Hey I can get why you all are frustrated, I am a bit too. But I don't hate the story. I llove it in fact! I love the arit the way the charcters to me have dempth. I understand why they have trouble understanding there emotions. Its complicated with love. I think this is much more real then any of the Oh I love you and forcses you tohave sex with me, and as we have sex even though you say no you like it yaoi

Why didn't I see the kiss! Thats evil. you can't just writ that they had a kiss you have to show it!!!!!!! i wanted to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heeeey i though the same and went back to see all the pages in detail, and there's one that is dark to appreciate but they are kissing in the left corner of the page
I DIED WHEN I read the trasnlators note, no more lightsaber dicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH It was such a good way to descrie it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD job new tranlator. Thanks a lot!(▰˘◡˘▰)