And he did betray her trust by @ss@ult1ng her when he said he wasn't going to do anything, there's no excuse for that, but I think it's a really common and relatable situation, especially considering it's both their first relationship. They really portrayed it well, particularly Moka's worries about dissapointing Izumi, it's a very common feeling.
I just hope it's not normalizing that behaviour, and I think it's not, because of how he immediately regretted it. Let's just hope Moka doesn't keep feeling guilty and ends up giving herself earlier, without being ready, because of pressure.
It's OBVIOUS she's gonna be intimidated, she literally SCREAMED at that jerk that she doesn't want to go with him, she's refused several times, omg, I hate him so much
Of course she should've told Kurosaki earlier about everything, she even tried to tell him this episode and it really pissed me off she didn't, but stop saying she's weak ??? She's clearly doing an effort to get away from that creep like goddamn