bedazzle's experience ( All 0 )

bedazzle's answer ( All 3 )

about question
graced   reply
27 days
i would just like to say - as a voice of hope and acceptance - I am very glad that you were able to share this piece of KEY information about yourself, and I believe that you are free in your rights to express yourself to the utmost extent. I hear you, and I accept you. Feel free to share more if you feel like you need to deary   1 reply
07 10,2024
new world, as long as i can choose. like i aint going somewhere i dont wanna be in for a long time. also the past is too embarrassing, because even if i did go back, i can guarantee i'd go do the same things all over again T-T   reply
24 07,2021

bedazzle's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat


46 minutes
did saddest anime scene

where shoko from a silent voice stood on the balcony and wanted to jump off and from given where yuki was hanging by a rope

10 hours
did have fake friends

almost all of my friends were fake friends

10 hours