okay you're funny I'll have dinner with you", So-Myeong is scared of getting murdered
-The way Som meets her lunch mates is almost identical to the way So-Myeong met her now murdered friend, so I don't think she'd be eager to repeat that
-Som lies, she lies willingly and often. We can compare the situation where a bully was being falsely accused. Som cried and said she doesn't remember, So-Myeong stayed silent. So-Myeong lies also, but mainly about her mother or to her mother.
-In what universe would So-Myeong keep an unlocked box with all things important to her in her room, and out a photo of a "low quality" friend in there, when she knows her mother would immediately find it?
-So-Myeong wants to avoid confrontation, to the point of concern of her friends. Som just met this girl and ended her bloodline, and taunted her on top of it.
-"I hope Sol and I create more memories during these fun times!" So-Myeong isn't having fun times I think haha
-The chapter 51 line pretty much confirms it "I want to do something about my hairline, get rid of my bangs and cut my hair into a bob" So-Myeong DOES NOT want to look like her mom lol
-So-Myeong's brother and Son's brother are not the same characters, their hair is drawn differently. I'd understand So-Myeong maybe wanting to lie about her dead brother now, but the flashback with her studying with him never happened. Her brother was a little dumb and she loved him for it.
-I don't think So-Myeong would trust the police to handle parental abuse of her friend
-Som is just a lot warmer than So-Myeong has the energy to pretend to be.
-Som doesn't have So-Myeong's disorder I think?So-Myeong looses her sense of consequences completely, Som just gets meaner, but she still thinks things through. Baiting a girl you don't like to say something stupid and then tricking the teacher into letting you off isn't that and it doesn't serve So-Myeong's plans

Smaller changes:
- So-Myeong's mother says she caught who was smoking outside their house and So-Myeong isn't concerned at all. Why would she? It's some random college student and not Sol, who she doesn't even know.
- At So-Myeong's school, nearly every main character has some gossip floating around "he's a real piece of shit!" "He's so handsome!" "She's so kind!" I think there'd be some rumors about Sol, a girl who smokes and struggles with studying and has an older boyfriend on top of that.

If you've read this far, thank you, let me know if I missed anything and your theories on what So-Myeong found in the closet.

Abel✯lied asked a question

Is there a way to search for two tags at once? I feel like I'd be silly if there wasn't, as that's what tagging is mainly for, but then again, this website's design is a bit silly sometimes