zaswas15 September 24, 2020 11:53 am

finelly! I lve it when she is another character!!

zaswas15 September 21, 2020 10:28 pm

NOOO, give me morre

zaswas15 August 21, 2020 10:04 pm

why are people so mad at the chapters, they did nothing there was a misunderstanding in a vilage where sex and its topic is talked about openly.

Its a cultrual thing, he sees none of the females as any person to have sex with and isn't intrested. the girls being half nacked is natrual too, they are gholes not humans, they belive in sex and so on. Realy chill this isn't real and never will, a story is a story and if someone wants to take a story and twist its message around or see shit when there isn't any, a person will do that.

This manga is great, I love it, I see no harem in this what so ever, the characters are intresting and I feel them grow as a famiy. I find mangas with human, witch and eleves and the like more twisted, as they reallly like to add harmes in those settings. Some stories ust have more sex in them and their characters simple minded girls that scream as soon as a man accedently sees them naked. I find this refreshing, havent seen any off that. The girls have personality and still acts the way therie culture and belifes make them do. In other words they have depht.

So Please stop with he is two, he isn't his body is two, he has been though other lives, he is on his 3 or 4th now. His spitit is older then his body and he clerly stoped the rumers, and anything wired. So really stop nitpicking a great manga, and if you want to drop it do so but don't take the mangas name and run it though mud. So disrespectful to the writer and arthor. Think outside the box for once and in someone elses shoes. Is this relly as ofencive as you think? why in that case?

    Trash Behind WallyWorld August 26, 2020 4:48 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    Wait are you saying becuase the mangaka isnt a ghoul he cant make up or say what the culture is for THEIR characters in THEIR story for a made up species.
    It says in the story that ghouls rather be naked so having little clothing not only signifies that the donr like clothes that much but it also hints their bodies so this doesnt turn into a hentai. There is no problem with women showing off their bodies these characters like it. It would be a COMPLETELY different story if they didn't want people to see them as such. Truly if you have a problem with the women's clothing THEN THE DUDES CLOTHES they are all shirtless and wear basically loincloths. Why is it you're only complaining about the women only one joke as been truly sex and that was the titty comparison everything else WAS ABOUT SEX FOR BABY MAKING PURPOSES. So the sex they talk about so much is not for pleasure but reproducing.

    Yes he is two....... but past life age will help in very few cases this not one of them. He isnt even attracted to them sexually or not.

    Harem the is almost no harem and when they done with this ark there will really be no harm the only person the is attracted to him is beauti girl with muscles (cant remember her name) and the other newer girl JUST WANTS POWER A SHINY THINGS. Only reason.


    Last thing last dont insult people just becuase of what they like to read. Insult the thing not the person. I personally like the story and there are somethings I don't like in it but it's not going to change my overall opinion. These are warrior women and if they weren't pregnant they would also be fighting it's not like they are just walking incubators the auther put in for the fun of it. Having kids is important to them because infertility rate as low. Dont be mean goodnight goodbye. But yeah wanting to fuck a child is wrong on sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many levels but atleast no has tried to.

    Rosey August 26, 2020 6:03 pm

    I honestly agree with you , it's a great manga and there's nothing wrong as this is the cultural setting of the story. If you choose to see it as them being sexualized that's on you . The people who created this knew what they set out to make and what ideas they had for it , if you feel like all you can focus on is the sexualization of the characters rather than what the manga was trying to portray which is a culture open to the topic of sex then stop reading and ruining for the people who actually like it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    zaswas15 August 26, 2020 6:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    and yes i find this refreshing to read, compare it to the fucking stupid women we see in other mangas. They have no personality walk around with an overall sexualised body, misunderstand the mc every time or just hinders the mc in other cases. Or get overly angry and wants revenge for nothing, those are stories that is annoying to read but I still read them because the mc is good or for other reasons I overlook them. I see nothing of that in this one, its a dark, interesting manga with character development, clear goals and depth in characters, so please don't say I'm fucked up in the head if I saw this in real life I would not stand behind it, in fact I would be very very concerned. But this is fiction and I have the ability to separate this from reality and read it from a fictional perspective.

    King Of Strangeness August 26, 2020 7:49 pm
    and yes i find this refreshing to read, compare it to the fucking stupid women we see in other mangas. They have no personality walk around with an overall sexualised body, misunderstand the mc every time or ju... zaswas15

    It's good to see some rational people here like you lol

    zaswas15 August 26, 2020 8:36 pm
    It's good to see some rational people here like you lol King Of Strangeness

    aww thanks! Glad to see others see the point of fiction as well, Hahah. There is a reason dark humor, dark stories and the like exist right?

    King Of Strangeness August 26, 2020 10:55 pm
    aww thanks! Glad to see others see the point of fiction as well, Hahah. There is a reason dark humor, dark stories and the like exist right? zaswas15

    Yeah, i enjoy dark humor and stories and stuff like that and while i know it's not for Everyone they should atleast realize that it is in fact fiction, a story created by a person or people, and not real. Plus i enjoy stories where not everything is a clear Black and white or good or evil as they say. It's just a shame to see people hating on some stories etc while not simply realizing that it is just a story and not a real thing haha

    zaswas15 August 27, 2020 12:15 pm
    Yeah, i enjoy dark humor and stories and stuff like that and while i know it's not for Everyone they should atleast realize that it is in fact fiction, a story created by a person or people, and not real. Plus ... King Of Strangeness

    I agree to a 100%, stories would be so boring if nothing was deeper then just black and white. Humans are complex creatures we can do both good and wrong! and the world is not just black and white. Just look at the anti-heroes and terrorists. They don't think they are doing anything wrong, while other people do. Its all about perspective.

    King Of Strangeness August 27, 2020 2:43 pm
    I agree to a 100%, stories would be so boring if nothing was deeper then just black and white. Humans are complex creatures we can do both good and wrong! and the world is not just black and white. Just look at... zaswas15

    Yes i completely Agree, too bad most isekai and fantasy manga now usually just have the same repetitive story and characters

    zaswas15 August 27, 2020 2:51 pm
    Yes i completely Agree, too bad most isekai and fantasy manga now usually just have the same repetitive story and characters King Of Strangeness

    that's true, sadly. and those horrendous side characters! But even though some are similar I find the most enjoyable, I want one that stands out though!! Like this and Solo leveling and others.

    King Of Strangeness August 27, 2020 3:53 pm
    that's true, sadly. and those horrendous side characters! But even though some are similar I find the most enjoyable, I want one that stands out though!! Like this and Solo leveling and others. zaswas15

    If you like fantasy manga then i recommend you check out Pandora hearts and shadow house, hopefully youll enjoy it

    King Of Strangeness August 27, 2020 3:57 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    You sound like someone who also says video games make people violent Lmao, it's not the mangas fault or anything else other then the people who have mental problems who get influensed like that but just because of those people what should we do? Just stop having dark manga or manga with Their own world etc just because people with problems can't seperate that from reality and then attack or insult the author for it? It's not the authors fault but the other people who actually have problems

    King Of Strangeness August 27, 2020 6:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    Now i understand more of what ye meant

    zaswas15 August 27, 2020 7:36 pm
    Now i understand more of what ye meant King Of Strangeness

    OH love pandoras heart watch the anime, its stoped abruptly should properly try and read the manga!

    zaswas15 August 27, 2020 7:39 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    maybe but you did say I was fucked up in the head because I found the manga refreshing? and all I said, in the beginning, was that I didn't get why people got so angry that he was two and the harem and the like and how I didn't see the harem in the story because in my perspective there isn't a harem, from my point of view and how I define harem there isn't any. I also didn't see any problem with the way the ghouls acted and got sick and tired of the comments that was badmouthing the manga.

    King Of Strangeness August 27, 2020 9:55 pm
    OH love pandoras heart watch the anime, its stoped abruptly should properly try and read the manga! zaswas15

    You should also check out madoka magica

    Trash Behind WallyWorld August 28, 2020 2:22 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    I see your point it's that you're not seeing anyone else's. Your "point" is shit and it's as stable as angel food cake. Your point is that you dont like it becuase of the sexualized women and the two year gold's harem. You have a problem with the harem because first it's a two year old and becuase some people might think it okay to fuck a child because of this manga??? Like the fuck if you didn't like it why did you take your time into replying to one random person's comments instead of just dropping it. I'm all for you going and comment it's shit without replying to someone.
    And if it's the people that cant look at this and only take it for entertainment then it's their problem not the mangaka's they are mentally I'll no one can stop that and you saying this isnt going to do anything about it. If your argument to why this manga is shit is that shit people might take it and do shitty thing than that's and even shittier arguement for you shit "point" but please try and argue to statement again or you can leave like you should have done in the first place. I'm taking my own advice byeeeeeee.

    zaswas15 August 28, 2020 11:43 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Beelzemobabbity

    "If you dont see a harem, and find this "refreshing" theres something wrong or youre in denial." your words.

    zaswas15 August 28, 2020 11:43 am
    You should also check out madoka magica King Of Strangeness

    ohhh thanks I will then!!!

    zaswas15 August 28, 2020 2:26 pm
    You should also check out madoka magica King Of Strangeness

    OHH I willl!

zaswas15 May 11, 2020 8:06 am

should rad on other sites have the complete vertison in correct order

zaswas15 April 17, 2020 12:26 pm

Is it wot to read or is the just a horny tenanger who wants good looking girls?

    Neko14 April 17, 2020 12:58 pm

    Some horny teenager looking for girls. I was reading the novel but gave up after he kept having sex with all these girls. I love the story but the harem aspect and the way they describe the sexual encounters is annoying.

zaswas15 March 12, 2020 1:15 pm

I'm so glad he didn't need to rely on her. Hahha. He is the best, a king what ever that now is!

    Roro March 12, 2020 2:41 pm

    Sorry hand slipped, I like

zaswas15 January 18, 2020 11:37 am

I mean I would love for a pregnancy but what I want in that case is to see the difrent stages, see how his stomach would grown bigger and bigger and everything they experince durring that time. Ive read so many omega vrse where they just skip the pregnancy compleatly and then its time. Or they alredy ahve the baby in the next chapter. there are a few who doesn't do that but its not enough the way they show it.

zaswas15 December 25, 2019 7:45 pm

I love how tey first didn't want to watch it then everyone wanted to! They really shouldn't coment before watching.

zaswas15 December 8, 2019 8:44 pm

I really love this manga/manhwa or which it now is. always forget the name but I'm really confused. Like, in the beginning, it seemed like he came from a much smaller family, but now it looks like his family has some power. His mom's friend's daughter ridiculed him because he didn't have any money and family background. it's really confusing, as well in which order you should read. every time I think I have it I read something that contradicts the way I read before.

    Sanquin December 15, 2019 4:06 pm

    The beginning of the manwha is all messed up yea. Luckily that isn't a problem later. And yea it's a bit weird that his family is still fairly influential, yet they say he has a bad background. Probably because his father only holds a bit of influence in a smaller city, while most of the people he hangs out with are like multi-billionaires with influence across the country.

    zaswas15 December 16, 2019 6:39 pm

    thanks for a reply, it got much easier to read further down.

zaswas15 July 15, 2019 5:08 pm

will there be more chapters as a seccond sesson or something or is this end?

    Riholu July 15, 2019 5:30 pm

    There's Room to Room that is somewhat a sequel of this, with the two other guys (red head and the big guy). Being friends with this manhwa's MCs they still appear sometime.

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