Why the little brother gotta be so annoying :(((
If I was his sister I’d hit him once in the head just cuz. I get that the mc wants him to live without the worries of their financial situation, but that’s no reason for him to act all arrogant and rude to his sister who’s desperately making money ;(((

The story and concept is interesting and I feel awful for that girl who suicided (hopefully that bastard got into prison), but the mc is annoying me. She clearly signed the contract that said "Job before ethics" so I wish she'd be at least a little more useful... I feel like the dude is doing all the work...
Good news people!!! (Mini spoiler!)
I can’t read Korean but Undie isn’t dead!
He will be deformed tho ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
OH THANK GOD I was so scared that udine died