He will take revenge people, just chill. He just realized he wanted a place to return to after he had completed his revenge. He has found his home, the place he wants to protect. the thing that will drive him further. Hatred can only take you so far, having something to protect truly makes you push yourself. He told the girl he would leave the forest for a while remember? He just doesn't want to be consumed by revenge, as being consumed by revenge in most cases makes you really empty after you've done it. Like what are you going to do now? You slaved away to take down your enemy. Now what? You have nothing else to live for? Mc has the thing that will let him take revenge and last. So tired of people saying I will drop this for this and that. Just leave. no need to write a comment, saying it wasn't what i expected to I left.

This was soo close to being perfect, but Mc doesn't look like he is pregnant at all. I want the belly to really show that they are pregnant Like give me a hint of realism even if its fiction. Sad. Mpreg stories always tend to just jump the pregnancy, or do this thing. Why can't i get more stories like Love is an Illusion where we get to see the baby actually grow?

yeah, I've learned now that it is possible, I still wished to see it still. To sell in the whole pregnant thing. It's only my preference and I see this so little, I like all types of pregnancy stores from straight love to not. And I always want to see the baby develop, that is the key thing I'm looking for. But most authors skip this, so that is why I was so excited for this, really hoping this would hit all the marks for me. But this too doesn't do. It feels like it skips it. So I'm disappointed because I built up an expectation, and that's my fault as i reader I guess. Still enjoyed the story, can still hope for a birth scene or a bigger belly in later chapters! If it is that the baby is just so small right now.

Hi! I usally read ABO cuse of the babies! And to be frank many if not all that does end with a baby is shity. and I've read sooo many ABO that doesn't have any children in the end now, that its really just what I've narrowed myself into liking the most. SOOO Is there any pregnancy in this one?

I know I know, everyone loves it so much that I’m going to reread it to see if I’m mistaken. I just thought it was kind of cheap with no real thought or emotion put into it the chemistry between everyone is off, there’s lots of things I didn’t like but there’s some really nice moments too, just not enough lolol sorry

I LOVE THIS SO FUNNY SO GREAT SO lOVE IT: I think the dad is acting the way he does in order to draw a line, he is protecting her from the king, since she is his leash. I guess he is used to having to have to draw that line so that people wont think of her as his weakness, and he probably can't express his feeling fully thanks to his wife having died, And he probably sucks at communicating with her too, and with that, he fails to see that his daughter is completely misunderstanding everything.

I know he did bad things, and is a psychopath and so but growing up hated like that I can understand why his personality is so twisted. it would be great if he could change to let go of wanting to be the best. Is especially sad since the mc would properly like to be his friend and not having so much spotlight.

Bro I just hope he does. I know he's supposed to be sad but he's done too much shit and put too many innocent people at risk to be forgiven cuz "Boohoo, my childhood is sad wahhh" like bitch you can still be a good or at least morally correct if not jaded person through baf circumstances, it is perfectly possible, but he insists on using it as a backboard to cause more hurt and pain. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and he's doing this the wrong way. God I hate him.
Im so sad, im devistated, I needed this to update. Couldn't they have given us a new chapter then hitus notice? Sad, life. Okay heart.....we managed one week I can last another sigh....week....
no fr… why did they wait a whole week until update time to drop the hiatus notice
Yeah that's true!!! I rather have had it last week.