i couldn't resist and read the spoilers of the novel and let me tell you, it only gets worse lmao

spoiler (be aware that i didn't read the novel but read the spoilers from novelupdates)
long story short, everybody dies. Dion goes crazy after learning the truth about their bet, and decides to take revenge from everyone who ruined his life (he literally kills everyone including the humans). He awakens as a hero and completes his revenge by killing the demon king. After that he kills himself too and while dying he talks with the 'death' and death tells him he has a lots of karma because of how many people he killed. Dion says he would pay up his sins and his brother's karma too. Death takes his eyes as a punishment and he reincarnates as a blind and ill-fated in his every life so his suffering never ends ig there is a sequel too but idk

do you guys think author has a fav dick to use as a reference or do they have multiple dick pics to use and if it's the first one i wonder if that person knows.. long story short i want to kms

I read this as your bra rotting away xD … I thought it was another type of expression similar to “my is wet”… this is what happens when words are cut off and the one reading isn’t attentive lmao
And as for author’s dick reference, I’d rather not know the info behind it but I’ll commend the author for their research - the shape, length , angle, color, shading, the veins too. Add to that it’s proportional to the duck owner too. It’s absurd but hot xD

you're not alone, i was super impressed lol. when it sprang out i was brought back to ye olden days when they looked like ill-shapen knobbly noodles no matter who drew them. they've come a long way! even now there's a bunch of unrealistic gross looking mutinous awkward dicks that i wish got light sabered. i'll take this one any day.
oh no... honey...