Asami is an insanely strong woman, more so than her own good, but still insanely strong.What’s being done to her is not right at all but I still can’t get myself to hate Rogi. Rogi has done insane and unforgivable things in the past and especially in the future and nothing excuses what he does to Tatsuyuki in the future but the desperation and isolation you see at every stage of his life is truly saddening. He’s lived a ridiculous and terrible life and with his added disposition it’s become even more twisted. Among this craziness he met Tora who lit a spark in him and gave Rogi a sense of wanting to belong for the first time in his life. Rogi doesn’t comprehend on whose toes he’s stepping in order to get what he wants. He knows but he can’t comprehend it. He can’t understand and process that. I think that’s why he’s often referred to as a child when it comes to his behaviour and understanding of certain things. I find it difficult to hate a person who although is hurting someone doesn’t actually understand how unconsciously or deliberately he’s hurting them and why even are they hurt in the first place by his actions when it doesn’t physically effect them. He doesn’t even understand his own pain so to expect him to understand another’s is kind of impossible. He’s like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory in this regard. Tora on the other hand is a whole different story. He’s a man who desires everything but will end up losing it all. The ordinary and regular life he wants he gets it from Asami and Tatsuyuki, that’s why he actually does love them both. At the same time the youth, the danger, the unpredictability and the thrill he wants and doesn’t want to lose he gets it from Rogi. Tora sees a lot of himself in Rogi but at the same time he also sees so much more that he’s not in Rogi that he wants to possess every aspect of his being. Maybe that’s not Tora’s love for Rogi but a simple want and need to possess but in any case his desire for Rogi is strong. As we know in the future Tora will lose his wife as she dies, his son will resent him and their yakuza ways and will distance himself from Tora, he’ll seperate and isolate Rogi forever making him literally beg and rebel forever just to see Tora’s face for God knows what reason. Tora will be alone in the end without anything he loved, wanted or needed. He’ll make these very people, that he so passionately desires, wallow in despair and resent him.
Asami is an insanely strong woman, more so than her own good, but still ins...