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Nyanyaari March 8, 2021 12:10 am

I’ve read in the coments that some of you found this manhwa funny. Where? Like i found this hella entertaining but not funny so I wanted to ask out of curiosity. Thanks ^^

Nyanyaari January 23, 2021 12:57 am

I think people are taking this too seriously. It is a fiction. It’s not real. Some people enjoy rape in yaoi. And thats because it is all a fiction. If reading something like this triggers you to be angry, I think it is the right time to stop.

    Chrollosfatcockadoodledoo January 23, 2021 1:12 am

    Ppl can have criticism though. Especially if this is a super popular BL which represents the whole genre and the fact that it normalizes rape is problematic. It’s might be fiction but ppl can still have complaints and criticism. No one just reads and leaves it at that, ppl form opinions and they’re allowed to express it. Or are opinions only allowed for ppl who enjoy it?

    exia January 23, 2021 2:06 am
    Ppl can have criticism though. Especially if this is a super popular BL which represents the whole genre and the fact that it normalizes rape is problematic. It’s might be fiction but ppl can still have compl... Chrollosfatcockadoodledoo

    Okay but, the rape of the story was when Dojin was using his pheromones, which is part of the category omegaverse. Yes people have the rights to their opinions, and yes rape is problematic, but people have their different tastes in stories, this is how the author operates, and if they didn’t enjoy the very first number of chapters when hye-sung was “forcing” (if it was sensitive to you) himself onto dojin when dojin didn’t want anything to do with him then maybe they shouldn’t have read it to begin with. Don’t you think so?

    Nyanyaari January 23, 2021 8:49 am
    Ppl can have criticism though. Especially if this is a super popular BL which represents the whole genre and the fact that it normalizes rape is problematic. It’s might be fiction but ppl can still have compl... Chrollosfatcockadoodledoo

    Definitely not, but why read it if you don’t enjoy it. Just because it is popular doesn’t mean you have to read it. And criticizing somebody’s work especially if you knew this is how the author writes, is not nice. But sure, people have opinions. And I respect it. But I can have an opinion about that too

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