Serialization of Big Girl and Little Girl. After being saved from drowning while swimming, Honda Tae...
- Author: sasuke
- Genres: Ecchi / Loli / Comedy / Yuri
Why the fuck is it up like the cover isn't a full 10 year old girl. Making her look mature is gross
A new employee, Ah-young, has been secretly in love with her boss, Cheon Seung-hee. Then one day, wh...
- Author: Hyuk
- Genres: Yuri / Romance / Smut / Adult / Webtoons
Because why the fuck is sa a part of her methods no means no what the hell
- Author: yukataro
- Genres: Yuri / Shoujo Ai / Smut / adult / doujinshi / oneshot
- Author: yukataro
- Genres: Yuri / Shoujo ai / Smut / Adult / Doujinshi
It has been 5 years since I made this list. I come back once in a while to reminiscent of all the late nights spent figuring out my sexuality and the definition of love itself. It was as painful and cringey as it was beautiful and precious. Yuri played a huge role in allowing me to explore different possibilities in the theatre of my imagination. I come back 5 years later to occasionally edit this list in hopes that I can help others who are going through the same journey I did.
Min Do Yeon is an art teacher and is happily engaged to her boyfriend when suddenly he broke up with...
- Author: withyou,pecanpie
- Genres: Yuri / Drama / Smut / Webtoons / Romance / Adult
A rich and beautiful girl, and the heiress to the GBS broadcasting center. A handsome aspiring news ...
- Author: enjelicious
- Genres: Romance / Webtoons / Yuri / Adult / Drama