It was about some blonde guy who was a rich family's heir and he had a black haired butler who he fell in love with... but the butler kept telling him no (and MAYBE the heir thought that the butler loved his father but I'm not sure?). The manga head really good drawing too.

(If it help there was a scene where someone grabbed the butler and the heir showed up being all "u have some business with mah darlin?" :D)
2017-07-17 15:27 marked
I cannot recall a name of a manga, please help...
It is about a boy taken in by his relatives by whom he is sexually abused (I think it was only the cousin who was responsible, but I am not sure). Then a (possibly) salaryman start to live with the boy and they have a relationship - and he discovers that the boy was abused and goes to the foster family and... (sorry I do not remember anything else :( )
Thanks for helping!
2017-07-17 15:27 marked
Hello! Any shounen ai about a dude who falls in love with a fudanshi? Something like Sasaki to Miyano.
2017-07-13 06:15 marked
Cats are assholes, they might be cute, but they're nothing but assholes.
Yeah, that's right you crazy cat people, I said it.
2017-07-13 06:15 marked
Is there an Android app similar to Manga Rock that can download stuff from Mangago? I want to read offline.
2017-07-13 05:37 marked
That moment when you're reading yaoi and your brain starts singing
Shut up and sleep with me come on why don't you sleep with me
Shut up and sleep with me come on aha and sleep with me ~(≧∀≦)
2017-07-13 05:36 marked
To calm down from the "Bitch-san" drama, try listening to this
2017-07-13 05:36 marked
Hello, Please be Informed.

I don't want this to end brutally, all I want is that you guys will be informed so that you will be more careful in sharing the goods, since some think they're in a higher level of society by reporting what other people like to do.

There is this being in twitter by the name of " Kuroneo Kylie"
who is currently on the move to report every single illegal translator out there, even the small ones who doesn't even gain anything from it..

I put the twitter link there because I want you guys to be informed but please when you act on your accord, please do so with sense, and im not stopping you on doing anything, I completely understand that someone is ruining what you like and you want to fight for it, go ahead.

I believe she is even spying and becoming members on fb, ig and other website that share yaoi just to see and report them, so please PLEASE act carefully, she is SURELY HERE IN MANGAGO

(the rest are explanations and such, still important but whats above^^ is the main subject of this question-topic.)

I seriously hate these type of people who think they're doing the world a favor when they reporting people who just want to share, PLEASE remember translator groups are GAINING NOTHING out of translating . They are legit made out of fucking love nothing else. If you hate Youtube because of clickbait and the youtuber only wants your view and like then you cant say ANYTHING to these guys...

Heres a mind opening fact guys:
Lezhin manhwa authors are ruining the yaoi fandom. And "supposedly" its not THEYRE fault its YOUR fault, thats bs. Guys.. In Lezhin (or at least to Lezhin authors,specifically the bl author ones...) IT DOESENT MATTER whether you like they're content or not and want to appreciate it. If you pay, you can love it, if you read it for free, your autmoatically a "bitch who should just go die and even your favourite authors dont want to do anything with you"
Basically in lezhin if you don't pay you can't love what you love, any fan art/work means nothing when you dont support them financially..
In Lezhin there is only ONE kind of support, and thats by financially supporting them, no the simple fan support isnt wanted its basically thrown away at this point, yes, thats how Lezhin's community is based out of.I know how shitty.

As I said before i'm not holding account that people would want to fight and protect for what they like and bash someone, please never bash someone,it just doesent and never will solve anything... I just hope you guys can be safe and secured in spreading your yaoi treasures since people are starting to profit from in, and you know how it ends when people try to profit of something (think of youtube..)

And im sorry im a wussy and I went anonymous, il confess now that im a regular user here who always comments and loves this genre dearly..

and last..
"Yaoi is life, And God never gave us a bill for life" (hope you got that, im willing to explain haha)

Thankyou for reading, Please be Informed.
2017-07-09 02:28 marked
this item will be show after approved
2017-07-09 02:28 marked
We did it. Easier than expected. This site has A LOT of security. The only people that need to worry are those who keep harassing other users. We will not expose innocent users information. Feel free to delete your accounts if you feel insecure. We are after a user who goes by BITCH-SAN. We have their IP already thanks to their post. We are going to continue digging into their personal information for exploitation. Please remember whenever you sign up for unverified websites like this, your information can be easily obtained. You do not want to end up like this user then please respect other users privacy. We are just a couple of grey hats who love reading manga. We detest those who raise attacks on innocent people. Thank you to Sarah and her friends for contacting us. If anyone else needs our grey services then please look us up. We are not black hat, please know that our actions go based on certain situations.
2017-07-08 23:22 marked
bitch san seriously fuck off
At this point it's just annoying
2017-07-07 16:14 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2017-07-06 05:31 marked
1. Only translated famous/in demand mangas are sold in stores in several countries. The last time I saw a manga being sold was on a graphic expo and the owner was only here for a few days. It was also not translated in english. Most stores here only have tokyo ghoup, one piece, fairy tail and other old mangas such as La Corda (not sure about the name sorry) and Fruit Basket. Some are unknown but the choices of manga is approximately 30 or less. No, there isnt any manhwa or manhua either.
2. Not every site selling mangas are like lezhin that has english translations available which can be bought. Almost everything is in the manga/manwha/manhua's native language so if you don't have a friend who knows that certain language or google translate it yourself through scribbling the characters, your best alternatives are translators picking such manga up. ENGLISH ISNT THE ONLY LANGUAGE AND NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD UNDERSTANDS IT. YA THINK HIDOKU SHINAIDE IS BEING SOLD IN RUSSIAN? -_____- (If yes then by all means I stand corrected)
3. BRUH YA THINK YAOI MANGAS ARE EVERYWHERE? OR EVEN OTHER GENRES THAT READERS MAY PREFER (i.e yuri, shounen ai, etc). I live in a conservative country and comics where guys are HOLDING HANDS might get an issue or pointed out by whatever org there is. You gotta accept the fact that not all genres may be sold anywhere that is accessible.
4. Not everyone has a paypal or credit card that most paying systems require. I rarely see debit card options. The most I am able to pay is through mobile payment using loads (loads in our country is what you use to call and text people when youre using mobile phones. i.e. you reload 100 and you can use it to pay. Playstores may have this option).
5. You gotta consider the situation of the person. Some cant use cards because they may: a. not have one, b. are given by their parents simply for schools or other important necessities, c. are not compatible with the payment system, d. do not have money to spare. Some of those who cant use online payments end up buying whatever they could in the stores which may result back to #1.
6. We dont all have jobs and money to spare due to our circumstances. Dont judge or start attack people cause they are "poor". JUST CAUSE YOU AINT LIVING A HARD LIFE DOESNT MEAN NO ONE DOES. Plus, not all those who are poor have a choice to just buy whatever they want Generalizing them to those who simply dont want to buy but still have thr means to is plain ignorance. As I've said, you have to consider the situation first. You dont know the WHY so stop assuming.
7. Some of the people reading here support the authors way more than those who "pretend" they do (not all, but most who pretend). Even translators encourage readers to support the author and buy their works. Some even send links where it can be bought.

The list may not be complete as these are all my perspective. Circumstances may be different but that doesnt mean these things I said do not happen at all. Dont go calling people poor or stuff just cause they can't buy the things they love due to reasons they cannot do something about or have no power to change because yes, there are things that we cannot handle. Money aint always the issue. Lastly, SUPPORT THE AUTHOR ANY WAY YOU CAN. IF YOU HAVE THE MEANS TO BUY THEIR WORKS, TRANSLATED OR NOT, THEN DO SO. IF YOU DON'T, THEN ENCOURAGE OTHER PEOPLE WHO CAN TO DO SO.

2017-07-06 05:29 marked
this item will be show after approved
2017-07-06 05:29 marked
Hello everyone, I’m from Italy and I really enjoy talking with people from other countries :) what about you?
I’m currently study Chinese so I’m planning to start translating mangas as soon as possible to learn some more and help you have more updates! But I’ve just got an elementary child level so you’ll have to wait a bit hahah
2017-07-06 05:20 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2017-07-06 05:12 marked
I'm happy Bitch-San is going to report this site. It's not good. In the word it says if there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upom them.
2017-07-06 05:09 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2017-07-06 04:50 marked
to those reader that keep tweeting to mangaka the english scan image of their works to get their attention... pls don't especially when the manga is not english licensed..... you just rubbing salt to their wound...just tweet them proudly with offical manga that you bought...
2017-07-06 04:49 marked
I thought I'd give my 2cents about bitchsan just this one time. She's an attention seeker and that's exactly what everyone is giving her. This is known as feeding the troll. You react, you make 20 topics on the homepage to talk about it over and over. Who's blowing it up now? Not Bitchsan. You are.
Quietly downvote bitchsan's comments. 25 downvotes will instantly delete a comment. If an IG acc you know has been reported, inform them, they're aware of the dangers and probably have countermeasures for it. Stop panicking every single time, IG translators can make new accounts too if they plan to continue. I've seen people going anon and spamming gibbersh such as, 'shdd', 'ieyw' just so that someone who posted a translator name would get buried under all the spam. You are doing the exact opposite, you're bringing it everyone's attention because everyone knows spamming that gibbersh means you are trying to hide a comment.

Stop giving so much important to kylie like people or bitchsan. They're trolls. They do not think about readers, authors, or anyone else as long as people are talking about them, and panicking they can enjoy and laugh about the situation.
Scanlation will not stop. Mangago isn't going anywhere. IG translators can keep moving around to avoid trouble.

The reason most webtoons like 'A guy like you', 'what lies at the end' and so on have not been updated, is not because someone was translating it. Someone was actually buying these official chapters on lezhin and ripping it off, and then sharing it here. I know for a fact that there were 2 people who were buying alot of the series and posting it up here. What if they have money issues now? Or they just don't want to share these anymore? It's not bitchsan who made them stop. She has no power whatsoever.

So stop giving her importance that she doesn't deserve. And use your brains before you post IG translators links.
2017-07-06 04:49 marked

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