TomoyoChan April 26, 2018 11:37 pm

So, he feel guilty for turning her down? (⊙…⊙ )
How about his wife? Does he not feel guilty?
Wow, seems like they're a good match.
Just let them be together, so Azu can get a better man than him. ( ̄へ ̄)

    BunnyK26 May 17, 2018 4:27 am

    I felt so hurt when his wife wanted to spend time with him and make live and he “felt too tired” but of course because asshole was fucking Rina! And she forgave him and he gave her crap for sleeping with another guy like hello asshole you ignored her and cheated on her! And she forgave him?! I hope she finds out again and leaves his ass!!!

TomoyoChan April 26, 2018 2:26 pm

So when Kyoko is in trouble, Ren just happened to be kissed by another girl.
I'm kind of afraid to know what will happen next (⊙…⊙ )

    PhoenixFyre April 26, 2018 2:53 pm

    Most likely it is the woman who went to kiss Ren. It will be interesting to see how he handles it. He is suppose to be in love with Kyoko right????

TomoyoChan March 28, 2018 9:41 pm

Wow.. how could an artist and a manager do that in broad daylight. (⊙…⊙ )

TomoyoChan February 23, 2018 10:01 pm

Anyone know where I can find the raws?

TomoyoChan February 14, 2018 9:47 am

Just wondering where to start the novel after the manga?

TomoyoChan February 1, 2018 4:46 pm

anyone knows what manga is showed at the end of the chapter 3?

TomoyoChan December 17, 2017 5:12 pm

raw anybody?

TomoyoChan November 27, 2017 8:12 am

I wonder who's that special someone that kimiko set her sights on

    hopeful November 27, 2017 8:42 am

    I am betting on Fuwa Shou...

    yass91 November 27, 2017 2:09 pm
    I am betting on Fuwa Shou... hopeful

    Perfect guy for her... I mean they can rot in hell together for all I care ( ̄へ ̄)

    Cinammon November 27, 2017 9:00 pm

    The mangaka is a real genius. I've thought of Sho, who will be the perfect fit to show karma is a bitch. I've then thought that it might be yashiro because he was shown when the narration spoke about her love interest. Now, I am like what if all these are baits and the real one she likes is Yuki the producer -.-

    Usako November 28, 2017 5:30 am
    I am betting on Fuwa Shou... hopeful

    No way it's Sho, he's not even in the production. It's gotta be the guy who is playing the lead, that the two girls are in love with.

    The photo of them kissing hasn't been out (yet), and only the Dark Moon people knew of her association with Sho.

    Cinammon November 28, 2017 12:50 pm
    No way it's Sho, he's not even in the production. It's gotta be the guy who is playing the lead, that the two girls are in love with.The photo of them kissing hasn't been out (yet), and only the Dark Moon peopl... Usako

    Yes my thoughts as well. If we narrow it down, it's either Yuki or Koga. She is desperate enough to use sneaky tactics. At that time she already knew that Ren was not part of the Lotus cast so she could't have expected Yashiro to be there.
    Unless we meet a new character later on who is part of the production, there are only Koga and Yuki left as candidates. About Koga--> she wouldn't have bragged about Ren's ring so easily.

    Anonymous November 28, 2017 6:47 pm
    Yes my thoughts as well. If we narrow it down, it's either Yuki or Koga. She is desperate enough to use sneaky tactics. At that time she already knew that Ren was not part of the Lotus cast so she could't have ... Cinammon

    Yeah I agreed, those 2 flunkies said that Kimiko came back to Japan because of this audition and she was so desperate to get the Chidori role (remember Moko said there is a girl who make a lot of fuss cause she couldnt get the role) then she tried Momiji role but it was taken by Erika hence she push her down the road, it all for the sake to catch the attention of that someone she set her sight on, and I betting on Koga, since she couldn't get the No 1 Ren, so she opted for No 2 Koga, I don't think it was love or anything, it was more for publicity I think, dating someone popular was a short course to get all the attention from the media and in doing so it would raise her popularity significantly. you know Kimiko character, rather than working hard on her talent she use all kind of underhanded method to get to where she is now. so I'm betting in Koga, and the reason she bragged about the ring to him is her way of saying 'hey look at me, even the No 1 Ren give me an expensive ring, ain't I great, don't you think', she basically manipulating Koga competitiveness just like what she is doing now with Yuki pretending she is withdrawing from the audition to show her remorse, but in fact her reason is somewhere along this line 'hey I know from my uncle that you valued honesty and integrity so much, don't forget that so there is no reason for someone like you to choose some talent who isn't listening at your instruction not to mention she was lying about that too'. well that's what I think.

    Cinammon November 28, 2017 8:05 pm
    Yeah I agreed, those 2 flunkies said that Kimiko came back to Japan because of this audition and she was so desperate to get the Chidori role (remember Moko said there is a girl who make a lot of fuss cause she... @Anonymous

    What you said made so much sense. I must agree on all points! Great, I almost cancelled out Koga from the picture. Now he's another candidate. Hope the veil of suspense lifts very soon. I didn't think of her bragging about the ring could possibly create interest in someone else because truthfully, it's a completely childish thing to do. But it's like you said: it's like making her a diva who is loved by all.

    I can no longer predict anything in skip beat ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Usako November 28, 2017 9:44 pm
    What you said made so much sense. I must agree on all points! Great, I almost cancelled out Koga from the picture. Now he's another candidate. Hope the veil of suspense lifts very soon. I didn't think of her br... Cinammon

    I have NEVER been able to predict anything in this story. neveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr. Though it does make you wonder . . . . in these story arcs, Kyoko grows about 2% and at least one other grows 97%. Who is she there to fix this time? Could Kimiko end up an understudy?? It might take more than one afternoon to fix her.

    Cinammon November 29, 2017 1:36 pm
    I have NEVER been able to predict anything in this story. neveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr. Though it does make you wonder . . . . in these story arcs, Kyoko grows about 2% and at least one other grows 97%. Who is she t... Usako

    If she tried to kill Erika (Throwing someone on an incoming traffic is attempted murder after all) then simply 'fixing her' may not be correct here. I mean look at Erika herself she was evil before, threatening Kanae etc but she never actually did anything to harm her physically.

    What Kimiko has done (if it's really her) is beyong evil; it's criminal. Retribution must be more severe in her case. Although what Amamiya had done is not very different (pushing Kyouko down that staircase). But in her case, we were made to sympathise with her. She had lost her popularity because of that accident and also lost her confidence.
    No one can side with Kimiko if all she wants is fame and has no qualms at killing people.

    Usako November 29, 2017 3:37 pm

    Erika was evil enough to send her hench boys after Kyoko and Moko-san, with the intent of hurting them enough to have to drop out of the job. Perhaps like back then, it will take a combo to bring Kimiko closer to being a human (like Kyoko/Moko/Erika together).

    Cinammon November 30, 2017 3:17 pm
    Erika was evil enough to send her hench boys after Kyoko and Moko-san, with the intent of hurting them enough to have to drop out of the job. Perhaps like back then, it will take a combo to bring Kimiko closer... Usako

    Hmm I duno. Because I have no idea if she was thinking of doing something as dangerous as attempted murder. The thing is I know that this is the mangaka's style and she will want to rehabilitate the evil ones. But for once i actually want to see some divine punishment: her quitting the industry because of she has done becoming public, or her losing all her fans.
    Basically her losing everything that she is proud of.
    Maybe only after she has fallen down her pedestal will it be okay for her to deserve the help ( ̄へ ̄)

    Usako November 30, 2017 3:37 pm
    Hmm I duno. Because I have no idea if she was thinking of doing something as dangerous as attempted murder. The thing is I know that this is the mangaka's style and she will want to rehabilitate the evil ones. ... Cinammon

    Kyoko tends to not go public, and tries to deal with the bad things that happen to her, without help. So it might have to be someone else that corners Kimiko, to make her confess. Still, looking forward to everything the mangaka offers up. Even if I die before the last chapter is written, at least I'll be able to look into the future to see how it all ends, LOL.

    Cinammon December 6, 2017 2:01 pm
    Kyoko tends to not go public, and tries to deal with the bad things that happen to her, without help. So it might have to be someone else that corners Kimiko, to make her confess. Still, looking forward to ev... Usako

    Kyoko definiely looks like she will deal with the situation herself. Did she not draw her swords in that last chapter :P I wonder if she can cut down Kimiko and then pass it off as sword play heh heh heh

    Someone else cornering Kimiko.. Maybe Moko-san herself coming to the rescue of her old rival once she discovers the truth.
    Haha feel u there, but this arc is seriously the best so far. (Or that's wat I've most probably thought for each arc)

TomoyoChan July 15, 2017 9:18 pm

What did I just read? (⊙…⊙ )
*spoiler alert*
I already prepared my heart, thought that Touma would be dead, and....... I was wrong

TomoyoChan May 23, 2017 9:35 pm

I wonder if Shou will know that Kyoko also meet with Ren that night

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