°Does anyone know this BL manga wherein the uke pushed the seme off the stairs in order to break an engagement because he feels guilty that he may never give him the family that he aspires? And also the seme suffered memory loss and his a pastry chef....
Thank you in advance

Sounds a lot like this

He didn't really push the seme, it was an accident

Good Evening, I noticed a lump on the left side of my stomach. At first I thought it was a pimple/cyst growing under my skin. It doesn't hurt but it's size and apperance is expanding. It's like a ping-pong ball.
The question is: Should I tell my parents? I don't want to be a burden
T. Y for your reply...

maybe this could be of some help?

I think that if it’s been there for one year and getting larger, the issue will not solve itself so it’s best to let go of any shame you have towards it and come out with the truth. It’s alright to have issues like this, they’re normal. If you don’t want your parents to know that you’ve been having this problem for a while, just tell them that you thought it was a pimple until it started growing

°Is is alright to have a relationship even though you are siblings in a Yaoi manga?
° What if its full/half blood-related?
° What if its not blood related?
° Are these kind of manga's immoral and breaks the moral family conduct in order to savour the fantasies of every reader?
And lasty...
° What do you feel whenever you finish incestuous yaoi manga?
Thank you for answering my questions(▰˘◡˘▰)

I yeet out whenever there are siblings involved. Step siblings, half siblings whatever the heck siblings. I guess it’s because I have step siblings and it gives me goosebumps.
Actually any kind of story where there a romantic subplot with people who are related is a hard no for me. I miiiiiiiiight be okay with cousins maybe if the story is good ? Haven’t stumbled across one tho

1st: generally, (not just for bl's) I dont really mind as long as their relationship is actually healing and not toxc. And that ofc their genuinely in love with each other.
2nd: tbh just like my opinion towards general incest relationships, i dont really mind it.. but at some point... it does like makes me uncomfortable... but I tend t overlook that part at times cause...itstoocute I dUnnO
3rd: for not blood related...well Its fine but the amnt of dRama the couples faces iz just TvT
4th: I dont necessarily think that just because your two children likes each other doesnt mean that your whole famiy will get torned apart. At some point you can just try to find a solution that makes both parties happy. And what ever the outcome...you'll just have to be happy for your children. But for the fantasies of every reader.... isnt manga's or any other books created for the sake of entertinment? Yes it does seem "illegal", but I dont think incest books are made solely for that reason...
5th: mixed feelings TvT (pls dnt atac me for my answers itz jast my opinion)

Awwww thank you for this heartfelt reply. I think I already found my virtual bff. It's just that I've been reading incestuous manga/manhwa/manhua for ten years and I don't have anyone to talk until now that I createdy own mangago account. I can freely state my feelings without the heavy and stabbing eyes of strangers.

For me
- not alright if its blood related
- if its blood related, even half, nope. But i think cousin is okay for me.
- yup, its fine for me
- in my opinion, i read manga just for fun, so even if the manga might contain immoral stuff, i know its fiction and doesn't change my morals, for example, yaoi mostly contains lots of rape, i might ship the couple, the sex scene might be hot, but thats fiction, doesn't mean i would approved their behaviour if its in real life, the same with incest yaoi. This depends on the reader, as for me, i would take example from the good stuff, and ignore the bad.
- my habit is, i read the tag and review before i start any manga. As i said earlier, blood related x, non blood related /. BUT if i accidentally read the blood related, honestly i would feel a bit awkward and disgust if its forced, but if its with consent, i will ship them and maybe think the sex might be hot.
Which is, idc about the manga moral value, but if i can avoid the tag i dislike, i would avoid it, but if i cant, i dont think too much about it and move on, doesn't effect my real life moral value.

Well I'm curious bout how other saw this too......
But as for me as long it not blood related it fine I guess ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍. Same father different mom is a no. Different father same mom is a BIG NO.
Well it give me a huge mixed feeling after reading it. Depends on how the story goes. If it some fucked up relationship yeah I might bleach nah brain up. Love and hate, that one make me feel a bit emotionally exhausted but yeah it fine because they not blood related.

oh man this is a little hard but is supposed to be simple but is still hard? anyways here are my answers.
1. i think whatever plot the author wanted their story to have is fine. that is called freedom or liberty depending on their definitions that i am too lazy to check. if they want to write about incest, well i won't be the one to tell them not to do it. if they want to write about a cat enjoying the sun in the grass, still won't be the one to tell them not to. i believe that we should stop taking responsibilities away from people. i believe that if a 14 years old (which is considered a somewhat young age right?) reads about rape in a story and comes to the conclusion that rape is ok or normal, it isn't only the story/author's fault, there was already something wrong with the person, or their education, or the way they process things. at some point humans are able to think by themselves and have a clear idea of what's right and wrong no matter what they read or watch or come across in their lives. in my opinion.
2. the moment you are related by blood, be it half, full, cousin or anything closer than maybe, great-great-great-grandparents generation, it is not just "alright/fine", because it isn't in real life.
3. if you are not blood related but maybe grew up together or something like that, it is completely fine to me. it's like saying to 2 childhood friends they are not allowed to have feelings for the other because they grew "as" siblings. but they are not actually related. things in their life just made it so they met when they were little, it does not matter whether they met when they were 1 week old or 25 years old, it is alright.
4. i believe these kind of mangas are allowed to be out there. that is called freedom, liberty to create whatever you want to and freedom to read whatever you want to. but i think a responsibility comes with creating and/or reading this kind of stories. the responsibility to not bring it into "real life". responsibility to not make it seem like, because you read it in a fictional story and you liked it, it is now normal for you to project it on real life people. responsibility to understand that no, sexual relationships between siblings are not normal and that scientifically speaking, two people of opposite genders who share the same blood have a much higher chance of passing on recessive diseases to their children. so you can understand that relationships between people sharing the same blood are not meant to be.
so i dont think that we should label them as immoral or smth like that, we just have to make sure that people truly understand where the fictional world ends and where the real one begins. what you read/do in private should not be the business of other people as long as your activity does not harm others in any way. (i used harm for a lack of better word, wish something would come to mind right now, harm does not feel like the best choice but oh well)
5. i don't think much when i read this kind of stories. maybe the fact that it is a taboo and prohibited subject makes it "appealing", or "exciting" or "interesting" to read but reading such stories won't keep me up at night nor will it make me love the concept of reading them. if i come across an incest story, might read it if i'm feeling it, i'll enjoy whatever there is to enjoy in the story, finish it and move on. pretty simple.
hope my answer is okay, i actually wrote that at 3am so lets hope i didn't write too much bs (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Hi, I'm Nigel. I just turned 20 this May 12. So, I will ask some of you some unrelated questions that I'm too petrified to ask.
° Should I start to find my soulmate?
° How to have a good night sleep?
° How to be cute?
° What is the best sunscreen out there in the market?
° Are there aliens?

You don't have to try to find your soulmate, if you believe in them they'll come to you eventually, to sleep tight you should limit your time on screen late at night, take a cool shower and exercise a little (well nothing new), I'm sure you're already cute you're just not conscious of it, Idk about makeup, if there's life on Earth why wouldn't there be somewhere else in the universe

a. Honestly do whatever the fuck you want. It's probably best to avoid dating apps though if you decide to.
b. vodka and rum.
c. In this world of 7 billion people, someone will find you cute. As long as you aren't a complete asshat, I would say you are fine.
d. idk. spf 60 is fine regardless of brand. Dermatologists say any higher isn't actually effective, and quote " using super-high-SPF sunscreens could lead to more UV exposure"
e. Probably. We are a small speck in this single galaxy, so in 2 trillion galaxies there is probably extraterrestrial life.

1. In my opinion, it's not about find your soulmate is more about being open to find it and let it happen
2. Dunno, i sleep really bad but i guess if u go to bed early without any technology
3. Don't know
4. I use isdin Fusionwater in my country i don't have many options
5. I think there's, we can't be the only beings in the universe
I completely forgot this manga.
Do any of you know this BL manga where the seme has some weird fetish for people who sheds a "tear" and he happens to see the uke and now his excited?
Thank you so much in advance
Thank you Aly