am i the only one who likes miscommunication/misunderstanding tropes? it's boring when couples get together too fast.. miscommunication builds tension/drama aka CONTENT between the characters.. i don't get the hate (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
i personally love angsty shit i was smiling the whole time reading ch 29 seeing sihyun's facial expressions lol

oh.. just finished ch 1 and wow did not expect this at all...
edit: WOW caught up with all the chapters this is SOOOO GOOD! don't get fooled by the genre.. at first i thought it was horror then fantasy/action adventure then pornwha (its not) and now back to fantasy/adventure/horror LOVE IT! mimi's story made me cry lol i hope these 4 are the main cast.
im not really a fan of slice of life and the mc is a bit boring for me.. dropping this at ch4 ... feel free to spoil the story cuz i won't be reading this.
idk why this isn't doing it for me i was looking forward to thriller but its taking too long.. i liked dreaming freedom and surviving romance though
You like thriller but 4 chapters is too long? Holy shit you're cooked
well it's mostly bc the mc is boring to me anddd like i said i don't like slice of life not really interested in seeing her go to school and grow up and how her mom intervenes with her life.. i just read the spoilers and i think i would've kept reading if the mc's mom was the actually mc
The thriller comes from her trying to escape her mum's clutches but things going wrong etc. it becomes a thriller about a teenager without much agency fighting to escape using the restrictive options she has. I mean, she already saw what would've happened if she fucked up too badly because her mum legit kills her brother. I found it really tense myself
Wtf kinda thriller manhwa do u read then?? 4 chap isn't taking too long it's building up plot n the situation getting intense w each chap. Ig thriller isn't for u buddy.
30 second summary tiktoks, my assumption