It's so frustrating how they just show up one day and like turn his whole life around. I really wish he had managed to escape them all for like a year. Show them he could manage on his own. And why didn't this promise between families made known from the get go when the MC could have understood that. It's so wrong to just throw the etiquette on him a month before the wedding and like here learn everything.
Saw a beautiful picture on instagram which lead me to Codename Anastasia, in it the blond guy held a baby, do these two get a child? Just wanna know if they do or if its a love child the creator of that work made in their head canon. I for the record hope its real. It would remind me of that other work i read which I cant remember the name of, but think there was a blond guy named Isac or something that was the head of like an Italian mafia, a soilder of some kind gets his heat in front of him unexpectedly they end up shaking it down, and the male characters gets knocked up and the ML is none the wiser, for a very long time.
no, the author (novel) once answered a question from a reader "if zhenya and taekju have children", the author answered that they are a couple who are not suitable for having children, but if they have children, taekju hope that his child would have a personality like him
So, it's a headcanon from readers and artist (who worked on this manhwa)
I think your talking about "Waterside Night".
oh noo it's not that one. The MC guy pretends to be an beta and is a special soilder that works for the piece of shit that married his father and is abusive as hell.
Thank you!
I need to know the name if you remember it ^^
Its dear benjamin
I think you're thinking of dear benjamin. The manhwa for it got discontinued because of a controversy with the artist (they used to draw shouta pron in the past like with straight up babies and shit, ew). The novel goes by the same name though I think so you could check out that.
Yes!!! That's the one
Thank you! I’ll check out the novel ^^