sorry for asking, but do kyon and lucaon have a different life spans?

Just a spectulation. But you can see that Ms Cecilia is over 500 years old and still looks like an early middle-aged woman, so it is easy to reckon the aristocrats' life span. Actually in my opinion, Lucaon and Sihan should be at their 20s, in terms of the life span of aristocrat, so there are still a long way to go. Actually, I cannot imagine what will Lucaon be if he lose Kyon, turning into a zero immediately he would, maybe.

the last picture, where does it come from?

Can somebody help explain what happened with Edwin? Where's he?
I'm a little loss here..

I am wondering about that too. I was expecting a showdown or something. But all we got so far is that Edwin wounded Ryan and left him intentionally to die. I am not one for violence, but in this case, Edwin should be decapitated or in some form not allowed to live because he orchestrated the destruction of so many lives (eg. Lucaon and Kyon). It is like he disappeared and never existed...(⊙…⊙ )

hi, does anybody know what manga this is from?
thank you!
I love ren.. but somehow in this chapter I feel like sho is more handsome