bedazzle created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

what the FUCKING fuck is this

i lwk feel like the mum knew before all of them and she's just probing around to confirm now

bedazzle created a topic of Backlight
bedazzle created a topic of Kiss me, Liar
bedazzle created a topic of Honey Trouble

wait someone tell me what he just took, and whats gonna happen to red hair now cos I forgot what happened the last few chapters...

bedazzle add 1 photos to beautiful things


bedazzle add 1 photos to beautiful things

this is what I've been SAYING

Ok but he's still manipulating tho....
*sigh* why don't the manhwas I actually look forward to have chapters this long

bedazzle add 1 photos to beautiful things

They're so cute I wish they were tgt alr

bedazzle created a topic of Toxin

i HATE the ml but im not about to get second male lead syndrome
that shit HURTS

bedazzle created a topic of Cold-Blooded Beast

This was so good. No rape, no manipulation - none of that red flag shit. The plot was soo good. It was a bit unhinged at the resolution tho LMAO

bedazzle created a topic of The count's intruders

i have no idea whats going on
I cant rmb the last time this updated and today I read it and suddenly they're having a second baby? someone pls fill me in on the goings on

bedazzle created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Fuck this shit, I'm dropping. Someone tell me when this gets better pls
I've had it with this miscommunication arc, like honestly why wait such good art on such a shit story omfg...

bedazzle created a topic of Feel My Benefit

wait cos mc shouldnt have talked about someone else in their date but also why tf is ml jumping to conclusions about mc liking minwoo... like he was so fckn dry the entire date I'm surprised mc didn't think ml liked someone else
but mc is so fckn slow too
omfg... i rlly hope the chasing arc comes soon

bedazzle created a topic of Sugar Rain

This is turning very dark very fast...

bedazzle created a topic of Alpha Trauma

i mean he put himself in this situation by taking everything away from inseob
like man could've at least left him his phone
he's so fckn stupid